South Africa votes to confiscate white-owned land without compensation

Other urls found in this thread:

> “THE time for reconciliation is over.”

> Now is the time for justice,” Mr Malema was quoted by News24 as telling parliament. “We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.”

> ANC rural affairs minister Gugile Nkwinti added, “The ANC unequivocally supports the principle of land expropriation without compensation. There is no doubt about it, land shall be expropriated without compensation.”

> Pieter Groenewald, leader of the Freedom Front Plus party representing the white Afrikaner minority, asked what would happen to the land once it was expropriated. “If you continue on this course, I can assure you there is going to be unforeseen consequences that is not in the interest of South Africa,” he said.

> Cope leader Mosiuoa Lekota said there was a “danger that those who think equality in our lifetime equates that we must dominate whites”, News24 reported.

> Mr Malema has been leading calls for land confiscation, forcing the ANC to follow suit out of fear of losing the support of poorer black voters. In 2016, he told supporters he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people‚ at least for now”.

Why? It's not like niggers can farm.

Bump. Not letting this die.

we need to make a SA general thread, we have to spread this red pill to normies.


Maybe those stupid boers will finally get off their asses and evacuate at last. Better yet, they should slaughter every black on the fucking continent, but who would back them? Putin or Iran? Fat chance.


You are a rootless cuck for saying this, giving up your fatherland because you rather be alive.

reminder that there is 4 million whites in South Africa, the entire population of Ireland.

posters saying ''this doesn't matter'' are shills