Can someone tell me what the appeal of this Dorito-in-Chief is?

Can someone tell me what the appeal of this Dorito-in-Chief is?

I live in an urban area and am left-wing so try to use an argument that works on intelligent people, not "muh wall" or "le epic trolling snowflakez!!!" I'm genuinely curious.

Other urls found in this thread:

The right people hate him.

Nice trips, for a leaf.

He opposes you. He represents white people/right wingers/conservatives.

If you're "intelligent" in any way you'd already know.

he's playing a game of 653D starcraft you simpletons couldn't even begin to understand

You're supposed to hide your non-American flag.


only candidate who took a serious stance on immigration

Thanks again Republicans

I like Doritos

>urban area
Suicide is your friend, jewish OP, just go with it and see what happens in the afterlife.