When do we end this shit?

When are we as americans going to stand up and retake our land?

Europeans and the like need not reply.

Drink less almond soy latte shit.

I said, europeans need not reply, what help are you going to be in OUR civil war?

when they push too far
the longer we can delay action, the more reserves we can build up
more guns, more ammo, more supplies, more men

i dunno i think the M.I.C. and F.I.RE (finance insurance realestate) are too stronk, i can't see americans getting out without help. iran is free of big finance, russia is free of big gmo, pray that they turn the tides globally and the sanity seeps into america from the outside in.

A war requires opposing factions. Can you give an overview of the various sides in this supposed conflict? That is the problem, you can't. There is no clearly defined boundary to take or hold. Your enemy is your neighbor, your coworker, your fellow parishioner. The next war in America will be fought house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood.

Haven't they been pushing too far for the last 50 years? I'd say we need to get moving and start passing out flyers door to door about joining your local militia.

I'm concerned we are close to a tipping point.

The people versus hoards of communists, minorities, and the federal government.

urban areas will destroy themselves, rural areas are usually homogenous enough to stick together

I have a great job and life is getting better. Why should I do anything. The future of my family is secure. I