Smuggie thread

Smuggie thread





As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?




I don't get the whole "hispanic is a race/not a race" thing. Who cares other than mexishits. They're all just brown people who need to go back.

cancer thread


the pic is wrong cuz u colored pol as white

Exactly. Your average Sup Forumstard looks like this.

>implying people on Sup Forums like niggers.











she would just kill it anyway

You should have named this “straw man thread”

>grug posting


out of smuggies already :(

God I wish there was a whole video of this that jewess looks fit

>I don't have an opinion and I don't care but I replied

Hey faggot, maybe get the fuck out of Sup Forums if you hate Sup Forumsacks

The fedora joke is a metaphor for basically saying you're being pretentious


nothing is going to stop shills from shilling Sup Forums

You guys are okay with pointing out all of the soyboys on the Left but throw a fit when people point out the many neckbeards on the Right.

You realise under Hitler Japanese were honourary whites, right?

Yeah right. They were useful geopolitical tools for him until they chimped out and attacked the US and ultimately cost him the war.

>implying that's what the post was saying

kek. Accurate.

No. No we don't. I'm starting to learn that according to liberals, every person who isn't a faggot enabling illogical leftist cuckold is a redneck or a Nazi. Everyone is waking up to this. You made children become national socialist because you couldn't stop being such a faggot that people would side with Adolf fucking Hitler over you and your shitty friends. This is reality.

Yeah and they were too autistic to act in conjunction with their allies.

Their incompetence lead to the defeat of the axis.

Sums it up nicely

Fuck me if this is real

it is


What do you guys think about my gf


you realise hitler was a massive faggot right?

She's a small girl


We will not be subverted, convict.

>chinckshit mutt


anyone that puts the irish above any of the mutts isn't white

i'm none of the above. Meanwhile your entire people is poisoned with mongol blood you filthy slav. Fuck outta here

hows that ethnostate coming along mutt?

op doesnt know how smuggies work edition.

he still believes the normie oy vey steven spielberg version of (((history))) pretty pathetic desu

The face ruined it.

Absolute cringe whenever someone with an American flag entertains the idea of an ethnostate. Ridiculous notion.



Report, Do not even reply.

OP's Asian cartoon grill looks really cute to be honest.

>nerf this

I hate how real this one is

Hitler did nothing wrong cunt

>invades poland for literally no reason
>starts ww2 resulting in millions of deaths world wide
>makes inept decisions leading to the destruction of his own people

In reality Hitler was a loser who should never have been in a leader position on the world stage. He was a massive cry baby faggot that couldn't even win the only battle he started and decided to fucking shoot himself in the head when he starts to lose. What a complete faggot

I don't find this attractive. Am I gay?

Hey, do you have autism?

You're just not attractive to overweight thots, don't feel bad about it. This woman legit has a double-chin by the way, don't even come at me with your "thicc" maymays.

fuck cammy, but also fuck cammy

>invades poland for literally no reason

Krauts can't seem to get over the fact that Slavs were there first. Actually, Slavic territory extended well into the Eastern portion of modern-day Germany, historically.



Wow, this is a bad thread


Jesus, your country is one of the children of the Anglo empire just as much as the US.

And... Le 56% is stupid. One drop rule makes you non-White. So, if you are talking about the 44%, then the picture applies.

As a guess, you aren't a White Aussie, but a shitskin/kike of some variety acting out your anger for being born a monkey.

White is White.