I do not usually like dubs, but there is a vast amount of shows i only watch dub. are people that say subs are the only wat to watch anime and that "all dubs are trash" just people who didnt grow up on dubs?
OP here, i think that a large portion of dubs do not contain any real emotion, making the them bad. on top of that, the translations are sometimes waaay off, making the lack of emotion far worse. or maybe the bad translation makes dubs lack emotion?
Julian Smith
The vast majority of voice acting in anime, both in English and Japanese, is trash tier voice acting. But weeaboos who don't speak Japanese can't tell how bad Japanese voice acting is, so they fall under the impression that only English dubs are trash.
Ryder Mitchell
>dubs Check mine, then fuck off and kill yourself.
Jace Gutierrez
Most dub voice actors are mediocre and there are not enough "good" ones out there. The end result is that you are either going to have a cast that you heard a thousand times already or that is mediocre (and those aren't mutually exclusive). Even if the main cast is good or even great you are going to have a bad time trying to find a dub where the side characters have not abysmal performances. My favorite voice actors (Crispin Freeman) don't dub anime anymore. And the translations make me dagnabbit mad sometimes.
Even mainstream dubbing is trash. Germany dubs nearly everything in existence and even our hollywood blockbuster dubs fail to not make me cringe everytime.
Zachary Foster
I only like some English dubs. Code Geass, Death Note, HxH 2011 and Psycho Pass are all GOAT.
Jaxson Phillips
yeah, but if japanese isnt your native language/you are well versed in it, you cant tell. so that is why sub is better most of the time.
Jace Peterson
>Hunter x Hunter i do not feel the same way >code geass muh dick
Cameron Foster
Why did you start with an image from an anime that doesn't have a dub?
Justin Walker
woops. im tipsy tonight.
as in, i know that the japanese VAs sound bad, such as the forced high pitch and fast talking, but you just cant notice it as bad as english voice actors.
maybe its the disconnect from my native language of english. i hear an english voice no some blue haired girl, such as aqua, and it just seems trash.
that is an example though. not that aqua has a dub, at least i think
Juan Long
Found out recently that some dubs are so inaccurate the dialogue is rewritten and idiots insert their own real life bullshit into it. Never want to watch a dub ever again.
James Harris
because i am stupid and i just saw that picture first, senpai.
Ryan Hughes
what are some Sup Forums approved dubs?
David Moore
NGE is the only one
Aiden Brown
dude, dont even try
Nathan Powell
Don't forget to sage dubfag threads.
Wyatt Sanders
new fag detection is off the charts
Jose Watson
fuck off
Cameron Sullivan
Really could not determine if this was subtle bait or just typical konosuba newfriend. Bravo
Evan Nelson
G Gundam (Allegedly)
Luis Allen
Dubs are trash in a multitude of ways
1. The timing of the jokes\gags is almost always fucked up or they are outright cut from the script 2. Most of the time VA's cant match the characters appearance\mannerisms due to the poor script and acting. In serious cases that leads to memery i.e. youtube.com/watch?v=MwhgHz3Fm3o
3. This
Christian Gray
Why you should never watch a dub youtube.com/watch?v=tEXurYaIHao /thread
Joshua Collins
Carson Lopez
I can tolerate a dub no matter how bad it is, I only watch Subs if absolutely necessary.
Parker Morgan
But the danganronpa 3 dub is one of the greatest dubs in existence. It revved up the shitposting in the threads.
Nolan Smith
If you watch anime with dubs you shouldn't watch anime at all. Just go watch netflix and fuck off.
There are some God-Tier subs out there >Cowboy Bebop English Dub >Cowboy Bebop Spanish Dub >Death Note English Dub >Death Note Spanish Dub >Ghost Stories English Dub >Some other dubs I haven't bothered watching But most of the time dubs are horrible or mediocre, simply put >Anime is released >Translate >Rewrite to make dialogs fit with the timing and lip movements >Take actors. If you live in a shitty country then your country only has like seven voice actors for everything >Explain them nothing >Record >No direction to the voices >Localize music >New OP, ft. Kanye West >Jelly-Filled Doughnuts End Result: A character speaking in unnatural sentences with no emotion with a voice you swear have heard somewhere else
Meanwhile on Subs: >Anime comes out >Translate >Set the timing >Add Subs >Add important notes, like the meaning of "Keikaku" because your weeb ass is autistically obsessed with accuracy Result: Anime containing the original product with words added on top of the image
Gavin Phillips
>There are some God-Tier subs out there *There are some God-Tier Dubs out there Shit
Carson Phillips
Asher Evans
>The vast majority Not really, there are bad voices in Japanese too, but it's not even comparable. I don't know why dubfag monolinguals think they are any more qualified to talk about 'the actual quality' than other people. From what I've seen and experienced personally, people usually enjoy anime even more once they learn the language. >weeaboos The main dubfag argument, only rivaled by "I like to not watch the screen while I watch anime" and "I can't watch the screen and read the subs at the same time. English dubs are not on a level playing field with the original voice track and this obviously works the other way too. For some reason dubfags always argue like every animation ever was made in Japanese, when most anti-dub arguments can be made without referring to the country of origin.
Dominic Barnes
Death Note dub was surprisingly good from the main characters, the supporting cast was trash, though.
Thomas Hernandez
Acting is all about conveying emotions. Some cultures have a tendency to show some emotions more than others, but it doesn't change the fact that basic things like being happy, angry, sad, afraid, etc. are really universal for human species. Just like in western cartoons, the voice acting usually goes for exaggeration rather than realism, so "people don't speak like that in real life" is also one of the most retarded arguments. Learning Japanese hasn't changed my opinions about people like Wakamoto, Sugita, and Omigawa Chiaki. Getting into seiyuu has made it even more obvious how big the voice acting industry is in Japan; the huge pool of people creates a really tough competition where it's simply impossible for "bad actors" to survive.
Ironically, a very common phenomenon on Sup Forums is that when an actual rookie / live-action actor / (gravure) idol / random nobody has the most generic 3DPD voice and can't act for shit (which in this context means being able to portay their character in a manner that suits the show's style, whether it's serious or comedic), anons think it's the most exotic thing ever while in reality you could pick any random woman from the street and she'd sound like that, ie. they have got so used to how great actual seiyuu sound that to them, a bad actor becomes special.
Angel Mitchell
>are people that say subs are the only wat to watch anime and that "all dubs are trash" just people who didn't grow up on dubs? Anyone not living in a english speaking country grew up on dubbed kids movies. It was awful then and it is awful now, the only reason I don't think my childhood Disney movies are bad is because of massive nostalgia. Any of those movies I re-watched in the original language turned out to be simply better.
Dubs are shit.
Brody Watson
The difference is that Japan has thousands of professional voice actors, while America either uses non-professionals or the same few dozen VAs even if they aren't suited for the role.
Bentley Murphy
The Death Note dub is pretty solid, but that's due to the amount of inner monologuing and action-less scenes, so the VA's acting sounds more natural.
Kayden Roberts
I assume you can understand Japanese to make such a claim. Also by your logic dubs of languages we don't understand would sound better than English dubs but they sound just as bad as the English ones. And you know why that is? It's because in many cases there isn't enough money for a good English dub. Japanese dub is in around 80% of the cases better than the English one.
William Robinson
Space dandy
Gavin Harris
Even if the voice acting is bad on a show, I don't remember one where I thought the dub was any better; in my opinion/experience either the original language is good or they both are bad. That being said, in the specific case of anime, there are some voices I find too annoying and thus prefer the dub, like was the case in Fruits Basket and Sakura CC, to name a couple.
Josiah Lee
Cowboy bebop, even the creator loved the dub
Isaac Powell
>>Rewrite to make dialogs fit with the timing and lip movements This is the biggest pitfall. With how different the languages are it's almost impossible to match words in English to the animation without severely changing things. This by itself is bad but then you add to the mix that dub directors will just say fuck it; it doesn't matter what the original content is about. Let's just make shit up. It will severely impact the story and even the tightest Japanese writing will become a fan fiction based on the series. Add to the mix that realistic style anime are actually animating the lips moving to form the syllables physically and you can't rely on making any old word to fit the simple open mouth closed mouth mouth flaps. There are other reasons I don't watch dubs but this is the biggest one.
Jacob Hall
Various reasons stated above. I'll also add that "taking liberties with the script" extends to making every male between 8-16 as rude as Bart Simpson, and every female sound like some whiny self-entitled tumblrina. Which, these days, they very well might be.
Xavier Murphy
>Ghost Stories >Cowboy Bebop >Panty and Stocking (only after watching the sub.) >Sextra Credits
Almost everything else is trash or at the very least not as good as the original.
Robert Thomas
Examples of this?
Brandon Morris
>Needing dubs or subs >Not knowing Japanese
Fucking normies get out
Jason Richardson
Danganronpa has some of the most awful fanbases around, not surprising that they were discussing the dub in their threads. You know, because you grew up with something doesn't mean you still have to like it once you are an adult.
Oliver Hernandez
>You know, because you grew up with something doesn't mean you still have to like it once you are an adult. Bingo.
Just because I grew up with dubs doesn't mean I have to like them now. The insinuation that I'm somehow new to anime because I understand that 99% of subs are superior is ridiculous.
William Powell
Prison school referencing gamergate and Dragon Maid referencing the "patriarchy"
Nicholas Morris
A lot of dubs are really not well done.
Oliver Cook
One of the reasons why dubbing is often poor is that dub VAs are paid in practically pennies for their work. It is not an industry that attracts much talent, dubbing anime is for the poorfags. The ones with talent will generally be doing voice work for video games, which is where most of the money is (Bioware was reasonaly well known a few years ago for paying out the nose for decent quality or better, though that might have changed since), as well as producing/ directing voice work for games.
Which only leaves anime dubs for the people just getting statted who lack a real resume, the ones who do it on their off time between bigger roles, the ones who can get a key role for a steady paycheck (e.g. One Piece Straw Hats and other long running anime "main teams"), or rarely the ones reprising prior roles as a favour.
The best money in English voice work, however, is and remains things like the Simpsons. Those ones are all multimillionares.
Cameron Cook
I would add Space Dandy, Black Lagoon and Jormungand to that myself.
Nicholas Sanders
hyperdimension neptunia is one of the examples of a dub that is even better than the original just watch whatever suits you best though, like who gives a shit how you personally consume your entertainment? what kind of elitist faggot would get in someone elses face for liking things differently? i prefer subs in general but you do you man
Julian Nguyen
>neptunia dub >good
James Gomez
Grew up on dubs and now 100% prefer subs here. After discovering subs I started to think that when dubbed the characters mouth matched up to the words much better, and in a sense is a better representation of what the original creator thought they would sound like. But that's just how I think and see it, purely opinionated.
Zachary Mitchell
i didn't say "good". i said it's even better than the original. that's just an objective truth.
Isaiah Sanders
It's got its issues but the original Japanese audio is trash.
>obnoxious verbal tics >many characters sound too young >dumb voice affectations like Blanc perpetually sounding half asleep because Japanese acting has no sense of subtlety