Chile is under invasion and nothing say about this
Why haitians invade Chile now
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what we can do?
good luck with that shit, the aids rate in haiti is like 11.9%. dont know what to tell you, buy a rifle. try not to let any splatter on you.
Did Tuvok ever make it home?
>haitians invade Chile
>name your country after food
>be surprised when hungry people invade
well we are fucked
Gotta form nigger beating gangs to make it inhospitable for niggers because your government will never have the balls to throw them out.
It is not literal, but they are entering as Mexicans to use
Pay your debts, boludo.
How the fuck are they going to Chile?!
Do they sail to Colombia and walk the rest to Chile?
And is it the north or south part of chile they're staying at?
the goverment acept them in hundreds one day i will leave this country before it becomes the hell
do niggers like spicy food? Not that I know.
There are more haitians here every day, it's truly mind blowing. Just 1 year ago I never saw anyone, now I constantly see them on the streets. The worst is, this shit is supposed to happen to FIRST world countries with higher standards of living, WHY the fuck are they coming here? They could literally go anywhere (USA, Canada, or Europe) and have a better life, with nigger welfare.
We don't even have much social benefits here, education and health system are mostly private, and the public one is shit.
Burgers of Sup Forums, you should probably accept them in your country. You already have a lot of niggers, they wouldn't make a difference.
Be a good whitey and accept more haitians into your country.
planes. Get you everywhere.
I seriously doubt niggers from haiti can afford plane tickets,does your government bring them purposely?
Of course.
Well, I'll help you.
>south brazilian guide to dealing with haitians
1. Always complain to the manager about the nigger being a shit attendee
2. Do not interact with haitians
3. Always stare at them
4. See they going to Rio de Janeiro
>WHY the fuck are they coming here?
You still have trees don't you?
I assume you still the General's Helicopters?
here the goverment is composed for right idiots and they let them come in for free
What's the next step of their master plan?
A bonus is being very obvious: hiding your stuff when you see them in a street, while not breaking eye contact.
Crash this country. With no survivors
Jesus this damn niggers are even here in Lima invading my loved cholo country
They are really desperated
>does your government bring them purposely?
If I remember correctly, Bachelet visited Haiti several times, helping them and sending troops when there was an earthquake there. At the same time, she is part of "UN Women" (feminist bs). I don't know if there's an specific program to bring them here, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Bro we are all getting fucked with unwanted immigration
To get to Chile without having to go around Brazil and Argentina first.
They ain't found sheeiit
el goblino chileno...
>dominican government makes birthright illegal
>then they say if you came after 1939 illegally, you’re no longer dominican
>dominican police bring trucks into illegal Haitian shanty towns in the Dominican Republic, kicks down doors , rounds up illegals and drops them off in Haiti
>Haitian government doesn’t give these people Haitian documents
>dominican police pin unsolved murders on Haitians , locking them up for life
Millions of Haitians migrants are now afraid to go to the Dominican Republic so their going to other spic countries
I’m ok with this. The Dominican Republic will be the white ethnostate in the future .
when immigration is wanted?
Who gives a shit.
becaue chile is 1st world now, now u have 1st world problems
I would actually like to know though, who tells these uneducated haitians that chile is a well off country? probably jews
its where america is dumping them since they would just illegally return if we left them in hati
es sobre la raza entoces?
>do niggers like spicy food? Not that I know.
they put hot sauce on everything
It just surprises me that they don't choose a better country.
Despite Chile being decent compared to the rest of LA, it's not a developed country, and they would be much better in America or Canada. They would even have more black people to relate to. lol.
Maybe that burger is right and there are specific programs to bring them here, I googled but didn't find anything about it.
(There's also the possibility that they are retarded and think Chile is a country at the same level of NA and Europe)
When it is europeans, you dumb indio.
are you serius?
>Burgers of Sup Forums, you should probably accept them in your country. You already have a lot of niggers, they wouldn't make a difference.
Be a good whitey and accept more haitians into your country.
Also dear and kind burgers if you could take care of Bolivians and Venezuelans that would be great.
Crashing north & south America with no survivors
We banned Venezuelans from America because trump is a fucking retarded Pussy
Poorest county on earth 1200 miles away with no navy or military is “invading” the closest thing to a 1st world nation in South America
Fucking deal with your own shit
You are ok peru. Based on my experience Peruvians stay legally in our country, pay taxes and don't annoy literraly nobody
jewish masterplan
chilindios cant compete
I'm sorry for you bro, these fucking monkeys came here a time ago, I don't know what it turned out but they stopped coming here (thank God for that).
Other garbage people are Bolivians, fucking communist indios, we've received like 500.000 of them already.
It’s sad
Venezuelan women are made to serve the white master cock
massive inmigration burger,not is literal
probably this, maybe they want this land full of good goys when they finally invade patagonia
We only want white European, right brother.
Thanks man
I know we are mutts and most of us are cholos but at least we are no niggers or Muslims
yeah dawg,, u guys are the best south american country
We ain't found shit.
>weeps for el roto chileno
but it shouldn't be a big deal for someone who doesn't leave the house
That sicks, bro.
When beutiful and sexy germans, italians, Scandinavians come to your country.
Thats pretty good even if they don't do shit at least they make the country prettier
>30 million niggers
>30 million spics
>300 million people to take care of
>sill rich as fuck
How are we so good lads?
wow thats fucking sad being that delusional
>approx how many haitians in chile?
>what does the chilean gov say about haitians?
>what does the general population think about haitians?
>do haitians have a neighborhood of their own/ what is it like?
fuck, I heard Chile was a pretty chill country too, pretty obvious move by the kikes, RIP
Lol he doesn’t even look African
maybe because niggers and spics arent so bad?
From what I see Chille is ruled by Virtue signaling far-leftists
well I am glad he rests in peace, at least he isnt watching his beloved country die
i wish that was true :/
Chile yes.
Oh who are we kidding we are getting BLACKED straight from Africa
>And is it the north or south part of chile they're staying at?
They go mostly to our capital (Santiago), which is in the central part of Chile.
But I'm from the south and like I said before, I see more of them every passing month.
Haitian demographics per year in Chile:
2002 = 50
2013 = 4000
2016 = 50,000
2017 = 157,000
They grow exponentially...
>not that bad
Literally all of our problems with healthcare, crime, poverty, violence is because of our niggers and spics
We are that rich in spite of them dragging us down, We’d probably be over Luxembourg wihout them
I am glad but I am also sad. I am never going to have a conversation with Don Miguel.
will piñera do something?
Both capitalist and socialist love third world niggers
>Literally all of our problems with healthcare, crime, poverty, violence is because of our niggers and spics
>because whites are not never on medicare , food stamps, or commit violent crimes.
I live in Amarillo texas and we have plenty of violent whites who are on welfare. stop parroting everything pol tells u , and when I got back to my home town in el paso thats over 90% mexicans everyone is less poor and theres less crime .
I feel the same, man why didnt they win in 1938? it's unfair
haitians are being flown in to chile, this vid claims 300 a day at this airport
lol, i also heard Venezuelans are invading Peru and Colombia. Like wtf is going on man.
i thought chile was a third world nigger country
>muh anecdotes
You might even be wrong for Amarillo but the nationals statitistics atate otherwise
Venezuela is collapsing because they went commie
You can literally hide your country as a small strip on the opposite side of welfare hungry niggers and they will still find you if you're doing well. wtf bros
¡Dios mío!
I'm not surprised. There are fucktons of Haitians in Mexico too.
Most of them are near the border. They expected to be granted a humanitarian visa for the US, but the program was cancelled, and now they are stuck in Mexico.
Given the shitty situation in the border, some of them are trying to get work visas in Mexico and are moving south, mostly to large cities, like Mexico City, Guadalajara o Monterrey.
In regards to Chile, th immigration to that country was exacerbated by the earthquake (dahhh). And even a group of unlucky fuckers experienced both the Haiti earthquake and the Chile earthquake, which coincidentally happened today few years ago.
Feel the joy of diversity, Chile!
>quien esta detras de todo esto
god's chosen people of course
>thinks maduro is a commie
nope , you can google it yourself, El paso is the second safest city in the nation, plenty of other cities that are predmoniantly hispanic have less crime and are wealthier than places that are mostly white
No you are a third world castizo country, thats why you need niggers to make beutiful zambos.
Are you feeling the progress yet Chile?
We need to continue our journey through the Kali Yuga. Despair is for children and women. They didnt win because Fate dictated that they shouldnt. Let us be the only burning torch in an age of darkness.
>will piñera do something?
Nope. I think there was something in his gov plan to make immigration a bit harder, but It wasn't that big or relevant
At the same time, I doubt he would do something radical about it: they would label him as racist, fascist and supporter of Pinochet or some bs like they usually do.
I believe immigration is just a way of lowering wages, which benefits companies. Piñera doesn't have much values or convictions, I really don't like him much as a person or president, I just see him as a way to prevent leftism/feminism bs to destroy our country, but I don't know how much it will last. His positions are even more to the left than before.
Yep, that was the border paradox. Mexico's most dangerous cities were next to America's safest cities for many years.
Crime peaks have moved south, but many America's southern towns are one of the most safe in the country.
No, our plans didn't involve Chile in any meaningful way yet
Welcome to my world
this is the president of DR danilo medina if you look in to his eyes you can see his soul leaving his body
>pic related
gee, i do wonder who could be behind this...
facts don't matter to the left, only feelings
none of that is working