Can somebody redpill me on why jews are bad

Newfag here, please redpill me.

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I can't. Just remember that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

start with the Culture of Criqtue series by Professer Mcdonald then come back.

lurk moar fgt.


every single degenerate behaviour that is pushed in the west is pushed very disproportionately by jews

why would you think anyone would say a weird thing like 'jews are bad'? how could a whole religion be bad? you're confused, maybe on redit they can help you. or perhaps dr. kevin mcdonald's many excellent scholarly works could help inform you, if your desire to learn is sincere. otherwise post your khazar milkers kike.

They own the banks, google the kalergi plan.
They oppress people and enslave them through money lending and usury (google these terms as well).
They have created a currency based system for thousands of years, corrupting the people through greed of money and using this to obtain power of them through bribery. Now this takes place mostly in the form of lobbyists.

>overwhelming black population
>all vote democrat
>this is a suprise
here's a starter