What should I do about communist?

There are a bunch of pussy communists at my school. They do anything they can to show that they are communist. It’s getting really fucking annoying. How should I deal with them?

I used to just call them ugly.

Convince them of your American ways and murder them

The fact that you feel this urge to deal with them makes you no different than any sjw.

Let them be user it's just a political phase and the fact that they're students proves that.

seize their means of reproduction

Tell them to stop wearing their ideology like fashion, shut the fuck up, and read.

You could try asking them how their commune's been doing.
If they respond positively, then you are ingratiating yourselves with them. Act like an ally, and if they ever try to do stupid shit you can rat on them.
If they REEEEEEEEEEEEE at you, then you have pissed them off and that's rewarding all its own.

Has it occurred to you that you might be annoying them?


*nudge nudge*
*wink wink*

you read.

Join them

What the fuck?
Are you posting Everlasting Summer on Sup Forums?
What's wrong with you? Are you trying to make people long for having sex with girls before the Soviet Union falls and then time traveling forward to meet them IRL in post Communism Russia and show them the glory of capitalism?
You are a poor communist!

MODS! CP isnt allowed on here!

Start or join a sotmer book club

>t. leaf

Culturally enrich their girlfriends

That fat bourgeois pussy!

ignore them

This is easy you have to out commie them once thay see you as the dominant commie (Stalin/Mao) type create a commie cult with you at the center write a manifesto about the school cafeteria not having enough bread or some shit commies love bread use your power wisely with the goal being to eventually overthrow the school staff and become the commie dictator of your public school

Nothing because you are a subhuman retard who doesn't understand why to be in opposition to Communists, best thing a retard suvmch as yourself could do is not voice your opinion as you would only weaken the opposition against Communists, same with anti semites.

Only thing worse than enemy opposition is having people with the wrong reasons to oppose the intended entity.

Post pictures.

how do you know they are communists? did they seize the means of production?
did they shot in the back of the head some trotskyist counterrevolutionaries?

if not, they are not real communists and you can ignore them

Jeez, op, are you 12? How about growing the fuck up and minding your own business?


free helicopter rides

why would you choose such a average/ugly looking commie is that the best you have......

I'd fuck him