How is communism remembered by Russians? Is there a communist party, and is it popular?

How is communism remembered by Russians? Is there a communist party, and is it popular?

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Old workers and young bookworms love it, almost everyone else hates it.
Yes, no.

>Is there a communist party, and is it popular?
There are several communist parties, the largest one is called CPRF and is the 2nd largest party in Russia.

Communists won the last election in Novosibirsk

Can't stand Soviet, Russia, Slavs and all Slavs related.

>People still viewing communism positively despite over 60 million people killed by the Soviet regime
It's baffling how strong propaganda can be.

>this post
>this flag

>he believes in the 60000000 gorillion meme
How are people so brainwashed

AFAIK, USSR is kind of missed. As far as communism is concerned...dunno

literally what happens in your country

Isn't it the second most popular party after Putin's, and didn't they have to rig an election once to get them to lose?
Weren't there riots when Yeltsin was elected as well?

>60 million
do you have a single non imperialist source to back that up?

low effort

There is a communist party. Nearly got elected in 1996, until the Americans came along.

1) The situation is a bit more complicated than you think it is.
2) There will always be people who love/hate something.
There's a long distance between them, in popularity I mean.
It was twenty years ago and is not important in the current year.

Must be a strange feeling to once have been a superpower but now be known for dashcam accident footages.

communists and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

pull up then, classcuck



it was good to be relevant


>Only population drop was WW2
>Still not close to 60 million
When will Westerners stop spouting memes and actually learn history?

that doesnt answer my question

Saucy sauce

Do you feel nostalgic for the USSR or the ideology itself?
Do you view any of the leaders after Stalin negatively because of revisionism, or do you support what they did?

If you mean my country is corrupted shithole, yes it is. The Jews? Havent seen them here since Soviet Union break up, they are non existent here, though there is single sinagoga in Bishkek

>defending the man who signed a pact with hitler
neck yourself stormfag

Commies made Russia a superpower.

Papa Stalin did nothing wrong

they used 100,000 innocent people to build a canal, and then they all froze to death in the cold tundra. If you need to kill millions of people to to achieve something is it really that much of an achievement

Entirety of Europe signed a Non Agression pact with Germany, including Poland, UK and France at some point
UK and France let Germany remilitarize the Rhineland, annex Austria, take over Czechoslovakia and take over Poland
USSR actually suggested to station Sovet Troops at the border of Germany when Czechoslovakia happened, same thing when Poland was in danger. This was all denied.
The USSR was not in a stable position and if France and the UK aren't to be trusted on the western front, whys hould the USSR go into war before they are ready? And guess what, France fell apart, UK did nothing, USSR was right all along

If you hate communism you are pretty much a nazi.

>de commies are bad cuz they kill
>kill de mean cummiz
get fucked

oh okay ty

I never voted before but this time i will vote for Grudinin, candidate from people.

How is a 14 point spread close?

>Nearly got elected in 1996, until the Americans came along.
>until the Americans came along

Yeltsin was way way down in the polls - literally 6% approval ratings. Yet he managed to claw his way back up thanks to American campaign advisors (and probably a nice dose of rigging). Despite that, commies still managed to get 40%. I think they could have actually won a legitimate election in 96.

Here, another saucy Time Magazine cover from that period There was legitimate fear the communists could win. Oligarchs were actually asking Yeltsin to seriously consider a coalition with the communists.

>(and probably a nice dose of rigging).
Ah yes Russians need Americans to rig elections for them. Also, people early on said Trump would only get 5% of the Republican primary.

>Ah yes Russians need Americans to rig elections for them.

In 96? I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton administration had a hand in it.

That's not fear that's a legitimate question. I'm older than most here so I clearly remember communism, it's fall and Yeltsin and no one legitimately feared communists winning in Russia. We had more of an internal focus then.

The main problem is that all the Soviet archival data about """""Stalin killed 60 million people""""", they are mostly in Russian.
And foreigners, unfortunately can not understand.
So it goes.



We are hate oligarchy

>It was twenty years ago and is not important in the current year.
It is relevant again.

The communist are the second most powerful party, but effectively every dissident group in Russia is controlled opposition.

Most Russians think the USSR was better than Russia today, but mostly because of the security and international prestige of the Brezhnev period. Some argue that communism gave the nation a motivation, whereas today corruption is rampant and politicians are unaccountable.

This sentiment is most common among people old enough to remember the brutality of the Yeltsin years. Younger Russians tend to be diehard United Russian fans or pro west shills who want gay rights and a free market economy.

>no one legitimately feared communists winning in Russia. We had more of an internal focus then.

I think your memory may be influenced by the fact that nothing really came out of that election. Similarly, do you remember the fear-mongering surrounding a possible Iraq War in 98? Or the fear of terrorism after the Atlanta Olympic bombing?

These news stories only lasted a few weeks at most, but it was definitely in the public consciousness.

60 millions is retarded propaganda not fact.
Commies are still shit though.

You're a liar

>because of revisionism,
Lol what? It was Khrushchev who started revisionism blame game.
>or do you support what they did?
What they did culminated in USSR collapse you need to be braindead to support them.

You are that leftypol leaf right?
Here's pic for you
See those people?
All of them were members of KPSU

If you ask Sup Forums : everyone hates it in Russia.
If you look at figures : close to 20% votes for the new communist party in east germany, strong too in Russia.

Russians on Sup Forums are americaboo fedoras.

>All of them were members of KPSU
And what do you want?
We do not have any others for you, they also participated in the events of 1991, Sobchak and others.
"Have changed footwear."

>western country

t. Kulak Kulakovich

Soy faggot

>And what do you want?
Kinda obvious, no?

And how you suppose to do that? Western help only?

Is this new guy Grunidin a big deal?

> >because of revisionism,
> Lol what? It was Khrushchev who started revisionism blame game.

Hy тaк, вce пpaвильнo cкaзaл leafy, пocлe Cтaлинa нaчaлcя peвизиoнизм

> Do you view any of the leaders AFTER Stalin negatively because of revisionism, or do you support what they did?

good post. you caused massive butthurt itt

If putin were to pass away now the commies would take over soon.

CPRF and a Just Russia are commie parties.

LDPR is just a KGB creation to create an illusion of opposition.

United Russia relies too much on Putin.

>de commies are bad cuz they kill
That is correct. They will murder you, your family and seize your property for gibs.

>kill de mean cummiz
Are you implying we should kill people who mean to pillage and murder us?

Shouldn't you be running Canada instead of shitposting here, Mr Trudeau?

> CPRF and a Just Russia are commie parties.


> communists and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

fascists and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

christians and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

vegans and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

((them)) and their sympathizers should unironically be lined up against a brick wall and shot in the dome. Absolute wastes of life, I hope you all die painful deaths

Just shut the fuck up already

The communist party is just there as controlled opposition as far as I know

> the leaf ITT is a filthy commie
Color me surprised.

Looks like the janitor got triggered again.

Ok the Third option is the same as the Left then, what is the Fourth?

Honestly both systems work in a way. They just can't all exist on the same Earth at the same time.

You think they are anything else gopnik?

Tы oceл и дypaк.

Russia is fragile.

Putin has no competent sucessor.

Most of the Communist parties in Russia are a fiction, and they are closer to the Social Democracy

After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the counter-revolution began.

In the 90's pro-communist forces went into oblivion

In 1993 there was a last chance, but Yeltsin shot parliament

Yeah, just like the "RSDLP" was "social democracy".

They are social democrats. Just read the program of the CPRF. They are not Communists (no marxist)

Mutt, u retard.
You pay attention only to the name
The program of the CPRF is capitalism with a market economy and social guarantees = soc.dem

Rsdlp (Bolshevik) so different

Peter the Great made it a superpower. This meme needs to fucking die already.

LDPR is just a KGB creation to create an illusion of opposition.
Same for CPRF and a Just Russia
Only Yabloko is real party.