
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump w/Congress members on School Safety 2/28/18
>Pres Trump @Billy Graham Memorial 2/28/18
>SurgGen Adams/OMB Dir Mulvaney @Natl Assoc of AGs 2/28/18
>Pres Trump/EdSec DeVos on HBCUs 2/27/18
>VP Pence/HUDSec Sleep Carson @Natl Religious Broadcasters Conv 2/27/18
>VP Pence @Life Issues Institute 2/27/18
>AG Sessions on new Opioid Policy 2/27/18
>AG Sessions @Natl AG meeting 2/27/18
>NSA/US CyberCom Cmdr Adm Rogers @Senate Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>US CentCom Cmdr Gen Votel @House Armed Srv Cte 2/27/18
>FED Chair Powell @House Financial Serv Cte 2/27/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/27/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/27/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @Governor's meeting 2/26/18
>FLotUS Melania @Governor's Luncheon 2/26/18
>VP Pence @Indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>2nd Lady Karen @indiana Society of Washington 2/26/18
>DepAG Rosesnstein on Fed LE 2/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 2018 as Irish-American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Irish Americans to our Nation with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.



Why is the orange Cheeto touching my second amendment!!!!!


I've never spoken out against Trump but come on. That meeting was ridiculous.
>Taking guns without due process, restricting age, restricting media
He promised he’d make the 2A stronger and that it would be safe under his presidency. Period

unironically Shitty pillows


>talk about banning guns
>approval immidently rises
That just proves Americans want gun control. Joe is right.

Help me choose


i've never heard 1 single good thing about them lol

If you want a Supreme Court ruling on the Hughes Amendment and NFA you have to get a case in front of them. What better way to get that case in there than by making an act of Congress so blatantly fucking obviously unconstitutional; like way, way, way fucking more than Obamacare; that the Supreme Court would be forced to rule the idea of gun controls unconstitutional as a whole? It's either genius or authentically wacko, but it's the sort of gambit I would expect from the GEOM at this point.

Delete this
>desu it does feel pretty subversive to have an entire month just for the eternal Hibernian

>orange Cheeto
As opposed to a green cheeto?

get the knife

Trump is a gun grabbing faggot

>Art of the Deal
>Think Big
>How to Get Rich
>Great Again
Any suggestions which to read next?

Get off you ass Jeff!

Bag > Knife > hat

Screw the Repubs. I'm voting Dem. next time if they are pro second amendment. I swear this is the last time I'm being deceived

>contributions of Irish Americans to our Nation

Name ONE


I don't give a fuck about bump stocks and I'm over 21, remind me why I should feel betrayed by Trump again please

>oy vey goyim
>i was nearly assassinated by terrorists!
>they killed 6 million of my relatives with AR15 machine guns!
>i tell you, it was anotha shoah!

>Canadian doesn't care what's at stake because his guns were already taken away in 1996

>televised for the nation to see
>"oh maybe Trump isn't so bad afterall"
>"oh shit we need to get out and vote"

>take the guns first, worry about due process later
Yikes. That’s a bad one. That’s a quote that Trump’s enemies will be able to use for months to come.

Here is a first: this is the one case I don't want the fucking illegal alien deported.
> bring back the noose

it's clear nothing matters
im never voting again

I mean, this.
Honestly this is unironically the first move I am completely against, even the foreign stuff never bothered me.


>I'm voting Dem. next time if they are pro second amendment



We played both sides of the Civil War Sassenach

st paddys day

>Does anyone really want to let 18 year olds buy guns?

Has seen red fire Cheetos. Gtfo gun grabbing faggot.

come on son, don't reply to the baiting blackpillers


Reminder to all the concern shills, Trump isn't coming for our guns.

He never caved on DACA and won't cave on our second amendment.

Have faith.

>mfw I saw Feinsteins Jew handrubbing joy

hey /ptg/ don't worry, you still got the wall

>[psyop intensifies]

Wtf I hate guns now.

We can only hope that Trump won’t fall for such ingratiating, but as we all know, Trump’s biggest foible is ingratiation. That’s how Jeffy Yen got his AG spot.

>That’s a quote that Trump’s enemies will be able to use for months to come.
Months? Had Trump said that in the primaries Cruz would have got the delegates

>He promised he’d make the 2A stronger and that it would be safe under his presidency

Yes, five days ago at cpac. Ten seconds before saying that the number one reason incumbent parties lose midterms is COMPLACENCE. Really makes me think

Kennedy has cucked out and so has Roberts. They just refused another case on carry permits a few months ago. We need Ginsberg to die if we want any more cases before SCOTUS on 2a.


>pro second amendment

Salt Lake City a shit. Fucks the entire state's demographics up.

Heads up boi. The sandnigger senator from Cali and Pelosi are in trouble: their constituents don't think they're liberal enough.

>all this shill salt
I hope they don't do it for free, I really do hope

> reddit screencaps
user, plz


I have one and love it.
Pretty sad I am traveling for biz and forgot it at home desu.

fuck trump

If you do that become self sufficent and build up your community user, that way when things fall apart you will be prepared
Unless you are in a city in which case F


Trump is 6'7''.

And then all the DACAfags would have gotten teddy bears. Yikes.

But Trump is 6'2.

fuck trump

The knife, it’s illegal in bongland

>spoiler: first part of the the Wall isolated California just as ICE vacates and federal funds are cut.

nah fuck it that cunt jewvanka needs to shut her fifth ave, cunt mouth. Guaranteed this is her doing

The wall will protect americans, not liberties

The gun is the tool of choice for wannabe murderers everywhere, not the knife. Why is this, I wonder?

Gosh, it's bad out their /ptg/ Just got my hands on the last DPMS AR-15 in the whole county, only $2349 out the door. Might be the last chance ever to get one so I had to pony up the money. Anyone else getting in before you can't anymore?

Peanut butter.

The worst part is there ARE people out there that will do this




G-guys, when the ATF shows up at my domicile to collect up my baby killing assault rifle 15s do I greet them with coffee or cookies? I want to be a polite host to our hard working law enforcement officials. MAGA

knives are cool.

All in all I say this is SHILLCON 4. Uncoordinated outsiders trying to blend in in the legitimate discontent and dissent.
Nothing like airfield bombing and subsequent madness (SHILLCON 2) or Trump losing Iowa (SHILLCON 1)

You all know that Trump's just gonna tweet "FUCK GUN CONTROL, MORE MASS SHOOTINGS" tomorrow morning during Fox and Friends, right?

>"Fuck Trump I'm not voting for him in the midterms!"
People are aware Trump is not on a ballot in the midterms and it's for congress members to pass bills, right?
>also "let the democrats get more seats, that'll teach Trump!" (?)

no politician supports the constitution anymore

>I'm voting Dem. next time if they are pro second amendment


>reddit posts

Goodbye Hope

Holy shit the catalog is full of shills tonight
Trump's not going to take anyone's guns, and the bump stock thing is a political maneuver.

why do so many people think that the executive branch writes and passes legislation? trump CAN'T grab guns for fuck's sake. nothing is going to happen except...
>1 - taking Ds talking points away from them JUST LIKE DACA
>2 - increasing Rs turnout in midterms

I'm so glad Trump just got in bed with the democrat party and decided he's going to go back on his campaign promise and confiscate our guns to his pagan god Diane (((Feinstein))).

Thanks, Trump. Not only did you help democraps chip away our ability to protect ourselves, but you're eventually going to be impeached by them too. Please, please announce next week that the wall was figurative and that you plan to take in 10 million illegals and muslims a year next.

>The worst part is there ARE people out there that will do this
They always come back.

Bake them a Pepe cake.

>bad out their
Retards like you shouldn't be able to buy guns, Cletus.

Greet them with Illegal Moonshine.

Trump stole mine from my hands and fed it to Chris Christe right before my eyes.


I'm going to challenge Trump to a fight and become the new president when I win.

The outsiders are pretty obvious though, no?
>oh hey everyone is pissed with Trump over guns
>guys why not vote for Democrats?!
I mean come on, I could shill better


This picture is really well lit and defined for a shitpost on this board. Artsy.