What was the purpose of the Nazi concentration camps?

It's becoming apparent to me that they were not just "death camps" where Jews were sent to be slaughtered.

I'm aware of the Haavara Agreement, a written agreement between the Nazis and German Zionists that would allow German Jews fleeing Germany to transfer their assets to Palestine, where the creation of Israel was being facilitated by Britain. It seems like Hitler preferred that the Jews leave peacefully and voluntarily. And these Concentration camps were possibly just internment camps, midway holding facilities for Jews to be sent to Israel in the future.

Obviously, once Germany started losing the war, and their cities and supply routes were being bombed to shit, they couldn't even feed their soldiers or civilians, let alone their prisoners of war. And as far as I know the only footage and pictures we have of these internment camps are after the war... when the camps were abandoned and these prisoners were left emaciated.

Any redpills concerning the concentration camps and Hitler's intentions are welcome.

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Mostly to divert attention from Trump taking our guns.

The Jews did the holocaust in order to use as an excuse to say we need our own country. Hitler was cooperating with the Jews AT FIRST. Havara was in 1933, THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD REICH. Hitler turned on the Khazars when he shut down his central bank and then they started WW2 because of it,

Mmm, it pretty clear that the holocaust didn't happen, the jew soap, lampshades, war crimes, ovens, it's all been debunked. It's not supported by any evidence and most of the photos have been proven to be fakes.

Work. They were workers the tattoos were the employee id number.

During the war the camps were most used to support the war effort, plants like this were common throughout occupied Poland. Conditions were usually piss poor but still leaps and bounds ahead of anything run by the Bolsheviks or Japs.

Wait wait
Why does it say Nazi on the coin?
I thought the term nazi was used outside Germany by exiles who fled when Hitler came into power and then became mainstrean after the war?
Whats the deal with that?

You want to try and fit Nationalsozialismus on a coin?

Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina und erzählt davon im Angriff

the gibberish roughly translates to
A Nazi travels to Palestine and tells tales of it in the attack

it's fake as fuck

So did they plan on just keeping them in forced labor camps forever or was there a real intention to ship them to their own ethnostate? I've read that they thought about setting up "Israel" in New Zealand.

They were where the Zionist Jews killed the non-Zionist Jews

Massive death ritual sacrifice or some shit they believed in

Shhhhhhhhhhh this is the MOST dangerous topic in the world.

Go back to hanging posters at your college asking if it'soktobeWhite yet?

Y u lyin fritz

It was to remove them from the war.
The NatSocs were aided to power by the bankers, specifically Emil Georg von Stauss.
The banks were turned around to allow money to flow into the nation through the Bank of International Settlements in which European Bankers sent gold to Germany.
Wall Street also aided in the rise of Hitler and Communism at the same time. To create a need for conflict between the two, creating more war and more benefits for international bankers.
Hitler's most trusted personal body guard, Emil Maurice, was Jewish and helped him create the SS.
It was all a lie.



Oops I meant Madagascar.

Flood evil manlet's comments with this


Would NSDAP not be more appropriate?

>start internment camp program to round up Jewish people to prevent them from subverting the war effort (literally the exact same thing America would do years later)
>intend to use them for forced labour and later deport them once the war is done
>war goes on longer than expected, Eastern Front begins to collapse
>deportation program begins to look financially and logistically costly
>Wannsee Conference in 1942: German high command plans to transition the labour camps into mass extermination camps
>they start exterminating Jews
That's basically what happened.

Good point. IIRC for a brief time they tried to reclaim Nazi the same way blacks have nigger. Maybe the coin was minted during the same time period.
Plants like that would have been unneeded after the war economy ended. They'd have been permanently relocated after the war was won, likely to the newly acquired territories in the east or Madagascar if they could get it off the French.

This is actually a really good question that I have wondered myself. There is proof that at least two of the Zionist camps were still in use during the so-called “holocaust” and are counted among “concentration camps”.

But because of the holocaust lies and the bullshit about extermination camps and death camps that in reality never existed, it isn’t quite clear what camps were what.

See the actual real “final solution” was the rounding up and expelling if jews to the Pale of Settlement in Poland where most of the jews already lived. Along the way they interned them in camps. Many of these were labor camps. I don’t know if these were forpolitical prisoners or if they were refugee facilities for the expelled (or both). But other camps were defacto prison camps for actual prisoners. Like Buchenwald for example. Those were criminals who commit actual crimes like robbery and rape. Auschwitz had a prison section for prisoner and a refugee section. I’m not even sure what the fuck Auschwitz even was although it clearly was one of those labor camps in Poland. Maybe somebody else red pilled on the subject knows a bit more