Nuclear Weapons. Your government owns thousands of them. Understand that 5 or 6 of the big ones can potentially kill more people than all that have been killed by guns in human history. Go get rid of all of them. Then we'll talk about what constitutes an "assault weapon".
BAN THIS, Dumbasses
Israel needs to let their illegal stockpile be inspected first. They shouldn't even have nukes. Who do they think they are trying to tell a sovereign country like Iran with a legal nuclear deal what to do within their country?
Who gives a fuck. The fact that they exist under any flag at all is a detriment to all humanity. Any government that owns them cannot claim to be reasonable or logical. In the best of human hands, mistakes and folly happen regardless of intent.
Nothing has happened yet, and a single nuclear warhead being lost means nothing. There's been a shitload of nuclear munitions lost since they were made and nothing has come from it. If you take some Dr Evil fantasy and detonate a nuclear warhead it would still mean fucking nothing. "Nuclear Winter" from thousands of nukes going off is still debatable.
Name frikin anything that one careless human can't screw up. One zero not carried, one engineer with schizophrenia, one programmer with a vendeta, and it's no longer a movie.
Also, one payload detonated in the world's 6 most populous citys would kill more than all guns have.
they don't exist, yet another meme psyop from (((tavistock))) that people mindlessly buy into just because it's repeated over and over, total 100th monkey shit, just like the holohoax
Mkay. Look, you can't be a conspiracy theorist and claim that nukes don't exist. Conspiracy theories lead us to wonder how bad were lied too. "No real nukes: would mean that being lied to is actually good for us.
Nothing, but it isn't a rebuttal to what I stated so idk what you want from me.
Curious you used the word "guns" in there. Maybe some sneaky trick to be "haha bombs, famine, artillery, etc. doesn't count!" WW2 alone killed far more people than a single nuclear bomb in the heart of Tokyo would do. Even if you meant one bomb in each of the top six most populous cities, you would still be wrong. The Tsar Bomba never was an operational warhead, you know that right?
If full out nuclear war happened, more deaths would happen sure, but it probably wouldn't mean the demise of humankind.
>nothing come of it
coming to kill you
>think nothing of it
Google it man
Wikipedia is usually right.
The bomb dropped on Hirshima 1/100th of the destructive power of a current nuke. Learn the difference in kilotons and megatons.
nukes don't exist, there is no runaway chain reaction, it's all a meme, hiroshima and nagasaki were firebombed
Tokyo was hit by the insidious mixture of HE and incendiary bombardment, as was Dresden. It's hard to acidentally send out 1000 bombers over 48 hours. Not so hard to acidentally detonate a couple nukes.
I know what the difference is. Largest nuke was the tsar bomba at 50MT but nothing has come close to it in operational use. The strength of the warhead has diminishing gains, which is why MIRVs were made to spread warheads from a single missile over an area but are no longer in service. Better to have several 500kt warheads hit across a wide area than one 5MT warhead at one place.
Ya kinda disproved yer point. One ICBM can carry enough warheads to do 20 Hirshimas in one launch.
My initial query was "Why are we worried about guns as long as nukes are a thing"?
/thread, a real American knows that we should start the global nuclear fallout by bombing the West coast and North East ourselves
Sadly, despite the responsibility I must assume as a non-fag OP, I must agree at heart.
>non-fag OP
this could be a first
What part of
>but are no longer in service
Did you not understand? They were banned by treaty. No country uses MIRVs anymore. Everyone who has nukes just has enough nukes to wipe out their biggest contender so that their contender won't fight them.
Not sure what your original point really is. Is it anti-nuke or pro-gun? Military owned nukes and civilian gun ownership are both compatible, you know? It's not like nuking your own nation gives you anything to gain lol
the nukes are a blessing, ironically they are the deterrent from humanity ripping itself apart through a massive, truly global war that would make WW2 look like a fucking tea party
Are you aware of the UFO nuke connection?
If not, just please shut the fuck up
>OP doesn't understand how nukes work.
Even 15 of the biggest nukes on the 15 biggest population centers on Earth, would not kill more people.
But you make a valid point about rifles.
Pic Related.
youre a fucking idiot hahahaha
I think we should ban work:
work made guns
work made nuclear weapons
work made climate change
work made pollution
work killed the fish in the oceans
work killed the elephants, tigers and rhinos
work makes small children slaves
work made petty theft
Sure we still need to work a little, but mostly work is the problem. We should aim to work as little as possible, while still remaining alive and keeping others alive--if possible. Seriously, what is the absolute least we can do as a society to keep ourselves fed and warm?
No, nuclear warheads made a stalemate with the other powers. if you take that away PUM some shit its gonna happén boy
if nukes become illegal only the criminals will have nukes. every private citizen should have a nuclear deterrent to protect his home in case of tyranny or space aliens.
>but when they came to invade america they found a thermonuclear missile behind every blade of grass
Idk user. That radiation still causes birth defects in Japan and child birth deaths as well as health concerns which can lead to auto immune deficiency resulting in death by virus it bacteria