Military service should be a requirement in order to be considered a full citizen and cast a vote

Military service should be a requirement in order to be considered a full citizen and cast a vote.

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Add 'own a firearm" to that and things would improve.

Yes goyim give your body to Israel!

I think that's implied. No rights for non-citizens.

I live next to an Army base. The military is basically a nigger factory that moves niggers and PTSD around the country

I'd personally also be okay with this because I'm not a faggot and served my country.

EARNED, not given.

The movie is trash, read the book.

No, we should ONLY give the vote to private sector employees. No votes for guvvies. Only those who generate the nation's products and services may have a say in how those products and services are distributed. Unfortunately for you, government is our servant, not our master. And the servant does not decide how much of the master's property he may confiscate for his own use.

on the bounce


Only a man who has suffered and risks his own life for the country loves it enough to earn a vote. The man who despises the solider is actually insecure that he never did it, that he will never prove that he's more than a leach off of better and stronger men.


It used to be a given that anyone (17-45) and certain women could be drafted at any time. This is what was called a militia. Neocons played right into the leftist's hands when they agreed to end the draft, and some even acquiesce to gun control.

I linked the thread because it is the same topic.
Discussed with a lot of input.
If you are interested in OPs topic, read my linked thread.

The movie was nice too but the book is the real deal, yeah.

I am not risking my life for this place.. I got money to make.

>Military service
>Pay full taxes (No welfare, EITC)
>Holds over 5 acres of property

Any one qualifies you to be a voting, full citizen. Best system.

I think it should be civil service or military, or you should have special jobs in the military so that your smartest citizens aren't ground up like meat in war.

But I do think that citizenship should be contingent on a commitment to the nation in some form.

Different country but I wouldnt mind not doing service and still be a "civilian" with no vote... as long as they would keep their hands off my pockets ofc.

Militaristic societies are universally shit. The Spartans are remembered for a battle that they lost while the Athenians are remembered for laying the foundation of the entirety of Western Civilization. Having a society composed entirely of military men with their military minds making military decisions is how you end up in a stagnant and sterile shithole where the farms don't produce food because that's not something you can solve by sending men to stand around and maybe kill something, the factories don't produce goods because that's not something you can solve by sending men to stand around and maybe kill something, and the political apparatus isn't able to content with change because that's not something you can solve by sending men to stand around and maybe kill something. When your only real talent is know where best to send men to stand around and maybe kill something, you lack the talents needed to produce society.

Also it's worth noting that Heinlein was a proponent of incest and pedophilia.

>you should have to die for israel to have basic rights as an american

Fuck off you boot licking welfare queen


As long as its only coast guard, fighting for greater israel should have nothing to with citizenship.

We wouldn't be run by Jews if weak people didn't get to vote, and we wouldn't be in this situation.

Enjoy dying without ever reaching your potential as a man and as a patriot.

Under those rule military service would have to be a right. Otherwise the military wil defacto be able to pick and choose who gets rights.


Let me guess, you think Nam was Da Joos, and not hippie bullshit? Typical leftist fucknut.

>We wouldn't be run by Jews
Nigger, the USA was founded by the jews (Freemasons), you burger idiot are such tools lmao

The draft is still in effect, dingus. We havent needed it because volunteer system and no one is remotely powerful enough to challenge us

>speaks my language
>on american invented internet
>in american thread talking shit
Reevaluate your life, envy is a bad color on everyone.

>5 acres
Does that count floor space? Because there's a hell of a price difference between Nebraska farmland and downtown Atlanta. 5 acres is absurd if you own a 4 story building.
Otherwise A+

There's a reason military service is not required for office.

the problem is that most military men are fucking dumb
oy vey new war is coming up, go... guys get ready to vote , because Israels wars are USA wars and usa wars are usa wars, follow orderss goys, go vote

>implying anyone in the military wants to fight pointless wars in the middle east
>implying any politician would vote us into wars for (((them)))

>american invented internet
British, chum. Americans just stole it from the white people.

hippies ended nam you retard

>implying anyone in the military wants to fight pointless wars in the middle east
>implying you get to choose, dumb faggot

This is a thread full of filthy kikes isn't it

>I fought in muh jew wars while my wife fucked niggers at home

I agree.

If only service guaranteed citizenship, yes, they WOULD get to choose. Politicians would be former military and so would voters. Ironically, a country where only military men got to vote would probably have less war.

Wasn't married or in a relationship at the time but nice projection.

I always wondered why they didn't notice that the pussy of their wives got wider while they were away. Really makes you think

Agreed, but military service should be in the interest of this country, not the CIAs pet projects or Israel's ambitions.

>Fight the kikes' wars to be considered full citizen

America, YES.

>he thinks voting in an election means anything
lmao you just get drafted and sent to the frontlines, fucking retard.

Robert fucking Heinlein the man said it best.

Social responsibility above the level of family, or at most of tribe, requires imagination-- devotion, loyalty, all the higher virtues -- which a man must develop himself; if he has them forced down him, he will vomit them out.

Under our system every voter and officeholder is a man who has demonstrated through voluntary and difficult service that he places the welfare of the group ahead of personal advantage.

Citizenship is an attitude, a state of mind, an emotional conviction that the whole is greater than the part...and that the part should be humbly proud to sacrifice itself that the whole may live.

I agree fellow citizen, all goy- I mean men should have to lay down their lives and serve Isra- I mean their country before they're granted rights.

If youre wealthy enough to consider purchasing land, its 99% going to be a moot point because you pay taxes. Its more of a gimme to land inheritance for those who give a shit enough about a strong, able family that overachieves. Not everybody can be the ideal citizen, but if some distant offspring arent going to be paying taxes you might as well have over bearing relatives to prevent degeneracy or enough land for self sustenance

You literally fought for nothing and the world is a worse place because of what you did.

>Only a man who has suffered and risks his own life for the country OTHER THAN ISRAEL may earn a right to vote.
too bad most american soldiers would never get that chance.

>I'm the dingus because I'm not so autistic that I can't realize the difference between law and effect or practice

>he went to war a virgin
kek no wonder you're such an insecure faggot


Actually, you are dead wrong. A man who willingly kills people at the order of a politician is worse than useless. They produce nothing, other than suffering and death. Being a hired thug for a politician is not honorable, noble, or useful. There should be no armies.

Your gf disagreed, she sucked on it happily while you were doing point'n'shooty in the desert or whatever

I'd rather fight against our government than fight for it.

I dont get what your argument is, dick for brains. Draft wasnt ended. Should a situation be so severe we needed militias, we have the draft because IT STILL EXISTS. Are you lamenting that we dont needlessly form up militias during times of peace?

1% of USA serves.
You really want everything to be run by the military?
>MRE for everyone for every meal for whole country.
>its efficient, why complain?
>confirmed jarhead post

never had a gf

as long as national guard counts as military service I agree with this.

But historically only land owning men should be able to vote.

Yes, ZOG warriors only.

Well if you want to get technical the militia is already formed up. It always has been.

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

sorry to hear that man, one day you will find the one

don't forget to install spyware on her phone though, pro tip you get from me for free

Nope, democracy is bullshit and people are not equal.

Hell no. Another ploy for Jews to get goyim to fight their wars. Fuck the Kikes, I wish a horrific death on them all.

> the government should own you and choose where you die before you get the right to challenge the government through channels managed by the government

You should be shot for being a statist traitor.

Lol this


The Terran Federation was formed after the collapse and overthrow of unlimited democracies (such as the zionist states of israel) by verterans and militaries worldwide in the book.

If you try to make me, I'll shoot you.

That's the point of voluntary service. Those unable to prove they're willing to put their life on the line for their countrymen do not deserve to rule over them.

Yeah, because why should my opinion matter unless I'm willing to be told where to go and who to kill by the fucking government. Eat a dick OP.

It's not supposed to be forced. If you're too selfish and cowardly to put your life on the line for your countrymen, you do not deserve to rule over them. It's that simple. Also nuke israel.

Weak and pathetic "man".

I am lamenting the fact that our standing military was increased massively so as to effectively end the practice, you stupid fuck. Just in case you still don't get it, nuclear deterrent is one more layer in that effect, among many policy changes. Do you get it now, or do we have to sling insults at each other so I understand that you're a dipshit who gets angry when he's confused and you understand I am not above talking on your terms?

>White House petition to invoke Mandatory National Service just like our (((BFF's)))

B-but muh video gaymes!!

Assuming this type of reform did happen, don't you think it'd radically change who would be in the government? No more ziocon warhawk politicians who never served a day in their life for starters.

Taking this long to post SST. You disappoint me Sup Forums.

Honestly I wouldn't be so against it if the USA wasn't the worlds' most retarded ass-backwards country

>If you're too selfish and cowardly to put your life on the line for your countrymen, you do not deserve to rule over them. It's that simple.

draft-dodging Trump BTFO'd

Why are you assuming I support a ziocon teevee billionaire? That's exactly the type of (((person))) who would be excluded from office or voting along with the rest of the pajama-wearing jewmason elites.

I would agree. I'd say four years of military service right out of high school. It's great, you learn how to use a weapon, you learn a trade, you learn discipline. Only way out of it is to go to college, and then you'd go in to be an officer.

I'd also suggest the creation of an American Foreign Army. Anyone wants to be an American citizen must go through six years of AFA service. This includes them, and their family members (excluding children under 18). Most will be sent to hotspots to defend American interests, but no matter your physical condition something will be found for you. You could be sorting papers or serving food if you're crippled. After six years, you must pass and English test and a citizenship test. Then you will be given a five year probationary civilian status where you can't vote and one felony or two misdemeanors will be deportation.

Sounds like Killeen, Texas LMFAO


Sounds good in theory, but only a retard serves our fucking ZOG infiltrated government. I'm not going to go and fight for Israel just so another kike-serving sycophant can get into office.

I think only land-owning free men should be able to vote, but by virtue of being a land-owning free man, you are obligated to military service if the need arises (a DEFENSIVE war). Just like Ancient Greece.

I also think military service (a long fucking time of it, not just some bullshit 3 years of sitting on a base as a POG) should be the only way a foreigner can get US citizenship. Rome didn't start going to shit until they started handing out citizenship like hotcakes.

Who are they going to serve? A fucking President elected by morons. No thanks. A King OTOH...

Obviously an overthrow of the government would be necessary if we're rewriting the constitution to reflect (((modern times))).

>MRE for everyone for every meal for whole country.
You have a child's understanding of the military.

>A fucking President elected by morons.
>An unelected moron on the other hand...
What a tard

The Roman Republic for the citizen-farmer was the inspiration for our original government. Unfortunately it has been horribly subverted. Owning a bag of sheckles and a deed to some dirt is not enough, given our common identity and demographics have been damaged beyond repair.

Read the beginning of the thread. There was a reference in the first couple posts.

Nothing is implied with liberals, you might as well color a graph for them

Well it would be nice if we started by kicking out all the chinks, micks, frogs, krauts, papists, dagos, spics, hadjis, and niggers first. Once we're an Anglo-Saxon/Dutch nation again, then we can get back to our roots.

>the leaf

Look at every measure today under
>muh democracy
and compare it to how things were under a king. Democracy has killed hundreds of millions, Kings far fewer. Democracy has stolen 40-50% of our income with a variety of different taxes. Kings collected far less. Kings had a responsibility to manage their own budgets or they'd go bankrupt - USA is $20 trillion in debt. Kingdoms are the true small government solution.

Hey leave the Micks alone. We make hard working citizens that assimilate well and have a long history of military service to the country.

Check out The Irish Brigade from the Civil War as a good example

Service guarantees citizenship.

>Kings far fewer
Probably because the population was dramatically less back when absolute kings were a thing. Also, are you retarded? You realize WWI was essentially fought because of a bunch of absolute monarchs (in practice if not in name) wanted to flex their muscles, right? Kings are not an intrinsically small government, they want nothing more than to add more titles to their collection.

Republics avoid many of the problems of democracy, it simply breaks down under too many foreigners and shit. If the US was still a majority white, majority WASP population, we'd be doing just fine.

>Check out the Irish Brigade
The micks were FORCED to fight in the Civil War. They flooded over here for their gibs, and then when we demanded military service from them in return, they rioted and burnt down half of New York City. Irish niggers need to go back to their Potato Isle and starve there.