Was he justified in dropping the bomb Sup Forums?


Japs drew first blood. Of course.

No. He dropped it on an undefended city. That was a war crime.
>Muh making up international law as I go.
Yeah... no.
The Hull Ultimatum meant hostilities could begin at any time under the Hague conventions on war.

yes, better than firebombing peoples homes at least

War production. Anyway, I'm not sure you can justify nuking anyone even though it might have been the better alternative to a full-scale invasion of the jap mainland by U.S. Russia and China.

personally i think it was a war crime but the japs were asking for it

There's no exception to the prohibition on bombarding cities because they're supporting their country.

Yes. The f-bomb is not to be taken lightly.

You forget we colonized Philippines. We are the aggressor. Japs wanted Asia for Asians just like you Nazis want today for your own

iirc he fired gas shells at the Germans in ww1

Lol, Faggot.


No, of course it wasn't justified, there's no possible justification for bombing civilian cities of no military value. The Jews just wanted to test out the effectiveness of their newfound technology.

Our entry into WW2 wasn't even justified. We incited the Japanese into attacking us at Pearl Harbor. FDR had foreknowledge and allowed the attack to occur. Just look up the McCollum memo. It's not a coincidence that all three of our aircraft carriers at the time were missing from port that morning.

We also had "American mercenaries" fighting the Japs in China.

He killed a quarter of a million Japanese to spare an estimated one million American lives in a possible land invasion of Japan. His concern as President should be safeguarding Americans, which I firmly believe he did in dropping the nukes. The loss of the Japanese life was inconsequential, they initiated the conflict with the US.

>We are the aggressor.

The Philippines aren't Japan.

If he didn't drop the bomb modern Japan would look like North Korea or china today

>Was he justified in dropping the bomb

Japan killed 20,000,000 civilians "for the lulz"
They deserved every thing they got.

He was absolutely justified in dropping the bomb on the Japanese military, not on two major population centers.

>Japan does something bad.
>"quick, kill Japanese women and children with fire bombs and nukes!"

Uncivilized, anti-Christian filth.

The ram had touched the wall.

Nukes are as bad as firebombing , people were melting in Japan , firebombing at least they have a chance to run

Yes. That Japs were fucking evil

Interesting. Do you have some reading for us?

Welcome to total war. As soon as they engaged the USA it became justified. Not to say it was righteous, but war crimes dont exist.

Asia for Asians.

I’d say yes... it just sucks he had a whole team of Jews egging him in the whole time.

Some historians believe he really had no control over it. He merely stood aside so (((they))) could see the real world devistation..

But even after the Saki Bomb the Japs were still wanting to fight. They didn’t care how many of their people died. To them it was about honor, and the only way they were going to surrender was under a “conditional surrender.” That they got to keep their emporerer. Even though Truman came out and anounced it was unconditional surrender.

But to be fair, remember, nobody knew wtf was going to happen. No body knew how fucking destructive nukes were. They didn’t even know about nuclear fallout until a year after they dropped... so totally justified.

Two bombs weren't enough.


Nukes aren't real. They are a conspiracy theory. A Jewish created boogieman to keep you in line.

>Was he justified in dropping the bomb Sup Forums?
Yes. What he did was evil, cruel, and certainly a warcrime.

But that's just kinda how war goes, you feel? It's a series of legally codified crimes, and if it meant saving even 1 american from death, Truman would have been justified in dropping those bombs. Because war itself is evil.

"But it saved Japanese lives ultimately!"
110% NOT why we did it.

This. Why pass up the Turkey.

>"I'm a paid CIA shill trying to discredit actual conspiracy theories."
Fuck off.

We only had the 2 ready at the time.

Yeah how dare those filthy japs oppose the ZOG, they deserved it!

You know they were literally preparing to bomb california with plague bombs and anthrax if the war continued to September right?

They attacked British and American holdings, and harmed US, English, and French interests.

ZOG aside, they were bad for us, so they had to die.

>Plauge bombs
The black plague was a bacteria, we can literally treat that with antibiotics. Those bombs only really would have worked against the Chinese. Same goes for anthrax. The Japanese knew this, they weren't retarded.

They knew they were fighting a losing war and just wanted to extend it to the point where the US would get tired of fighting and give more favorable terms.

Only for the winner of the war i guess
I hope it was worth it

>war crime

in all seriousness, yes, he was justified, OP, and he should have dropped one on Berlin too

Still evil fucks. Also look up how they planned to use plague infested fleas against American soldiers at Okinawa and they even had a submarine carrying some (which was sunk thankfully). Japs weren't going to give up and new kamikaze pilots were being trained all the time.

Damn, I guess I hate Jews more than catholics and Masons are just crypto-Jews.

Fucking Jews.

nukes don't exist

Ain't war hell?

I'd say so. An invasion of the home islands would've killed millions of civilians that weren't willing to surrender, killed thousands of allied and soviet troops.

Even if we didn't land there, the allied fleets would've very slowly starved the country out.

>amerimutt education

>muh 20 gorillion
Hi Chang

He did what the Jews wanted.

Look who ran the military and succeeded Truman as pres.

"Winning needs no justification, losing offers none."


Yes, but more important is Democrats kill way more people.

Back then it was commies vs capitalists.

Soviet were just a few weeks from invading mainland Japan and that would have been a crazy change of history.
USA needed a victory fast thanks to that and they got one by dropping the bombs and then MOST LIKELY telling the japs behind the scene "we will level your entire country to dust if you don't agree to the peace deal".


My greatest regret. I don't regret being a soldier, but I regret what I served; serving the secular, faggot loving, anti-christian United States.

Yes. If Japan developed one before the US, they would have used it too.

The only thing he did wrong was not letting MacArthur use another on the commies

He knew about the fucking aliens

July 8th 1947: Roswell newspaper

July 26 1947: Harry Truman signs national security act which:

Commissions CIA
Starts USAF
Starts National Security Council
Starts Joint Chiefs of Staff
Starts Dr Vannevar Bush's Office of Research and Development

Also MJ12 was rumored to have started around then

AND 509th Bombing wing was located in Roswell Army Airfield. 509th bombing wing was the UNIT THAT DROPPED THE BOMBS ON HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI



Pretty sure this is Curtis Lemay who also knew about the UFO presence

The faggot should have listened to Douglas MacArthur and dropped bombs on China while we still had a chance.

He should have targeted Tokyo.

Hmm lets see, the Allies were the bad guys, and the Axis were the good guys. Do you cheer at the end of the movie when the bad guy wins?