Is Richard Spencer gay? I ask this in all seriousness because all of the tell tell signs are there except his big tittied GF.
>dresses nice
>effeminate voice
>never comes out against homosexuality
>only lets men in the alt-right
Is Richard Spencer gay? I ask this in all seriousness because all of the tell tell signs are there except his big tittied GF.
>dresses nice
>effeminate voice
>never comes out against homosexuality
>only lets men in the alt-right
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I think NO. He really throws it off. He's rich and sheltered.
No he's just a hip dude, the ladies love him too
Richard Spencer is a bisexual kike who will likely be indicted for seditious conspiracy.
He's short like 5'10"
To me that's short. I'm 6'2" 276 lbs. I'll fight any of you.
He is camp, but probably heterosexual.
What's the point of going after fags at this juncture?
>dresses nice
Sad that the kikes have brainwashed you into thinking this is a bad thing
He has a penthouse in NOVA where he allows transient young men to stay.
You tell me.
i wish he was gay he is so cute
Richard is a good guy who works for the left. I would welcome him to my right wing BBQ in Sonoma California any old time.
Didn't they get married and have a kid?
Wearing a suit and tie everywhere is neck beard fedora and fag behavior. I work at a bar and women always laugh at this one dude who comes in wearing a full 1920s black suit and pocket watch. It looks like you’re trying too hard.
No, he's a preppy WASP.
no, but he definitely takes some kind of hormones. probably dht blockers to prevent hairless. you can tell because of his bitch tits
you can't fuck this and still be gay, she's built like my gf who is dripping with estrogen and the sex is amazing
No but his posh posturing and effete affect aren't helping his cause in the slightest.
I’m pretty much done with the alt-right brand
It has now been revealed that Eli Mosley may have never done a tour in Iraq with the military. Mike Enoch has all kinds of bizarre shit surrounding him, and all of these people just generally act like total weirdos. Paul nehlen also had a gay Jew running his “campaign”. Fucking weird stuff
We need a re-brand of the pro-white right wing conservative movement. The Alt-right is absolutely not the way forward.
Actually OP you are gay because your ID is pink :3
What’s the dirt on Mike Enoch?
>embracing ethno-politics
Are you a Marxist?
he married a kikess and divorced her and can't talk about her at all due to court order
>spic eyebrows
>Dresses Nice
He is going to be compared to Neo-Nazi's so he must look clean a presentable
>Effeminate voice
Thats just his voice but its also nicer on the ear, a groupher voice might scare or deter the normie.
>Never comes out against homosexuality
he does, he does not believe it should exist in the ethnostate, listen to the altright podcast.
>Only lets men in the altright
not true at all.
nah, "she's" a man.
>Eli Mosley
is no longer affiliated.
besides the weird wife or whatever she is, has he or greg or the other two dudes ever been seen pulling broads? their squad needs a couple Chads
it would seem richard is famous enough and with coin and decent IQ he should be able to pull some babes pretty easily. i mean killers in prison get fan mail, you know
Have you ever been with him anywhere at all, he tries to fuck everything that moves and has a vagina, doing that ebil nadsi shtick
never meet your heroes kids
BASED central asian duganist!
Needs to be done in a crypto way
Apparently mike drags the media around to every Alt-right event and purposely has them film every bizarre thing they do. He was the one who started the seig heiling in at Richard’s speech. He knew that The Atlantic cameras were there, he did it on purpose... for whatever reason.
Also had a Jewish wife and supposedly knew that Eli Mosley was lying about touring Iraq
These are all just weird fucking people and I’m done with them. They talk strangely, they phrase things in a weird/distasteful way, they’re always getting revealed as hiding or lying about weird shit, and they have already branded themselves in a gross way forever.
Richard has all of these moronic beliefs. He is basically an atheist transhumanist who is sympathetic to Marx and wants European-styled socialism for white people, all under a global union similar to the EU. Also founded with a literal occultist.
Dude. No more weird or slightly creepy shit. Nothing associated with transhumanism, occultism, or weird European faggots. I don’t even like Evola that much, guy was a fucking nutty sperg.
Just give me George Washington with some western landscapes and bluegrass music.
Wanna know how I know you're a
what does his wife think about that? do they live apart because he fucks around on her with alt-right groupies and e-thots?
thank God. he was retarded.
or is there someone else that used to be on their podcasts that just ALWAYS interrupted the flow with low IQ autistic shit?
At least he’s not gay I guess
Yea, spencer is a manlet.
Mike and Sven just want to LARP as Opie and Anthony
She is a Eurasianist politically, she is an ethnic russian though.
he's a mamma's boy. Not gay.
He's a chad and he probably banged more women in one semester in High School than all you fags have done in your entire lives
who do you listen to and read that's interesting?
He's the son of Laura Bush.
>dresses nice
Showing off your khazar milkers is not nice.
was he in a frat at uva? if he was a gdi or in a bottom tier house at uva he was def not a chad
fags are drawn to the altright, you'll never be rid of them. juuze always sneak in because they are like 1/4 juu and not practicing. you're better off just having white kids, starting a business and only hiring whites, withholding from charities whose beneficiaries are primarily non-white, and other small but important acts that help white people.
Yeah that is Alex McNabb you're think of. Eli Mosley was the one that was a ProudGoy and beta orbited Gavin McInnes for several years. He then got a gig as security for Spencer and LARPed as the go to guy for organizing alt-right events.
do you suck his dick while he watches his wife blow Dugen from his cuck shed
yeah a lot of white nationalists are just insecure closet fags who would love some big black cock deep inside their assholes
yea sure...some white nationalists are virgins because they're losers...but I honestly think some white nationalists are virgins because they're closet gays who are ashamed and frustrated.
nothing gayer than using "gdi" unironically.
wow, another fellow fratposter. Lambda Chi here.
lol someone didn't get a bid
What's an ethnic Russian?
at 276 lbs i can imagine most things are small for you
why do they allow 1 idiot on their altright podcast? the main 4 (greg, spencer, the 2 others) are solid. the retard annoys me
they should invite nick fuentes sometimes. i know he's a pupper but he's entertaining
t. roastie
also Dickie Spencer is a controlled op faggot
Hitler was a faggot aswell so he might be a fucker of males
the people your government want to genocide :^)
dem titties doh
at uva you're a nobody if you're not in a frat. that's why rich kids go there. if you're not going to be in a frat why go to a huge state school, might as well go to georgetown or trinity
You're a big guy.
>a fucker of males
who talks like this?
Stop enabling Spencer and Friberg then. Support the Counter Currents group.
Of course he's probably gay. He in the circle of the elite. Like Trump and all the other satanists, they like to fuck men and trannies. It's part of their religion.
>incriminating quotes which aren't incriminating at all
There’s a video of him sucking cock that was floating around 2ch
No, she is Georgian (like her hero Stalin!)
cunts gonna cunt
he put a bun in her oven and does his own thing like a man should
>Being a fag-enabling Zionist isn't incriminating
Instead of fighting why not go on a fucking diet?
>Supporting a publishing house run by a literal faggot
Yeah I don't think so bud
moarpheus is here
Why are you so obsessed with this man?
>only lets men in the alt-right
This is the real red flag.
Those fucking ghetto eyebrows though
discord gg/SAbqaM
add a .
If he is gay, he's done what all gay white men should do - chosen to ignore his degenerate urges in favor of finding a woman to have children with.
Just going to post gore in these slide threads.
Thanks for the (((((((((((((((opinion)))))))))))))))))
Imagine thinking Aleksandr Dugin is bad.
Kek that last Enoch quote is exactly what they say when you want some quality control in the movement. On the latest Strike and Mike, Enoch basically said people are purity spiralling when they tell 56% gooks and Jews to get out of the movement
Counter currents publishes a lot of distasteful shit too, but I do support them in being a right-wing publisher
I see they are pushing Seige. Holy shit, no more nazi shit. Most of our grandparents fought nazis, no serious political movement is ever going to win in America by channeling nazi energy or dog-whistling nazi shit, or admiring nazi affiliates
It’s too weird for mainstream politics, and it doesn’t feel comfy and nice like traditional Americana.
what the fuck
Remember guys, when somebody has one or more of the following traits :
>not antisemite
>not revisionist
>thinks natsoc were bad guys
>not anti-communist
>not against sexual depravations
>thinks sexual depravations are OK if not pushed
>thinks there is no hierarchy within the white/caucasoid race
>thinks Europe does not have an imperialistic vocation
>in favor of any kind of democracy
Then he's a dumbass that should not even be listened.
This Spencer is a fag enabler and probably is one. Look at that monstrosity of a GF he has. It's exactly the kind of tacky woman that a pederast would marry to do as if he was straight.
Hitlero-thomism guys.
yeah, but all would be forgotten when she's pounding the fuck out of you
Yeah well, we could all laugh at the choices that women who go to bars make.
It's a sin, that's why. Not worth losing salvation over.