>Was home from college
>Left my laptop open
>I guess my Dad snooped on it
>Saw my image folder, filled with NatSoc shit and memes
>He thinks I'm a Nazi now
I have a few hours before he comes home, I need an excuse for why all that shit was on there. Should I say I had to do a project on the Alt Right or some bs like that?
Was home from college
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you care.
Why are whitebois such cowards?
Indoctrinante him with memes
Watered down red pills?
Just straight up tell your dad how you feel, and if he doesn’t like it I guess you’re kicked out. Go make white children or something, don’t take orders from your dad anymore.
Tell him about the Jews.
>caring what your parents think
call him a pussy
Consecutive numbers had spoken.
Please OP.
It's called google drive you low Iq faggot.
Does he know that you know he looked through it? If he doesn't change you background to a picture of that gay marriage equal sign or something that looks tolerant. Also maybe donate a dollar or something to a liberal organization and when he calls you a nazi show him the donation receipt. Playing it off as a college project might be a good idea. Probably should write a page and show it to him as proof.
Tell him it's satire.
Easy muh dude explain what's meme is then explain this site and how you pretend to be a Nazi for shits and giggles
Shit half this site already does this
Had the same thing when an ex gf examined my laptop when I wasn't around.
They're for trolling.
You know it's wrong but you love the energetic debates, and you think it's actually good because it unites people against Trump. He'll eat that shit up.
Redpill your pussy of a dad.
Introduce him to post-irony
why is being a Nazi seen as evil?
>Should I say I had to do a project on the Alt Right or some bs like that?
tell him you are a nazi
Is your father a liberal?
Show him the light
just tell him you're worried about the state of things and all the polarisation and you're trying to understand what's going on. You're monitoring extremism.
If you don't bow and assert your beliefs he'll respect you. Unless he's not white in which case good luck
Show him your redpills and explain exactly why you hold the views you do. If he loves you, he'll hear what you have to say, and tell him so before you start.
Tell him memes have no deeper meaning other than existing for pure satire.
Tell him to ask you if you're racist and just answer with the obvious no. My mom tried to pull the whole "You're a Nazi" thing on me and with my amazing debate skill that I learned from being on Sup Forums since 2012, shut her down on the whole "Nazi" thing.
In what way are socialists not evil?
The mass murders I guess.
>change you background to a picture of that gay marriage equal sign or something that looks tolerant. Also maybe donate a dollar or something to a liberal organization
He's not a liberal, just a conservative. I think he might be an Israel supporter too so he would probably be mad about all the kike shit i had on for there.
Ya I'm thinking I'll say I started investigating this shit for a project and then began saving images to understand their point of view
Hitlers version of socialism was different
>when larping goes wrong
seriously just grow up
Maybe, but it was still evil.
You calmly explain that you are an ethnonationalist.
It's not out of hate. Its out of a desire to preserve diversity and allow the self determination of people. Leave colonial countries as melting pots, and let every other race have an ethnistate homeland.
It can be done without Prussian militarism and that would be the best way to structure the world.
Stand behind your convictions. If you can't share them with your own family, then you are too much of a coward to help your people.
Just say you were just memeing him, haha it wuz prank you on toobs now teehee Logan Paul 2 mill subs
Redpill him hardcore. It's your only hope.
You know what you have to do, user.
Stop being a pussy and stand up for your beliefs
This is fucking America dammit! Don’t let these boomers and kikes control you!
>labtop has no password
How fucking stupid are you?
The way to do it is own up to it, say "so what" , and have more ambition in life to continue building. more so than pre-discovery.
> having a leftist cuck of a dad
When my dad saw my natsoc and pro-white shit on my laptop a year ago, all he said was. " I raised you right user, thought you would end up being a liberal pussy like kids your age", and just left to the living room.
Tell him you a patriot wanting to keep the true american values.
Tell him that you feel like the american dream is forgoten and lost.
Tell him that your freedom is in danger because of all the fake news.
Tell him you are seeking truth and your own path in old traditions because previous generations got it right.
You have some seriously incompetent parents if that excuse actually works.
>both parents seem red pilled
>mom actually said she wasn't going to let some group "jew" her one time
Show them the light, user. Don't let this chance get away
I don't know I think my dad might force himself to believe it and shrug it off
>he doesn't openly talk about hating niggers and wishing Hitler would come back with his dad
How can a man even be a man if he doesn't understand the Jewish issue?
Better than him finding you big dicked shemale folder.
You're faced with the impossible task right now - explaining meme culture to a gen-X-er.
BOGspeed, user.
communists did those tenfold
My parents already know im a right wing extremist. Luckily they low key hate niggers too, as having lived in the south and constantly being forced to interact with them gave them perspective. Still havent gotten them around the the "european style socialists" question.
Tell him it’s for ironic jokes on a message board
Why would he even care, Nazi stuffis the least of my concerns if he finds my 4cham image folder
OP you do realize this is a 18+ only board eh? Sorry but reported.
I'm a fucking monkey and my father did nothing when he saw my Natsoc shitpost image folder. I said I was not a natsoc (due to obvious reasons) but I support these ideas to be implemented in white countries.
He just nodded and left my room.
>he is a protestant pastor who actually studied real history, not the kike versions
Op, you should just redpill your father on Nazism.
>Hitler did nothing wrong.
No just own it you weak fuck. My whole family knows my beliefs, and i redpill them everyday. My younger sister is aware of the issues facing our people and knows she is only allowed to date whites.
a few questions OP:
1: is your dad a FAGGOT?
2: are you a FAGGOT?
Just be yourself you fucking pussy.
he's underaged
Ya I'm in college, I'm 19 buddy
I really don't know how he's going to react. My little brother just told me he was angry earlier
kill them
show them all
Be a man of character and own your beliefs. Anything else, at all, is a failure.
Checked. Sixth post best post
Be a man faggot if your not willing to take a bullet for your beliefs then you truly do not believe in anything at all.
so? my desktop picture is this and i borrow this pc to my mom to take to her school for works
>He thinks I'm a Nazi now
better than a homo jew
In Northern Italy in 1983, seventeen year-old Elio begins a relationship with visiting Oliver, his father's research assistant, with whom he bonds over his emerging sexuality, their Jewish heritage, and the beguiling Italian landscape.
Be a man, what the fuck.
tell him you were just jerkin off
Good, you should come out of the closet while you're at it
why do you have nazi pics in your pc user
there is no easy way out. push positive acomplishments as much as you can and downplay your commitment to any ideology that the TV said was bad (its just for lulz). keep eye contact. pause 1 second before saying anything to maintain conversational consistency in you responses. try to make him laugh. humanize yourself with good nastalgic memories and positive outlook and good feels
What did kek (code for kill all kikes) mean by this?
just kill him and make it look like an embarassing accident
dont tell him any lies. but you dont also need to tell your most racist pov. just play down everything that he might have found offensive and carefully explain to him with confidence how you came to these ideas. im pretty sure he is not gonna emancipate you or something like that, he might even end up agreeing with you. just try to sound as normal as possible.
Literally this.
>he doesn't have pictures of Hitler looking goofy to shitpost
But user, he didn't violate the NAP, did he?
What is it with Sup Forums and retards constantly leaving unsecured devices around other people
nevermind fuck that
this. make it sound normal. dont tell him everything.
You're already in too deep OP this is your only saving grace at this point.
Just how him amren.com and tell him to be optimistic that there are peaceful options.
Lay out exactly what you believe and why. You're 19 thus probably retarded anyway and sperg out about muh ZOG, but try to keep calm and if he brings it up clearly explain what you think. You have no choice anyway, you got caught. Might as well present yourself as a man.
If he asks, tell him to fuck off and quit being a soyboy.
Tell him you like the aesthetics of nazi germany.
Or that you just like to collect different photos from historic events (create a fake folder of US cities from around 1940).
ask him which part he thinks hitler did wrong. ask him which parts of feminism, white genocide and multiculturalism he is so concerned with defending. ask him why hes a boomer cuckold fagot. if he's not a faget he'll be proud of you. if he is a fagit well, hopefully it's not genetic.
Just say you were hodling it for a friend, and that you love jews in all their shapes and forms
lol autoerotic asphyxiation
I have tons of Nazi memes and have no interest in joining them. I just like edgy political humor.
Tell him the truth
Your dad is the real Nazi here if the first thing he did with your open laptop was go through your files.
Tell him you are sick of jewish tricks
Well you're in college and your dad snooped through your shit and you're worried about some dumb memes he found? I'd be pissed he went through my stuff honestly. I mean if he knows you then he shouldn't be worried and he shouldn't have been looking in the first place. Imo you don't owe him an explanation he's the one who invaded your privacy and didn't like what he found.
Say at least I’m no homo
no, just say you have an interest in military history, and, after all, the nazis wrote the book on modern combat.
boom. context.
unless its mainly pics of hitler and shit, and not pics of tiger tanks and me-262s. theeeeeen you have to be reeeeealllll careful on your explanation....
OP stopped developing at 13
This is what I was thinking.
I agree the older you get, the more you more move away from leftist ideas