Orange nigger is going to take your guns. What are you going to do about it?

Orange nigger is going to take your guns. What are you going to do about it?

We all need to listen to the God Emperor and hand in our guns voluntarily.

i dropped him the day after he was elected when he told everyone how great the Clintons are, but then i have standards.

>yes goyim
>your guns are dangerous

by saying op is a faggot and reporting slide threads.

Trump knows that another massacre could happen at any moment, and if he doesn't do something, then it will be his fault. I think Trump will support a comprehensive assault weapon ban if we have another massacre.

>OP is a faggot

t. t_d redditor


Nothing because he's not Obama. Only Obama can't take my guns and make me all red and fuzzy in my tummy.
Just like how only black guys can make me mad when they fuck my wife. White guys can have free reign. Anyone who disagrees is shareblue!


We are pussies. We talk big, but we will never raise a gun in our own defense. We are pussies


orange nigger has guns himself op, try again

>he has guns therefore he won’t take mine

Lol all Sup Forums can do is post shitty memes and deflect. It's so obvious they've been fooled by Cheeto Hitler but they're too stupid to realize it.

how cute

This post is dichotomous. "Orange nigger' You're not a Republican. You're a racist libshit. Paradox 1 "Take your guns" That's what you want to happen but you hate Trump Paradox 2. 'what are you going to do about it" Start a civil war and kill all of you Marxist mother fuckers. Should have kept your mouth shut. Paradox 3.

Trump only wants to take guns from dangerous people.
The only people who have to worry about this are niggers and kids who talk about right-wing death squads on a Cantonese mahjong enthusiasts board.

>Dorito and chief

All this mad because you got played.

Have fun without your guns, kiddo.

Why? You think he is planning on shooting up a crowd?

>What are you going to do about it?
Lose my firearms in a tragic boating accident.

Ask Syria.

Kill the people that come to take them.

Ha, jokes on him I already don't own any guns.

He's not taking any of them.

Number 1: He won't.
Number 2: Using the word "nigger" on a messaging board in 2018 is beyond pathetic. Grow the fuck up, white boy.
Number 3: He should - removing guns from the system reduces the chances of mass shootings and gun-related homicides substantially. Indeed, if you look at countries with absolute bans on common folk owning guns, you'll find that there are close to 0 fatalities from guns. If you can't do the basic math that 0 guns = 0 gun-related deaths, then you need to check into an institution for those with severe learning difficulties. Not one of you can counteract the fact that working towards a gunless state will reduce gun-related deaths. You are all a bunch of American losers without a grasp of simple logic to understand otherwise.

Armament safe havens that refuse to recognize the authority of the federal governments restriction on firearms.
If cities refuse to cooperate with feds with illegal immigrants, why can't we do the same for illegal firearms?

Listen to the God Emperor. He knows best.

Stfu nigger

I think Mueller finally has him cornered. Now they're threatening to expose him if he doesn't capitulate to the will of the Democratic party.



Bet you feel powerful saying that behind your computer for about 0.5 seconds before it dawns on you that you are a loser, an unloved, undesirable, emasculated failure in real life. The type of guy to enviously look at all the white girls holding hands and kissing their athletic black boyfriends, who you wouldn't dare make eye-contact with let alone call a nigger. You resort to E-racism to fill this void within you, but it never suffices. I don't even hate you anymore, I pity your pathetic lonely existence.

More powerful than you could imagine.

We'll see if something happens. Trump tends to say interesting things and then correct himself later. Hopefully the support for the AWB thing is one of those instances.

However, if something significantly anti-gun does pass, I will stop supporting him, refuse to comply, and try to replace him in the 2020 primary season.

He should know that his entire base is pro-gun, he ran on a pro-gun platform. Anything short of being absolutely pro-gun will be viewed as a betrayal.