What the fuck did you do, Sup Forums?

> He indicated that he had taken his grievances about me to an anonymous forum and closed with the threat, “This is going to be bad for you.” People with whom I had never had previous contact began to send me messages. One of the first said, “You’re a nigger.” Another called me a “faggott” [sic]. One attacked my preteen daughter as illegitimate. Several other individuals, including a person who identified himself on his personal page as being employed as a data scientist at Facebook, used the phrase, “You must go back.” I did not initially understand what he meant by this but quickly came to realize that he was implying that, because I am Hispanic, I should be deported.


>Then I received a message from an actual student, who contacted me after stumbling across the source of the spam and abuse I had been receiving. He provided links to threads on a website that is know to be a cesspool of white supremacist activity and suggested that I make screenshots to document the discussion there.


>Commenters suggested that I needed to be deported and called me a “spic.”


Behave yourselves pls.

Not your personal army.

>people still believe these false flags

Maybe they should stop promoting genocidal and antisocial policies and attitudes against whites.


Stalin was 100% right about sending bourgeoisie intelligentsia to the Siberian gulags to die slow deaths. Easily his best decision.

Thin skinned faggots.

It's a sobering realization, isn't it? The sad thing is they could read this thread and still never comprehend why.

>Stalin and McCarthy were right

>The sad thing is they could read this thread and still never comprehend why.
If I get my way he won't have to comprehend why he's freezing to death in northern Alaska, he'll just have to do it.

Pol pot did nothing wrong tbqh



please respond


You have to go back pocho

ITT : Retards with no education and real life experience get jealous of successful people

The way they flail their arms and act like innocent victims who dint do anyfing is pretty funny

and it also makes me hate them more and want to genocide them even more

>a website that is know to be a cesspool of white supremacist activity
What website is that?

But im a complete full blown fascist and im in my third year of a software engineering degree

I dont hate (((academics))), im just aware of how they have been use to twist and warp the mind of would-be moderates and turn them into leftists.

>Academics please respond.

>write articles about "ending white people"
>oh no someone called me name

It's weird that they call for genocide but get butthurt over harsh words directed at them.

(((academics))) pls respond.


I love when non-STEM non-qualifying pseudo-science professionals think they are hated because they represent knowledge.

It reminds me of how astrologists think people despise them because what they say is too complex and scientific.

Nah bro, it's precisely because people value science and knowledge that they shun your retarded anti-scientific views.

Yeah. Also, spics and niggers and Jews literally get their own ethno-centric lobbyist groups (La Raza, Congressional Black Caucus, AIPAC, etc.) while whites don't.

I don't want to hear some spic complaining about "muh privilege" ever again. Whites who try to move to spic countries don't get near the same amount of gibs and free job positions.

non-STEM fags rest on the reputation of STEM fags and blur the line between "intellectuals".

I don't know...

Just wait til they see what we do with Jordan Peterson


I'd advise you to pack plenty of red ink comrade.

I wonder if actual members of the academia are angry that a few low-iq forcefully included themselves in the term "academia", that they now use to describe themselves in every article or tweet.

>he doesn't know that he's talking about the "social sciences"

maybe but they wont speak up if they arent tenure, and even then look what happened to Watson when he spoke truth.

What will really cook your noodle is realizing that the “spics” aren’t even wanted in their countries of origin and are derided as “gringos” by the locals. Many of them do not speak Spanish and would rather eat burgers than huaraches or arepas. They are cultural chimeras created by the Jew to be farmed for their Dem votes and nothing else. Livestock, goyim.

STEM autists don't understand shit about culture, society and arts, that's why intelligent and sensible people devote their life to study and analyze those fields
I'd advise you to suck less dick, in vain most likely

it's those racist cunts at 9gag

flag checks out

>STEM autists don't understand shit about culture, society and arts, that's why intelligent and sensible people devote their life to study and analyze those fields

t someone who can produce no actual goods or services


>STEM autists don't understand shit about culture, society and arts, that's why intelligent and sensible people devote their life to study and analyze those fields

0/10 apply your croissant


>I'd advise you to suck less dick, in vain most likely
Not advice I'd expect from a Frenchman.

faggot academic been punching down his entire life he is shocked to remember what it is like to be opposed.

> spend years organizing Twitter mobs to get right wingers fired
> not harassment
> frog posting
> harassment

He framed Sup Forums
He did some dirty deeds and someone complained and he thought he could hide that legit complaint under fabricated compliments with evidence that he was being attacked by those nasty right wing trolls.

Intellectualism is the death of culture. It fosters civilization on its corpse, to then be given to another culture.


Ironically modern humanities academics don't have much respectable knowledge in those fields either as they are largely problematic and in need of destruction, as is their mission statement.

> Lowest IQ of all majors are culture, society and art related
> Intelligent people
user, I have bad news...

What's the matter with not producing goods and services ?
Calling somebody a nigger isn't a great debate tactic as far as I know

>"faggott" [sic]

all i'm gathering from this is that it's okay to do this same type of behavior towards people you perceive as "nazis", but otherwise, it's wrong behavior.

he gave his e-mail in the article

You can't expect animals to act like human beings where's the surprise?

>¡¡¡Joshua A. Cuevas!!!

Ok, this has been what all Sup Forums pranks have been about. DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING ONLINE, use your own damn heads and don't get so offended. Seriously, this shit still pisses me off because I felt humanity was getting better at this, then fucking poof, just saying retard is a big meanie no no.

> frog posting
> harassment

he actually refers to it as "hate crimes" in the article


>Joshua A. Cuevas is an associate professor and educational psychologist at the University of North Georgia, where he teaches courses in research methodology, assessment, and applied cognition. His email address is [email protected]



>mfw he thought "you need to go back" meant deportation


>Pol Pot



The article isn't talking about niggers.



>not posting the unedited original

>miles wifesson

Oh shit will the end of Sup Forums be by the hands of a dreamer? find out on the next episode of Jew Z

as this is a pretty obvious case of 'rabbi watcha 'doin'

Hi Joshua, you're a fucking nigger spic and the only place you're going back to is the ovens

t. never bothered to read a humanities academic paper
Good job on thinking IQ matters when you're retarded enough to compare history or literature to maths and physics

>being pissed at Mexicans living here when we bought the land from them and now "we" are wanting them to go back.
>loving nog culture, rap etc... All those brought from Africa are cool to stay, we even bring em in all the time because muh refugees!!!
> no easy fix for a bandaid that needs ripped off...
> mfw MAGA also could be make amurica gentile again.
> but we were built on letting in refugees and taking natives land!!!
>now the Rez is small and hated...
>America is getting exactly what it did have happen again. Go fig...
>Fighting terrorism since 1492.jpeg
>Crying Indian at the landfill.

It's literally just shit talk over the internet. Grow the fuck up faggots. There's a reason the spellchecker underlines "cyberharassment."

There was a time when the thought of the extrajudicial murders of academics and journalists would have horrified me. Then I began to view the prospect with indifference. Then schadenfreude.

Now I firmly believe that post-modernism is a cancer that has to be excised with bullets and the rope, and the sooner the people promoting it die, the better.


“You must go back.” I did not initially understand what he meant by this but quickly came to realize that he was implying that, because I am Hispanic, I should be deported.

This infuriates me. How they twist reality in their own narrow reality to fit their inner narrative.




I've said it before and I'll say it again, "social science" is to real science what Spirit Science is to real science. The proper collective noun for a group of social scientists is "a coven". They're sciences so soft, you can major in them at Hogwarts. They're are some holdout physicists who are diehard for the theory of luminous aether, and even they shit on social sciences; they're justified doing so.

First result on google is his page at University of North Georgia. Public-facing contact info includes his phone and e-mail.
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise: Applied Cognition, Assessment, Educational Measurement, Evidence-Based Reasoning, Language and Literacy, Memory, Quantitative Methodology
Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Georgia State University, 2010
M.A.T., English Language Arts Education, Piedmont College, 2005
B.A., Literature, University of Georgia, 1994

>being pissed at Mexicans living here when we bought the land from them and now "we" are wanting them to go back.
>bought the land
Yeah that was called conquest, Jorge. We bought land from France and Russia. We took yours by force of arms. Know the difference.

Courses Taught
EDUC 6402, Educational Research Methodology (UNG), master’s level course in research methodology, design, and statistics
MGED 6001, Middle-Level Practices and Curricular Issues in Contemporary Schools (UNG), master’s level capstone research course
EDUC 6001, Educational Research (University of North Georgia), master’s level course in research methodology, design, and statistics
EDUC 6101, Advanced Assessment (University of North Georgia), master’s level course in educational measurement
SCED 4002/EDUC 3002, Educational Assessment (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in assessment
SCED 4005, Internship (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field experience supervision course
MGED 4020, Instructional Strategies & Monitoring (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in educational psychology
MGED 4015, Internship 3, Decision Making (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field experience supervision course

>Literally demonizing their opponents.

Courses Taught (cont.)
MGED 3540, Applied Data Analysis (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field supervision and data analysis course
EDUC 2130, Exploring Teaching and Learning (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in educational psychology
LART 3040, Teaching Reading/Writing in Middle/Secondary Schools (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in k-12 reading
LART 3106, Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in k-12 reading
READ 4100/LART 3007, Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities (UNG), undergraduate reading endorsement course
LART 3060, Teaching Language Arts at the Middle School Level (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in education
MGMS 7200, Conceptualizing Middle Level Learning & Diversity in Content (UNG), master’s level course in middle grades education
EPY 7090, The Psychology of Learning (Georgia State University) master’s level course in early childhood education/educational psychology
EPY 2050, Human Growth and Development (Georgia State University) undergraduate course in educational psychology

So he's an education professor.

he even looks like a nigger

What's a token payment, unkie sam coddled you dearly from birth with gibs for dear mama, and those food stamps sure did get you through 5th grade. Surely you would understand 15million dollars is a token payment for the land if only you finished H.S.
Back to the bible to read and write for you amerimutt.


So good

RIP Oscar Gamble

Wow, bravo my friend.

What's the matter with eating food that could be sent to a starving African I might ask?
If you serve no purpose, by what obligation do your betters permit you life?

A quick Duck Duck Go search for this professor faggot shows that he's a nobody. Why should I give a fuck about a brainlet professor?

He was asking for it.

>endlessly advocate for the de-powering of white people inside the country their ancestors built
>endlessly defame and attack white people, denying their rights to advocate for themselves
>endlessly demand white people give up their wealth so you can have gibs
>endlessly demand white people accept and empower criminal minded people who do not share our values and entered the country illegally

>some people talk shit back at you


Our patience has its limits.

Sorry Comrade Cumguzzler, but the long march has come to a halt. Permanently.

>attacked my preteen daughter as illegitimate


The state of "higher learning." He's still a brainlet fag that really isn't worth my time, other than knowing that North Georgia is a university full of retards.
