Trump has been right about everything. That’s why he won. If Trump thinks gun control will make out schools safe and American Great Again, I support it. If you’re gonna leave the MAGA movement over bump stocks and background checks, you were never with it to begin with.
Trump is right about guns
I should have known that he wasn't a rural and suburban retard. He's lived in Manhattan for most of his life ffs. He and Hillary were probably planning this whole thing for decades.
Honestly don't understand the massive amount of boot licking cucks here who gladly accept they got fucked over. This guy lied to us all and half of you are gladly taking it up the ass.
i agree with some gun control but i don't agree with banning assault weapons... assuming that's what he meant
Share blue just deposited 0.001 Hilldawg coins into your
git gud
not sure how what i said sounded like shilling but ok
>trump cucks expect to be taken seriously
go back to your /ptg/ bot thread you faggot
thats why its there
Add Trump to this pic.
Shit up libcuck
>If Trump thinks gun control will make out schools safe and American Great Again, I support it.
Rule #1 is always trust Trump. So I agree with you there.
But you haven't been paying attention to what Trump says in meetings. "Give me a DACA bill and I'll sign it..." "Give me gun control and I'll sign it... Oh, afraid of the NRA are you?"
The guy is a master at positioning and framing. You never know what he's thinking, and his opponents always look like fucking retards. But look at what he actually does, he has our backs 100%.
Rule #2 - Don't bet against Trump
>omg he bombed muh assad
>omg he's letting juanita stay
>omg he's taking my guns
You're as retarded as the libcucks Sup Forums. You don't deserve Trump.
>Anime fan
Did you cry on prom night.
>trying to act like a normie on a mongolian cartoonboard
>gun control
I agree
>Trump has been right about everything
What about Jeff Sessions?
>i'm going to make the a bunch of threads and then screencap them all so i can say the_donald is raiding us!
The trick becomes obvious when you use it so often
You realize you are the one pushing Dem talking points here right?
why are there so many unpatriotic ass americans posting here nowadays? all i see is fuck trump this, muh guns that.
fucking face it. guns are weapons of war. there is no reason for US citizens to own weapons of war because WE ARE NOT AT WAR.
trump knows what's best for this country. do you think you know better than trump? then why the fuck aren't you president?
if trump says fuck guns, fuck the NRA, fuck the 2a, then fuck guns. fuck the NRA. and FUCK the 2a.
we shouldn't have the murder rates of a 3rd world country. we're better than that.
when trump said make america great again, he fucking meant it. and that means getting rid of outdated amendments.
>why are there so many unpatriotic ass americans posting here nowadays? all i see is fuck trump this, muh guns that.
Wew lad, not being pro-gun makes you an anti-American POS
Its jews and jew shills
Never mind bombing Syria, extending sanctions against Russia, and becoming fully immersed in the swamp he railed against... lol america
Trump is beyond left vs right
Traitor. Misquoting Trump will do nothing.
Day of rope for you.
It’s an exact quote. Based Trump will save the children from guns.
comeon' lets get this show on the road.
Come and get em
Trump is controlled by The Jews
> thread
holy fuck! How many of these threads do you have going. They are literally right next to each other in the catalog.
>Washington Posters
Trumps been BLACKED.
He's a fuckin gun grabber .
Hes a fuckin nigger. I'm burnin my memes
I wasn't. I was always firmly pushing for a nightwatchmen state at all levels.
>Trump is beyond left vs right
Yep, it's always been only about Trump.
>If you’re gonna leave the MAGA movement
Sup Forums was around before Trump ran for president.
Never forget about the 300 million guns used to murder the 6 billion chosen peoples!
>le 9d chess meme