*frog voice intensifies*
>Well you see, that's the BLOODY problem
*monthly patreon hits $200,000*
>the Marxists and post-modernists don't believe in objective biological phenomena
*sells post-modern rug for $2,000*
>and the post-modernists embolden them with their incessant proclivity to align with ABSOLUTE PATHOLOGICAL IDEOLOGIES
*cries on camera*
>and they're going to summon the beast that's lurking in the depths of the ocean
*perscribes unsorted daughter prozac*
*paces back and forth on stage trying to dodge the JQ*
>and these Identitarians and Alt-Righters
*hypnotizes Joe Rogan with exaggerated hand gestures*
>THEY'RE LOST and they've taken refuge under the wing of the beast
*bravely says someone who lobs their dick off isn't actually a woman*
>because all they can see is at least the beast isn't attacking THEM
*hangs communist propaganda on the wall*
>and they've become one with the archetype of wrath and want nothing but destruction
*sells GLAMOUR magazine personality survey for $10*
>because at that depth, they can't see anything worth saving in the darkness and they grow resentful
*avoids engaging with the Far-Right*
>and all that fills the chiasm in their minds is hate
*explains differing outcomes in sex as biologically caused*
*pretends racialism has no basis in science*
>they don't even realize they have MORE in common with Muslims than their white liberal counterparts
*praises the White Nationalist American founding fathers*
>it's like, look man, have you ever even thought just to ask if they prefer to vote conservative?
*get's BTFO by Kevin MacDonald on twitter*
If you find yourself retreating into a culture or ideology
*admires eskimo artifacts all over his house*
>it's because you're underdeveloped as an individual
*praises jews*

What a faggot

Other urls found in this thread:


>>and they've become one with the archetype of wrath and want nothing but destruction
but that sounds great. when are we sacking rome again?

>when are we sacking rome again?
Sooner than you think

>tfw no JP as your dad to tell you to clean your room

looks like we won't have to








Why do these people shill so hard against JP. He is a semi easily digestible redpill and essentially advocates being a man and taking responsibility? He obviously has deeper meaning with the clean the room bit

>Fill your house with Communism

>clean your house with Lenin Bolshivism


>JOIN my cult

i don't get it either. maybe some sort of divide and conquer shilling thing?

Fuck this guy. His self authoring program consists of about the 5 same questions repeated and he charges 20 bucks for it. I've no idea how it has helped anyone.

>He obviously has deeper meaning with the clean the room bit

Do you even NLP bro?


Unclean room detected.

You accuse him of having views you agree with yet living like a normie.

Cause all the things like having a patreon or selling rugs are just normie things, not particulary left wing or anything.

Because he doesn't redpill people he says things that counter the insane sjw narrative, and gather support of thousands of young men who are yearning for some one to speak truth.
Then he preaches to these kids about the importance of individualism and not being a nationalist.. Essentially leading people who would otherwise become redpilled into the cuck void

What he says makes no sense and bears little relation to the question asked

Because the far right is full of prima donnas who spend the majority of their time attacking each other on irrelevant websites and YouTube channels while their societies continue slipping into oblivion.

That cheer sounded a million times better than a bunch of rednecks chanting "jews will not replace us" while carrying tiki torches they just bought from walmart.

Why can't we have bad ass white nationalist rallies like that here in the states?

He can’t even answer simple questions like “Do you believe in God?” And his fans are manchildren desperatr for a father figure. He’s an annoying, money-hungry hack that offers nothing of value.

Peterstein is anti-war and anti-kike genocide, therefore he's both anti-natural and anti-goyim.
Nothing more to say here.

He will come as Generation Z starts to fade away

oh jeez...if this is legit, its stupid and misguided. who can blame peterson for not naming the jew with the 200 years together question. the worlds not ready to handle that honestly yet. be thankful you got him to risk his neck as far as he has. who here in Sup Forums has really risked anything for their supposed beliefs?


I love you, Peterson poster.

>be thankful you got him to risk his neck as far as he has
He didn't do shit, he said it was ridiculous to say trannies are actually the gender they think they are.



>his fans are manchildren desperatr for a father figure
This in particular. I wouldn't even mind Peterson himself, but the adherents of the cult he created with his quasi-religious ideology that he sells to the gullible have become a major annoyance.

>"do you believe in god"
>simple question
t. brainlet

thus risking his job and having his name dragged through the mud. the reason he is well known for this is because his actions are rare. his actions are rare because it required some courage. i really shouldn't have to walk you through this dude.

People who spend too much time on Sup Forums forget that outright naming the jew will be career and personality suicide in the outside world. You have to drop tiny redpills one at a time and lead people to the truth slowly.

I actually like how Jordan Peterson talks massive shit on the bolsheviks and the postmodernist school of thought and how it has roots in the Frankfurt school. If people actually look into these things a little on their own they realize the Jews were behind everything.

It's like Peterson walks you all the way up to the edge and just leaves that final step up to you to realize the Jews are behind almost everything toxic in western civilization, yet he never has to say it and give the left ammo against him.

He's pretty clever.

>thus risking his job
a tenured professor?
>having his name dragged through the mud
For saying he shouldn't be forced to say things? He has virtually 100% support, bar Antifa and the kike press.
>his actions are rare
He's the only non-commie in academia, you wouldn't do it user?
>i really shouldn't have to walk you through this dude.
You should use proper grammar and get off Sup Forums shitskin.

>He's pretty clever.
He's blatantly anti-ethnonationalism. You're fucking autistic, his cult is not secretly getting redpilled on the JQ, go interact with them if you think so.

agreed. i think the people on here doing the purity tests are either shills working for the other side or have nothing to lose because theyre kids or don't have a career, family or community that they would have to risk losing.

>risk his neck
>a professor in kike university who speaks at zionist conferences
The only "non-compliant" thing he ever did is bashing some of the lesser jewish golems like trannies and faggots, absolutely nothing serious like talking against immigration or banking. And at the same time he prides himself in neutralizing(or better say neutering?) potential reactionaries and turning them into good goyim. He is far more valuable asset of jewry than any common marxist professor, because his style is honed to work against those who are immune to generic kike conditioning. If anything, kikes concerned about his neck much more than you are.

>a tenured professor?
I don't think he gives a fuck about teaching in college anymore. They aren't receptive to his message and on Rogan's podcast he talked about how trivial teaching students a couple hundred at a time seems when he can make youtube videos that get hundreds of thousands and millions of views. A few hours of youtube content can reach more people than a lifetime of lecturing at a college.

Plus his patreon and his book are making him fuckloads more money than the school ever paid him. At this point his professor positions are just things in his resume that give him credibility. He doesn't need it anymore.

He's explicitly against ethnonationalism and he's a sedative for the disenfranchised mass of people who actually possess the potential to actually change things.

dude, i have a bigboy job at a major tech company. i would be fired within a week if i had a conversation about "naming the jew" with my co workers. sheesh dude. it's like you dont have a clue what the world is like with responsibilities.

>or have nothing to lose
Pray to all gods you know that there will be enough of people who have nothing to lose loyal to your side when time comes. A hundred of peterstein-like small souled bugmen wont fight for your cause as hard as each of those.

I'm talking about you being a tenured professor and refuses to say things your students demanded you too. It's not brave, you're just a weak faggot if you capitulate.

>He's blatantly anti-ethnonationalism
this isn't INHERENTLY a problem, but the context is what's important. peterson preaches individualism in a time when every other ethnic group is practicing collectivism and marching in force on western civilization. practicing individualism at a time like this.

ironically, peterson is like Sup Forums, he wants a return to the 20th century where western minds were fixated on ideological debate and questions of modernity. now we're locked in an existential struggle, but he can't bear to face it head on.

practicing individualism at a time like this is like showing your friend youtube videos while your house burns down*

I absolutely 100% believe that there is a war against whites going on right now. But I still don't identify with a pure internationalist view. I have no problem with other races if they have their shit together.

Some of my closest friends are several different ethnicity and they are all good people who aren't leftists. My best friend is Indonesian and about as dark as an Asian can get, borderline black. He is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. I would gladly fight against any autist who wants to "purge" people like him.

>pure internationalist view.
meant to say ethnonationalist
auto correct...

what happens when all of the people that look like him decide they want to purge you and he decides he'd rather save his own skin? if you believe there is a war against whites, surely you also need to acknowledge the possibility of the genocide being directed at them, not non-whites.

>if they have their shit together.
>and about as dark as an Asian can get, borderline black. He is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met.

You don't know what the fuck race realism is. This is "le just skin color" the post.

NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, hollywood actors, CEOs, etc, etc, etc... all earn big bucks and noone bats an eye. muh entertainment.

Intelligent man provides easily digestible life lessons, wisdom to improve yourself - earns big bucks and all hell breaks loose on Sup Forums.

Go fuck yourself shills.

>another character assassination

>simple questions
>“Do you believe in God?”
wew, leave some IQ points for the rest of us would ya

Because he threatens (((someone's))) power a lot

kinda like how I want to collect ak47s but hate commies

Sorry, but you guys are never going to be able to convince me that a guy who was my roomate for 2 years and has been the best friend I've ever had in my life is secretly my enemy.

We go shooting all the time and he rants against the left, postmodernist PC bullshit, and commies just as much as I do. Anybody who acts like he is the enemy just because he has Indonesian ancestry can go fuck themselves.

okay, he stays on your side, you still haven't fixed the problem. what do you do when the other races don't get their shit together and are united by a hatred of whites? how do you avoid a coming global ethnic conflict?

>Sorry, but you guys are never going to be able to convince me that a guy who was my roomate for 2 years and has been the best friend I've ever had in my life is secretly my enemy.
>We go shooting all the time and he rants against the left, postmodernist PC bullshit, and commies just as much as I do. Anybody who acts like he is the enemy just because he has Indonesian ancestry can go fuck themselves.
totally BASED I hope he brought all of his cousins with him!

That's fake as fuck.

jordan peterson pls rate this guide

you're a hatin' ass NEET. Clean your room, kiddo

kys mutt

>*monthly patreon hits $200,000*

Communists don’t love the poor, they hate the rich.


British-Israelism: This is the source of all White infighting. A bunch of filthy British Anglos who believe they are the chosen Jews of God. British-Israelism made its way into America then later morphed itself into what is called 'Christian Identity' in the United States. At one point it had up to 2,000,000 followers in the US. They view Europe as the enemy of the Jews. They're also closely connected to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is the British garbage the Black Hebrew Israelites replicated when creating their own version of WE WUZ.

One of the Anglo-Jews top publications is which continuously pumps out anti-Europe insane hysteria. Particularly anti-German hostility written in articles like (Germany Is Conquering NATO) Retarded claims of "evil Germans" inside "biblical prophesy" are routine.

Notable Anglo-Jews:
Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), American founder of the Worldwide Church of God
Robert Bradford (1941–1981), Methodist minister and Ulster Unionist politician
Alan Campbell (1949-2017), former Pentecostal pastor from Northern Ireland

>Additional reading:
British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign

Article highlights:
>The Trump administration recognizes the great potential that lies within Germany’s capacity to lead military missions, it is blind to the danger of empowering Germany.

>What does Germany do when it gets a strong military? Do you dare read its history and see? Once that military is in place, it will be put to use! This world doesn’t comprehend that because it doesn’t understand history and Bible prophecy. We just have to look at the truth to understand what we’re dealing with. Everything is moving at lightning speed.


user image boards are where all the principled prima donnas hang out.

>DUDE he like, doesn't like people protecting their race, but trust me he's like SO wants individual freedoms and stuff lmao

>We go shooting all the time and he rants against the left, postmodernist PC bullshit, and commies just as much as I do.

I am sorry to tell you that you are both idiots. You have been tricked by (((neocons))) and the (((alt-right))) into thinking there are ideological and sectarian divides that don't actually exist. It's the same techniques they used in Iraq and Syria. Now they will use everything they learned to split the USA apart into smaller and more manageable bits.

not one reason to dislike him


British-Israelism: This is the source of all White infighting. A bunch of filthy British Anglos who believe they are the chosen Jews of God. British-Israelism made its way into America then later morphed itself into what is called 'Christian Identity' in the United States. At one point it had up to 2,000,000 followers in the US. They view Europe as the enemy of the Jews. They're also closely connected to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is the British garbage the Black Hebrew Israelites replicated when creating their own version of WE WUZ.

One of the Anglo-Jews top publications is which continuously pumps out anti-Europe insane hysteria. Particularly anti-German hostility written in articles like (Germany Is Conquering NATO) Retarded claims of "evil Germans" inside "biblical prophesy" are routine.

Notable Anglo-Jews:
Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), American founder of the Worldwide Church of God
Robert Bradford (1941–1981), Methodist minister and Ulster Unionist politician
Alan Campbell (1949-2017), former Pentecostal pastor from Northern Ireland

>Additional reading:
British-Israelism to Christian Identity & the Palestine Campaign

Article highlights:
>The Trump administration recognizes the great potential that lies within Germany’s capacity to lead military missions, it is blind to the danger of empowering Germany.

>What does Germany do when it gets a strong military? Do you dare read its history and see? Once that military is in place, it will be put to use! This world doesn’t comprehend that because it doesn’t understand history and Bible prophecy. We just have to look at the truth to understand what we’re dealing with. Everything is moving at lightning speed.


Jordan Peterson is a British Jew. Learn more

he's a bitch who won't actually touch certain subjects despite having a huge safety net from patreon. Also, have you ever heard of the overton window? I won't be satisfied until the New York Times is calling for a holocaust of the jews but for real this time

Read GLR's "This Time the World". not naming the jew is how you get neocon cuckservatives. It's totally ineffectual. You can't trick the jews by trying to be sly. Explicit or nothing.

This. Peterson advocates social atomization for whites, but would have us turn a blind eye to the ethnocentrism of all other races. There's nothing ground breaking about his philosophy. It's simply more of the same white guilt agitprop that's been used to soften up the west for years on end.

LOL poor jordan peterson. White South Africans are murdered and raped in their homes and their killers are protected by the government but poor little peterson might have to rely only on his hundreds of thousands of dollars of patreon money every year to get by. Truly a victim.

>Some of my closest friends are several different ethnicity and they are all good people

need more national socialist taytay

This isn't even a criticism you faggot shill

>peterson preaches individualism

subjects such as...

JQ. He wouldn't even let Faith Goldy join his faggy free speech event.

He's a psychologist, not a politician.

I disagree with Peterson on many things, but it's important to realise this isn't his strong point. His specialty is dissecting individual behaviour, not far-right ethnostates.

I think he's a pussy for avoiding the JQ though.

i suppose an individualist vs collectivist would be.. say.. a school shooting? :)

white identetarianism is bad even though he's a member of native Canadian tribes, so their identetarianism and Israeli identetarianism is good
>grow the hell up Israel

Is a son not supposed to follow the father? These boomers with their meritocracy nonsense have lost all connection to how institutions are maintained.

No surprise they see no issue with the kikes & foreigners taking over white institutions

Clean your cranial cavity with a shotgun kike.

>we have stuff in common with Islam

Yeah Islam is actually based in a lot of ways. I would have no problem with them if they didn’t want to kill us all and worship muhammad

he seemed to not know enough about the subject to answer the question and i don't think he's willing to make remarks on a very sensitive issue he doesn't know much about.

He angers both sides, antifa and nat-scos both have a brain hemorrhage over him.

apparently he does, since he's made at least a million dollars from his book and patreon.

Envious fuck that can't accept having an intelligent ally, the epitome of stupid.

>a shotgun kike.

Wots a shotgun kike? is it two jews on a rollercoaster?