If anybody on here actualy read up on it, hes only raising the age range, taking away bump stocks...

if anybody on here actualy read up on it, hes only raising the age range, taking away bump stocks, and implementing backround checks, your guns are fine. this only affects you if your a psychopath

Other urls found in this thread:


>old enough to fight for israel
>not old enough to own a gun


>affects you if your a psychopath
"oh you visit x right wing site? DENIED"


to be fair he beter specify the backround checks real quick

MINUTE 26:35

He's a chickenshit. Kowtowing to liberals makes him a complete spineless fuck. Rand Paul would have told them to all fuck off.

Is that why he agreed that people who are deemed "mentally unfit" by the government should have their property seized without due process first?

t. actual conservative

>"shall not be infringed"
>is constantly infringed upon

explain this

I have bought several guns and filled out at least 10 background checks. There is nothing you can add to them to make it more "enhanced"

Why is OP always a massive faggot?

if your on meds for a mental illness, have been admited to a mental hospital, Sup Forums users

implying everyone on this board isnt a psychopath

I just ordered a bump stock for my AR, so you can lick my dirty sack, you fucking cuck bitches

why does user make a claim without explaining himself first


go fuck your mother in the ass

>he's only doing literally everything democrats have asked for and more


hes pandering, he just wants cnn to stop breathing down his neck so he can concentrate

>Suck this man's dick. What? Are you homophobic? That means you're a psychopath. Give me your guns.


>He's only restricting it a bit goy everything will be fine when have the government ever implemented a policy in salami slices before?

Stay calm everyone. This is the "Trump bombing a Syrian airfield" of the gun issue.

He's only pushing to ban gun free zones now grabbler. Get fucked.

>He's only violating your rights a little bit, so it's okay!

No. He's a chickenshit. He could just disregard them, or make jokes at their expense.
But he's seriously going through with this shit, and idiots like you sucking his cock need to GTFO.

Meanwhile, I guess I'll have to buy a few hundred kilos of potassium nitrate and potassium chlorate.

i was born a sociopath and have never committed a crime, why should my rights be taken away?

>tfw the government doesn't let me drive without a license, take a test, force a provisional license, and made me wait till i was 16
Fuck you

ahahahahahahahahah TRUMPTARDS are pathetic , they shitted on obama for so long , DAILY REMINDER THAT OBONGO NEVER TOUCHED YOUR WEAPONS while this retard did .

Yes you can. A 4473 is NOT enough NY, CT, NJ, Mass are the only ones getting it right. A stringent local background check needs to be done and the prohibited purchasers need to be enhanced. Someone could get arrested 100x get 100 violent misdemeanors and be taking anti depressants but because they dont have a felony or DV misdemeanor or invountary commitment they cant be denied.


Felons don't buy guns at gun stores you dunce.
These laws are made to inconvenience legal buyers.

Lol and it literally doesn’t even matter because the House won’t pass any of this shit.

UBC is a backdoor registration scheme. Private sales were specifically exempted from the original NICS bill for a reason.

Nobody gives a fuck about bump stocks. They're incredibly easy to make and it's a waste of legislative effort.

I'm not too concerned about the age thing, but they should at least drop the age to own revolvers if they're wanting to bump up the age to own semi-auto rifles.

I was born a pedophile. Why should i give up my right to masturbate?