Brazil monarchy restoration movement is growing strong. I literally saw one guy wearing the Empire's coat of arms today at my Federal University which is full of leftists lmao
Monarchy Restoration
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Are there polls?
Last poll said only 10% wanted it to return, the same back in the 1993 referendum, but the royal family meetings have increased like 20 times in one year. The heirs got a good speech and preach basically catholicism and minimal state to counter the crisis which has gained a lot of popularity, and gained sympathy from the army and the elites across the country
WE NEED THIS! HELP OUR CAUSE AND WE'LL HELP YOU! Democracy has also failed here in Mexico. The only things that democracy brouth us are poverty, corruption, populism, lack of morality and degeneracy.
Latin America forever great and united!
¡América Latina por siempre grande y unida!
América Latina sempre grande e unida!
Only if this lady is Empress.
You think Bolsonaro will bring anything new to the table?
First get rid of the neo liberal marxist indoctrination in colleges and that will do much to stop the self loathing traitors amidst yourselves.
I see them a lot here in Sup Forums shit talking Portugal.
Yes,portuga, marxists are the grand majority both in schools and unis. Every graduation that doesn't have calculus or chemistry seems infested by that shit
we need a Pinochet
I think probably Alckmin will win in the long run, but I don't like him or Bolsonaro. I don't like Alckmin because he is a globalist puppet, and Bolsonaro because he is short sighted and actually cares more about his family than Brazil, also the fact he has ties with protestants. So in the end I really don't know, if anything I think PSDB will do a lot of damage to our national objectives but at least they will probably try to push for Parliamentarism which will probably bring up the debate for the Monarchy
Ditadura militar 2.0 seria legal
Dictatorships are stupid. They are needed in times of emergency not really to steer a country to development
I'm fine with not Lula. Anything but him
It would be cool but it will have to be more harmful than the last one. Brazilian military dictatorship wasnt as harmful to commies as Pinochet's Chile
And its reaching a point I dont think there is no getting out for any Western nation. Its fucking scary.
We all know what we need.
I truly honestly believe Brazil can still yet be the Fifth Empire. Or at least the region where it will appear.
We need nationalism. Desperately. Brazilian identity is fucking around, drinking watching football and doing shitty in life. I think a dictatorship would do that just fine. We need to revive our own motto. Ordem e progresso. Our people are more than fine not doing that.
exactly. I study medicine in a federal uni and during the first 2 years there were many subjects were related to sociology which the teachers used to heavily brainwash the students. most of the class got brainwashed
Nationalism doesn't come with force my friend. It comes with the people trusting themselves and realizing their potential from their culture and their morality. That could only come with a moral authority pushing the government and the people to achieve greatness and morality. Which in our case was related to the catholic church and the figure of the Emperor back in old times. And the fact that Monarchy is basically ruled by families makes it much more stable and secure than Dictatorship which are prone for internal power struggles and strong repression. Morality and Nationalism can only be enforced in the long term and with population belief in it, not by discipline and order.
A Brazilian return to Monarchy would be something special. Not sure it would work, but with God’s will, anything is possible.
a abominação
o ogro
o mestiço
carne do mistério
shut up pablo
la creatura
I'm part of a monarchist movement here in Pará. Yes, even this shithole have monarchist supporters.
Good. God save the King.
you mean "AVE IMPÉRIO" ?
what for? Kings existed in an era when christianity was still the culture and people trusted in Providence which selected people to be kings. Right now putting a monarch on the throne is bollocks. You can have a monarch, but what for if he's gonna be brutal like Bashar Al-Assad or he will invite gays to his office, like the spanish king
Our Empire was basically the UK-style constitutional model with the Emperor having personal power to intervene in morality matters in the 3 powers: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. This Emperor's power which was called Moderator Power is literally the best way to tackle corruption as it would literally moralize the state and nobility
I'm a protestant, what's the problem with it? We're not the ones upholding Lula.
I agree that Bolsonaro is shot sighted, but his stance on public security are on spot, and there's no other option anyway.
> It comes with the people trusting themselves and realizing their potential
A military dictatorship could do just that by instigating nationalism through the educational system, oppening the door for the intern market to flourish, and investing in infrastructure based on historical national archteture.
Christianity is still the culture here retard, we're not a secularized country like most of Europe.
Our culture is catholic by nature. Protestantism is literally divided in tons of churches and literally a thinly veiled way for Americans and Global Capitalism to influence us.
>but his stance on public security are on spot, and there's no other option anyway.
Not really, cause repression without moralizing the population is the same as denying a drug addict drugs for a long time without a reason for him to keep on living without the drugs. As long as brazilians keep on denying its roots and keep on trying to find gun happy solutions it will lead to nothing but more chaos in the long term, like what happened after the military dictatorship ended.
> military dictatorship could do just that by instigating nationalism through the educational system
No it can't, nationalism is an empty shell that basically can be anything. Morality comes with faith and with guidance, which historically came from the catholic church, morality does not come from discipline and repression, maybe in the short term yes, but in the long term no. Hence why so many brazilians after the dictatorship ended rejected it and the country became the chaos it is today.
Since 18. century christianity isn't the culture to an appropriate extent, to sustain christian monarchy
My God, wasn't Latin America basically taken over by freemasonry? Have you heard about cristeros?
>he doesnt understand the damage protestantism has done on the world
brazil, por favor... voce pode fazer melhor
we are though. Don't you realize our culture was destroyed? I'm monarchist but I don't believe it's going to be possible to restore our monarchy from this fucked up democracy.
That's awesome. Every domino helps.
Do you think Brazil returning to monarchy would impact much on Mexico?
please don't give up. I want to marry a (white) carioca and have great portuguese speaking babies and serve the king
>Our culture is catholic by nature.
Which is a problem, as Catholics only care for power and influence and not really to the true christian lifestyle, that's why the reformation happend.
>Protestantism is literally divided in tons of churches
See this
I'm not saying protestantism in perfect. I totally agree when a catholic say we created division in Christendon. But it only happened because you Catholics forgot true Biblical doctrine in favor of pursuing mundane power.
Also, Chruchs like Universal do Reino de Deus, and others from the "prosperity teology" as well as the liberal ones are not part of the reformed faith. They may be a result of the liberty that the Reformation brought, but they are not reformed.
>cause repression without moralizing the population is the same as denying a drug addict drugs for a long time without a reason for him to keep on living without the drugs
What do you mean about repression? As far as i know, there's nothing repressive about Bolsonaro's views.
> Morality comes with faith and with guidance, which historically came from the catholic church,
I agree that morality comes from faith and guidance, but the Catholic Chruch is not the only one promoting it. If anything, the Catholics promote false teology and false teaching regard Christianity. The Pope himself is a cuck.
Also, a military dictatorship can do the same thing as a monarchy. They can uphold christian values for the nation, and there's no reason to believe this will not result in better moral standards in society. We are already a christian country, we just need a push for it to become stronger. Education is the way, and anyone who is able to provide it is welcome, be it the Military, a Monarch or Bolsonaro.
Protestantism was a response to Catholic corruption. Even if the world had remmained Catholic, it would still fall into degeneracy under its false doctrines.
Therefore, protestantism actually saved Christianity. Yes, at the cost of a great division in christendom, but thanks to it true Christianity is still alive.
So basically you are saying that Protestants abandoned the church that was created by christ himself, simply because at one time in history the church fell into corruption and other problems? Isn't against catholicism to simply not forgive someone for its sins? In the end protestants created a way to live in their own interpretation bubble by blaming everyone else instead of fighting for a better church
Luther did not wanted to create a new Chruchm, he proposed a restoration of the Roman Catholic Church, but they DID NOT WANTED IT.
We had no choice but to sepparete ourselves.
>Our own interpretation
The true interpretation, you mean?
Just look at the current state of the Catholic church here. Look the kind of people you find at CNBB. You should know that a lot of the support Lula had came from the Catholic church the commies had perverted. There's a opinion molding class that has completely taken our media, education system, culture and people's faith.
The common people are just cattle that forgot all the glory we had and follow what Globo and (((intelectuals))) tell them. How do you expect to restore our tradition and morals? How do you expect to remove the trash from the church? Nothing will happen from a (((democracy))). We would only play by their rules. Look at what happened when the people voted against disarmament.
also see this
You know that CNBB aren't only liberation theology supporters right? And the church in São Paulo and South is really really different from the NorthEast and rural areas. Also I already wrote about that, you need to restore tradition and morals by putting an example in power that caters to our culture. And that is literally the role of the Emperor in a monarchy, especially with the Moderator Power.
Who should take up the throne the Francesci or The Dukes of Montezuma?
We did not wage war on anyone. The Catholics did it. They wanted to silence the protestants, and that's how the conflicts started.
Read some history.
We should ally on this matter, As the only two Latin American Countries that went full E M P I R E Instead of trying republicanism from independence the Kings of Brazil were nothing but great people and they deserve to be remembered
I'm not Catholic but I support the catholic State the Empire had. It is part of our tradition that we want to restore but the fucking leeches are everywhere, including the church and I don't believe we can take these guys out by the current democratic system.
plus the Pope is a cuck. Even D. Bertrand said the ralations with the church wouldn't be the same'
Democracy is impossible to us. Too many dysfunctional people. Those people can't have power or the right to vote.
Anyway, listen dude. For the sake of a common objective, I think we should let our differences aside and join forces.
Even through I know Caholic teology is flawed,I have no problem with our country adopting a stronger Catholic identity, as this is better than a secularized nation.
If there is one thing I like about the Catholics is their taste for art and archteture, and this should not be ignored.
I think we can agree that at least we Protestants and Catholics can coexist better than we do with infidels.
My Father and Brother are Pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, the oldest Protestant denomination in our soil. My father is the present of the Supreme Council of the Church, and he and his subordinates have been trying to stablish a relationship of cooperation with all fronts of traditional Christianity (Catholics and real protestants) in order to fight against Marxism and the current political stablishment.
Isn't this a good idea?
I don't know how you see me, but we protestants are doing our best to see you Catholics as our conrades in this fight. I think we can do this as well here on /pon/ in order to plan some way to spread redpills to the norms.
I think the first thing we should do is getting Bolsonaro into office. We have no other option for the time being. In the future, we can promote the Monarchist movement.
Sup Forums*
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm a phone poster
Noyce, keep up the good work
Excellent post and pic user
>So basically you are saying that Protestants abandoned the church that was created by christ himself
No, they sought to reform the one Peter set up and had turned to shite.
>simply because at one time in history the church fell into corruption and other problems?
You would prefer that continued unchecked?
Brazil = vivisection
Think about Harry in England.
You need just ONE retard to fuck with the morality meme.
Imagine a mulatto or a gay Bragança.
Monarchies help other monarchies, countries help other countries that are like them, Both going I M P E R I A L would burn some bridges, but it would unite:
>Biggest economy in Latin America
>A lot of natural resources
>Second Biggest economy in Latin America to >Access to both seas, lots of ports, even with the possibility of making a canal
>Biggest city in the world outside of Asia
>Lots of natural resources
Both countries are of Iberian descent, past empires who are now tired of democracy and both leftism and right-wing neocons, with a culture in need of a revival and with an important native heritage that completely differentiates us from Europe
I am catholic, but the idea that the Pope can just change things like that is a bit of nonsense. I much prefer the Orthodox way, a senate of priests with no one with more power than anyone else
The King could do the job of the executive seat, the Senate could still be made up on non-royals. And for most positions you could emulate the military meritocratic system, make everything small so transparency is easer. Make things about service and not promises and popularity
And the heirs would have to part-take in service of all kinds to both teach them about being public servants and so the King is able to choose the best heir based on his past service.
It's a global problem dude. Democracy was a mistake. You are giving power to easy manipulative low iq mongrels that only care about gibs and don't know a thing about politics and economy. Plus you make them fighting against themselves. Divide and conquer.
Based. Do it.
Filthy republican leftists need not apply, monarchism is the best form of government.
Someone has to be the king of the country of the apes
>You would prefer that continued unchecked?
Papists can't think for themselves and need their king pope to think for them
This is interesting. Have the mestizos finally reached the feudal stage of their development? Introducing the divine right of kings and all that? Good for them, I suppose Cortez kind of derailed them in their stone age, five hundred years ago.
Fuck you (Checked) Cortés was a Saint and a genius!
>checking someone while disagreeing
You're a service to this board. Nice pic too lol
It would be very fucked up but look at their lineage and culture. Those guys spend all their life studying and being prepared for this role. I'm sure D. Luis and D. Bertrand wouldn't accept a faggot or a low IQ mulato for their succession.
In the current system they can easily elect a faggot with some gibs and expensive propaganda.
Based Mexicans.
I think we should start occasional threads in order to create memes promoting the Monarchy. We have to do something.
>coronelismo v2.0
>os corruptos agora têm licença para roubar
I am a regular on /fsg/, but it is too /lat/ already and we do speak of monarchism there, but I believe that there should be a dedicated thread for this. I actually already tried to make a cooperation thread but it was during some burget politic shenanigans and it got archived fast
Any ideas?
/nim/ - Neo-Iberian Monarchism
/mng/ - Monarchism Genral
/mbm/ - Mexico-Brazilian Monarchism
Bump, these are always interesting reads.
delicia de thread poha
This subject is immediate for countries like Brazil and Mexico that were historically good monarchies and then became shitholes as republics. But It'd also be interesting to know about other countries with monarchist movements. A general would be nice.
I'm sure if you make the thread earlier than this one lots of brs would reply. Everybody is sleeping now.