Wtf is wrong with these guys?

wtf is wrong with these guys?
>shoot up churches
>encourage people to burn American flag and Constitution
>want to poison the water supplies and cause meltdowns in nuclear plants
>one of their guys converted to Islam before killing some of the other guys
atomwaffen explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:

hi reddot

>encourage people to burn American flag and Constitution
Sounds like they have (((connections))).

Heck do they have white contactlenses? That sure is spooky

>Something (((bog))) is happening tomorrow

Did it happen?

its an edgy autistic death cult and associating with them should be avoided

>Something (((bog))) is happening tomorrow
>Did it happen?

remember that Texas church shooting?


>Need to paint conservatives in a bad light
>Form a ton of (((White supremacist))) groups all around the country.
>Write articles about the danger of these groups
>Mossad does a false flag
>Blame these groups
>Blame Sup Forums
>Blame all Trump supporters.

They sound like /ourguys/ desu

Nice alex Jones mentality

it was in Sutherland Springs if I remember correctly

If alex jones says the sky is up are you going to call me an idiot for agreeing? What described is hegelian dialectics 101. Control the thesis, control the antithesis and you control the synthesis.

Do you realize that nobody is buying the bullshit anymore? You kikes literally had to ban THOUSANDS of accounts just to maintain your bullshit narrative. You're losing bad and you don't know what to do.

Do you realize that there won't be a race war? There won't be a civil war? All that's gonna happen if you kikes keep this up is that pogroms are gonna start happening. A lot of fucking pogroms.

As far as I know there is no connection between atomic waffles happy fun time and the church shooter. I could be wrong but because it disappeared so quick o don't think it does.

they took the Siege pills


CIA or Mossad op

Mossad. The ADL has been ramping up their concern trolling about Atomwaffen.

>Devon Arthurs
>18-year-old member,
>converted to Islam
>Described himself as a "Salafist National Socialist.
>May 2017 gets triggered
> Kills two of his roommates and fellow Atomwaffen Division members
>They said bad things about pedo prophet
>Arrested following a hostage situation
>Shot 22-year-old Jeremy Himmelman and 18-year-old Andrew Oneschuk earlier that day
>Atomwaffen is hardcore
Bunch of slack jawed faggots.
KEK ! Islam fucked up an Atomwaffen

You literally have boomer conspiracy mindsets
AWD has nothing to do with Trump or retarded conservatism, you’re the one attaching your ideology to them

Atomwaffen = CIA/Mossad

Listen up faggot.
>In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.


>encourage people to burn American flag and Constitution
Nothing wrong with that.

Atom Waffle are a small group of edgy nazi larpers and purity spiralers.

Like most retarded Nazi larpers they don't even know that Hitler and the original Nazis were not purity spiralers and had no use for spergs. Hitler had plenty of jews, fags and degenerates serving under him, he was a practicalist not an idealist. If Hitler were alive today he would find TRS to be too ideologically rigid, let alone Atom Waffle.

Believe it or not, that actually does not go over too well in the USA

Just like burning the ISIS flag doesn't go over well in their area.

>neo-nazis are batshit crazy violent niggers
no shit. Are you finally going to grow out of your alt-right phase and actually become something other than an contrarian?

>Hitler wasn’t a purity spiraler
What do you think the night of long knives was you stupid fuck? So what if they had a hand full of mischlings fighting in their army

I never heard of these guys, but I hope they put up a show.

What year is this poster from? Who is the artist? Genuinely interested.

Never heard of them until I saw your post.

Wikipedia say they are terrorists, but are they actually classed as such officially?

Idk, but its written in Norwegian.

It was, unironically a removal of purity spiralers and a compromise with German conservatives.

Hitler knew Roehm was a fag and did not care.

Night of the Long Knives was about removing purity spiralers who wanted to go full Nazbol and abolish the Germany military. The fact that many of the purity spiralers were faggots was 100% coincidental.

That's just how light eyed people look with a flash camera.

Old or contemporary?

I think the text is in dutch and the time when it was made would have to be from after the US entered ww2 and before they took over the netherlands, probably 1943/1944. I don't know about the artist.

It's obviously from WW2

>its written in Norwegian.
Nevermind then, it was not dutch.

That is an anti-America, anti-KKK propaganda poster from Nazi Germany.

America is spreading racism, war, and jewery around the world.

They are just a crew of "fashy" (such a cringy term) faggots that deserve to be curbstomped and hung by their necks

It’s norwegian dumbass

alt-right drive thru anyone ?

Wtf are they doing in Texas? Are they a bunch of fags?

Don't worry, anons. You all don't realize what’s about to come.

The alt-lite is taking over, and we are getting rid of these guys AND their Muslim friends. Pic related.

It was made by the Nazis

Clearly CIA/Mossad backed disinfo/false flaggers.

Upside, you can grease CIA/Mossad disposable patsys in public and look like a hero for taking down domestic terrorists.

>burn constitution

Send these niggers to Best Korea already

I’m not alt right, neo nazi or whatever buzzword you could possibly come up with. I am however racist, and a nationalist. Not for this mutt country tho, it’s long gone.

>checks I'd
>looks at digits
My guess Mossad


kek i didnt even see that

Jared Taylor's wife is not Jewish.

>The alt-lite is taking over
Bullshit, the alt-fur is the real deal. The #antifafur can't stop them now.


Theyre meth heads

Atomwaffen is Antifa spec.ops.


the little guy standing at the bottom of the poster is where the Bioshock Infinite devs got the idea for one of their enemies.

There's nothing wrong with fucking guys though. There's something wrong with acting like a fag and demanding people to respect you.

Stop the fur-secution!

Galleanists but for the far-right

Honest question: Did Iron March ever produced anything of value?

It's a bit weird that Slavros is the grandson of Nuritdin Mukhitdinov who was the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan.

>America spreading racism
If only

Lol, who told the bald nigga to go without a hat when all the other guys have one?

>be fascist group
>name selves something really cool like
>um... atom...waffen...
fuck this gay shit

They're bulls

They're the modern day Waffen SS dumbshit show some respect

>kike detected

>They're the modern day Waffen SS dumbshit show some respect

That looks like an ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its made by Hirden, a norwegian group supported by the nazis during ww2. They tried to be more nazi than the nazis themselves.

What am I seeing exactly?

From what I heard it got to a point where half of them were spies and so it just became irrelevant

That’s a head

Oh Wow, I see it now

Imagine if Best Korea gave these guys actual WMDs like in Team America lol.

Yeah it took me a while too ha

>modern day Waffen SS
>in the US

ALWAYS keep an eye out for CIA (or mossad) niggers.

>CIA or Mossad
There's a difference?

Rank. Mossad control CIA.

Attomwaffen are autistic satanists using Nazi's for their own ends.

Here's some creepy shit from beast barracks, a channel part of the same sect of satanism 'Order of the Nine Angles" as the leadership of Atomwaffen

Notice the commie shit in the the third video, these satanists explicitly go after radical political groups to subvert them to use for their own ends. Their main goal being to collapse all of society so they can rape and murder freely "no joke, Iron Gates, required reading to join Atomwaffen is all about this premise"

Here's a debate where actual Nazi's call out Atomwaffen for their satanic autism.


Also gay stuff.

at this point, I demand a blood sacrifice. a least some one is doing something. besides, they obviously glow in the dark cia niggers

The LARP is real...

what the fuck?
this is worse than I thought

which one of them has the buttscratches

Speaking of larp here is their leader his username being "Rape" he larps Vampire the Masquerade,

Do these guys vote?

You care if they put a paper in a box every four years?

Do you use the postal service user?

Probably too busy sacrificing small animals and cutting themselves.


/Ourguys/, but very extremist.

Mixing extreme Nazism with Islam, may be a pretty brutal result i suppose.


The only Muslim was the guy who killed his two buddies, they are actually satanists as you can tell by my earlier posts. Not that is any better



Kill yourself

>the german whom destroyed countless European towns during ww2 alone calls someone a culture destroyer
My tears holy shit