>Steve Scalise: "Typically, these shooters are males, their white..."
>Trump: "Their cowards!"

Other urls found in this thread:

minute 26:35

Does nobody realize that Trump exposed the democrats on the national stage? Every time he invites people into that conference room to discuss shit they feel a sense of comfort and that exposes their true colors.


Fuck this kike

Don't mind the shills. You have to be retarded not to see Trump is baiting them like he did with DACA by making them an offer they can't accept.

They've cockblocked him all along and now he's fucking with them before the midterms by giving them the choice between cucking or going full commie. The Dems have no choice but to alienate the radicals or the moderates.

Mueller's coming. I think that they are pushing all this gun legislation in the hopes that the kikes can take out Trump and force pence to sign it all.

Fucking kikes.

>HAHA he exposed then glurrrp glurppp,the normie sure visits Sup Forums and he is well aware of the jewish schemes that have been happening since 1945,glurpp glurrp MAGA

>da joooos
shut up you dumb niggers

People will ignore this not because it isnt true but because its Sup Forums thus right or wrong doesnt matter. Stirring the pot because of boredom matters.

>if I say nigger they wont think I am a shill

it's like something out of a painting

nice thanks for posting this

You can't make this stuff up.

goddamn, the video that will lose Trump his 2020 bid.

Let's not even go there with her being Jewish.

She's literally a gun grabbing Commiefornia Democrat ecstatic the Trump wants to take away guns and attack the NRA.

Is Trump retarded? Is her in shock over Hope Hicks? Is his head on straight?

For fucks sake. This looks bad.

Picture speaks a trillion words.

Who controls who?

>No. They're bulls.

I have a fucking letter sitting in front of my that came in the mail from the Trump team, desperately asking what general direction he needs to go or do and if the people still support him with the conveinent section to attach credit card information to "bolster a war chest" which, a sitting President doesn't fucking need at all.


Ok? What's your point?


For real, why do Jews rub their hands together creepily like that? Is it hereditary?

>shooters are typically white

This bitch is gonna get cucked out of her seat in California by the POCs?

She want gun control as a victory to save her seat?

Trump better be fucking with her and not us.

Democrats: We aren't after your guns
>Shakes with unstoppable joy at thought of it

They are, but they're also typically on psychoactive drugs. Drugs that only mysteriously came to the market after MKULTRA, really makes you think.


>he's some omnipresence playing intergalactic 6D chess
>sends out these surveys begging for information on where he fucked up or what he should do, begging for money
>turns around and fucking ignores it anyway
he didn't expose shit on the democrats that everyone already fucking knew about. what he exposed, was that he was willing to go against his constituents and those who fucking support him since protecting the 2nd amendment was a major part of his platform

THATS why Feinstein is laughing. Not because he might work with them, but because he just buttfucked himself on live TV. The left got what they wanted.

Could you guys link me to the original video ? I've been searching for an hour and I can't find the precise moment where feinstein merchants out.


It's not the correct one, the camera isn't pointed at her when she does it.

Donald The Gigacuck Good Goy Trump

Exactly what did he expose?



It's a fucking eagle you retard

>"Their cowards!"

We already know their true colors, you dumb fuck. You act like this is some kind of new revelation. They've been trying to ban guns for the past 10+ years. Trump isn't accomplishing anything here, in fact, it looks like he's going along with their agenda.

Sup Forums isn't America you moron.

>t-the goy, the did it!

We just went through 8 years of Obama and his administration trying to ban guns. Gun owners are already well aware, trust me.

>don't release around the midterms

Seems to indicate the findings are worthless and Democrats don't want the investigation to wrap up with nothing to show for it when people are about to vote on stuff

Seems to me that Mueller isn't going after Trump.

Correct.. In negotiating gun control you are essentially destroying the entire pro gun narrative that it isn't the weapon but the person using it.

> Anonymous (ID: uqeGBip5) 03/01/18(Thu)01:28:58 No.162274756▶
>Sup Forums isn't America you moron.
> Anonymous (ID: wF6XShOS) 03/01/18(Thu)01:29:55 No.162274855▶
>>t-the goy, the did it!

Stop the bad guns, daddy.


The same damn look on his face when he decided to give 1.8 million people amnesty.

Trump is a typical boomer. I'm fucking done with this generation of cowards. I hope when the West implodes they lose everything.

Pics or it didn't happen you little faggot


I find myself doing this whole excited it's weird but it feel sooo good

Is it autism? It would certainly explain her fixation.

Everyone already knows that democrats want gun control. All Trump exposed is that he's a spineless faggot.

People like you need to be castrated.

>Let's not even go there with her being Jewish.
>She's literally a gun grabbing Commiefornia Democrat
So, a Jew?


This is the single most literally autistic thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums and that is not a compliment.

>me after seeing that video on my way for a friendly chat to congress

Unreal. It never ends