I work as a nurse in a Transgender clinic that provides therapy, puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones to Transgender children and adolescents. Ask me anything.
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R u rdy for eternal hell? Do u want to repent to jesus christ
how do you sleep at night?
Go back to reddut
Do you enjoy working for the Devil?
i want to be a nurse to but not one for fags like you kys
How can you live with yourself?
A conpletely serious question.
Nothing about my job is disturbing. I've been there for 5 years and have had several patients I've seen since I started. Seeing them grow up into happy young adults is pretty neat.
What is the address to where you work?
seeing how about half of them commit suicide, I wouldn't call that a happy adult.
The dude who coined gender theory was a literal mad scientist who made two brothers fuck each other and kill themselves.
Do parents or patients ask for the puberty blockers? That's always seemed bizarre to me. Like, doesn't not going through puberty cause problems? I have this vague fear of overbearing parents asking doctors to stop puberty so "my baby doesn't grow up" or something.
does any parent go in and force their child with a sex change
None of our patients have committed or attempted suicide after coming to our clinic.
Half of all transgender people in the world have attempted suicide at one point in their life, is the statistic you're thinking of.
Breh just don't get too crushed when they commit suicide or when their surrounding can no longer keep up with their unhinged degeneracy and ostracizes them.
Having "gender dysphoria" must be hard (I think really they have other problems but it's easier to project them onto something tangible like "le wronng gender"), but genital mutilation is no answer
How do you sleep at night? Mishandling mental ill people and calling it 'her bodies , It ./ Whatever'
somebody post the diary of a tranny with dilation pics
if that isn't disturbing then I'm the queen of England
>None of our patients have committed or attempted suicide after coming to our clinic.
yet. Wait 'til they reach adulthood and realize they've been robbed of their biological identity by sick and evil propagandists like yourself.
I am not a religious man, but I hope Hell exists.
Both the parents and patients request puberty blocking, at the urging of the patients.
The criteria for puberty blocker prescription are:
--A long-lasting and intense pattern of gender non-conformity or gender dysphoria
--Gender dysphoria emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty
--Any coexisting psychological, medical, or social problems are stable enough to start treatment
--The adolescent has given informed consent, and the parents/guardians have given consent and are involved in supporting the adolescent throughout the treatment process.
Many of the parents who come in are scared for their children; they simply want them to have a happy life.
While I've been at the clinic for only five years, they've been doing this program for almost a decade, and we keep up with our patients. They do quite well as young adults. There are numerous studies on the topic, one of which I can direct you to.
That was more of a pamphlet than an answer and I don't really mean that in a good way. Why do parents think puberty is going to keep their children from having a happy life? What makes a child scared of puberty to the point that it needs to be stopped for the psychological well being? How long do you people stop puberty? What happens to a child who never goes through puberty? What kind of screening do you do to make sure the child hasn't been coerced into presenting symptoms of gender dysphoria (for both munchausen's and "eternal baby" hoverparents)?
Why do you support brainwashing of children?
What is it like to cut a guys dick off and do you feed them to pets?
What’s wrong with being happy with the body you were born with? You don’t need to pay Pfizer thousands of dollars for hormone “treatment” to enjoy life. Chromosomes remain the same anyway.
Do you get to watch little trannies stroke their feminine micropenises all day as a confidence building therapy?
you're a good person. thanks for trying to reach out. good luck.
Did OP try to reach out?
Do any of the patients become infertile? If yes, what are the percentages? Thank you for the info.
sage and kys
He tried to reach around
In what field do I need to put Sage?
>That was more of a pamphlet than an answer and I don't really mean that in a good way.
Apologies, you posted a misconception as to why these patients receive puberty blocking, so I posted to you the criteria we follow.
>Why do parents think puberty is going to keep their children from having a happy life?
Because it is keeping them from having a happy life, as part of a long-existing pattern of gender dysphoria in the patients.
Gender dysphoria is, to summarize, a profound distress with one's birth sex, and the physical and social features associated with it. Many of our patients present to the clinic with anxiety and depression disorders related to their gender dysphoria.
>What makes a child scared of puberty to the point that it needs to be stopped for the psychological well being?
Gender dysphoria.
>How long do you people stop puberty?
Trained endocrinologists guide the process. Typically, puberty is blocked up until age 15 or 16, at which point the patient either must end the puberty blocking, or begin cross-sex hormone treatment. None of our patients has decided not to undergo cross-sex hormone therapy, so far, but the option is certainly open and would be encouraged to them. We want what is best for them.
>What happens to a child who never goes through puberty?
Everyone at our clinic will eventually undergo puberty, we simply block the process until they are older and can make an informed decision about cross-sex hormones.
>What kind of screening do you do to make sure the child hasn't been coerced into presenting symptoms of gender dysphoria (for both munchausen's and "eternal baby" hoverparents)?
As specialist pediatricians, we undergo extensive training on recognizing signs of coercion and abuse. All of our patients undergo months to years of regular therapy, group sessions, and evaluations. We take the well-being of our patients with the utmost seriousness.
It's uncouth to tell people to kill themselves but you're literally a child abuser so literally go kill yourself.
what percentage of the patients have pensis? 95%? I pray you repent. But, if you don't, I think you should be executed by verdict of a jury of your peers for the sexual violence you enact on these children.
Actually, most of our patients are females (63%).
Believe it or not, as a government-funded and overseen clinic, we do not engage in sexual violence against children.
>Everyone at our clinic will eventually undergo puberty, we simply block the process until they are older and can make an informed decision about cross-sex hormones.
So the idea is just to delay puberty until they're 18? What's high school like for a kid who doesn't go through puberty? Do they feel like they're missing out on adolescence with other children? How do their sexual preferences and romantic development differ from children who go through puberty at the normal time.
I am kind of offended that you're saying I have misconceptions when it is clear that I am simply ignorant. But here is a misconception (perhaps) that I do have. You answer a couple of questions with a flat answer of "gender dysphoria." There was a time in this country where doctors would answer questions like mine with, "They're feebleminded" or "They're hysterical." They, too, would explain away curiosity and concern with sterile textbook definitions. Then they would pressure parents to lobotomize or sterilize their children for the sake of the child's happiness. How is this different? In my ignorance, it is disturbingly similar in its brusque self-assurance.
are you jew?
End yourself.
How many dicks do you cut off on a bi-weekly basis?
You abuse children for a living. You are pedophile tier.
And one day in the future you'll feel bad for it.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet for engaging in child abuse that ruins lives?
You're a fucking criminal, and one day, you should hang for what you do, providing you're not just LARPing. Tranny enablers are walking piles of human shit.
>part of a long-existing pattern of gender dysphoria
When I was 6 I wanted to be a tiger. Children are retarded.
>anxiety and depression
Children are moody.
You are sick.
Also post proof with timestamp or GTFO.
A badge, a degree, stationery, etc.
>So the idea is just to delay puberty until they're 18?
Usually 16
>What's high school like for a kid who doesn't go through puberty? Do they feel like they're missing out on adolescence with other children?
Oh yeah, definitely. We have our patients who would really prefer to have puberty at 13 or 14, however, we are cautious as this is a new treatment route. The experience early in high school is not unique to them, though; delayed puberty up until age 16 is actually quite common. Some of our female patients do feel left behind in sports, though, as most of their male peers are having male puberty and developing heightened athleticism.
>How do their sexual preferences and romantic development differ from children who go through puberty at the normal time.
That's really hard to say, because I don't interact with regular kids their age nearly as often. Our patients display mostly the same romantic preferences as the gender they identify as, though. Statistically, more of them seem to be bisexual or queer identifying, but it's pretty hard to say with a population as small as ours, and with how open the youth, especially these youths, are with homosexuality these days.
>I am kind of offended that you're saying I have misconceptions when it is clear that I am simply ignorant.
My apologies, then.
1/2, continued
Are you going to stop helping to abuse and torture children?
>There was a time in this country where doctors would answer questions like mine with, "They're feebleminded" or "They're hysterical." They, too, would explain away curiosity and concern with sterile textbook definitions.
The reason I fall back to these definitions is that gender dysphoria is quite difficult to understand for somebody who does not have it. What we do know is that our patients present with profound discomfort with their birth sex. The patients who we prescribe puberty blocking feel depression, anxiety, and hopelessness about the idea of growing into an adult of their birth sex. These feelings are consistent, persistent, and insistent, being displayed for at least 6 months prior to any medical intervention on our part. Clinical experience with adult transgender people who did not have puberty blocked shows mental health outcomes that are quite distressing, and contrast sharply to the positive and normal outcomes of our patients.
As a 6 year old child, did you insistently, consistently, and persistently identify as a tiger for 6 months or longer, and did you experience severe emotional distress over the idea of not being a tiger?
>insistently, consistently, and persistently identify
>experience severe emotional distress
According to who? Every time I've seen tranny parents it's weak men and psychotic women projecting onto their child. It's sick and disturbing.
When a baby cries, is it in severe emotional distress?
If you could stop it from crying with chemicals and surgery, would you?
not a tiger, it was pokemon
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I have this comic somewhere. Have you read it?
Do you think these kids should be able to consent to sex at the youngest ages that you start these "treatments"? I mean, you think they should be making a decision about their sexuality and expression of it at that age... don't you think they are too immature to make that decision? Especially considering most of these kids would grow out of it once they go through puberty.
Also, how the fuck do you justify to yourself treating a mental illness (gender dysphoria) by encouraging the mental illness to continue. Is there any other instance of where we do this is mental health? I can't think of any. And why are medical doctors treating psychological illnesses?
Because she's a lesbian and lesbians hate society and are mentally ill, so they like to encourage mental illness because those mentally ill people are the only people who take them seriously.
This is the gayest thing I've read all day.
Do not reply to b-tier threads. Report them.
You are the one actually robbing them of their identity. Probably with the help of a dumb mom. You should be forced to have the Fathers signature before these procedures, as well as the mothers, but Father more importantly.