Whites BTFO'd.
How will they ever recover?
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HA HA I KNEW IT ! Moses was black too bitches !!!
show more boobs plz
>Nigger denies DNA.
Ok next thread. Saged
Here come milk truck
Your ID is "F4kED" BTW, and you expect us to trust you?
Read the article. All is addressed
North Africans don't equal Sub-Saharan Negroids (the latter are what US blacks are).
Oh I did. It all came down to:
>I don't like the conclusions from this evidence, so fuck it.
The idiot even claims he knows shit about Egyptian civilization prior to 3000 BC, which nobody does. Mesopotamian civilization predates the Egyptian one with about 700 years. Egypt was a backwater when the Sumerians were building cities
Read the article
For all extents and purposes everything before the 3rd dynasty is fictional
If that's what you got out of it, then your reading comprehension is retard-tier
milk truck arrive
He clearly calls out how the study conducted by the Germans was misleading to say the least, and it wasn't the first time that lab was caught by conducting racial driven fake science
Sub-Saharan Negroids were only used as slaves by Northern Africans.
Northern Africans had black and brown skin.
Again read the article
African Americans are Negroids with some European mixture.
Negroids only left the Congo due to being captured.
Descendants of royalty
BS German scientists are 100% reliable
intents, Sven
I would shit in her chest
>For all extents
>9gag faked
>dig up nubian pharaohs of egypt
>find out they're nubians
you niggers are dumb as fuck
Wasn't Carthage also in mediterranean africa?
I wonder how much trade Egypt had inland because it's know she had a good amount of sea trade
I could not say no to those hips, Jesus
who dat my man?
>what if what if what if
Niggers crying about something? Imagine my shawk.
>All is addressed
by a half-way illiterate moron offering opinion as fact
She's Indian???
I thought she was Latina or some shit.
> tacitly admitting that French and American civilization were built by whites
> thinking anything DNA Tribes publishes is legit science
> not understanding the difference between a Y-DNA haplogroup and a "gene"
This fucking nigger is too stupid for words.
reminder that thin>lean>fit>thicc
I whole heartedly agree.
I find THICC women to be absolutely disgusting. I prefer my women to be as skinny as a broom.
Side note: thicc comes from Nigger culture. So if you like thicc whores, you're a jungle monkey.
We are mediterranean/white when you have history you wanna claim?
maybe you have a really small penis?
as some with a thick 7.5 inch dick, i like big asses bouncing on my cock
I prefer when girls called themselves curvy when they were at a healthy bodyfat percentage but just had hourglass curves due to ass and titties and a tiny waist. I thicc always included fat chicks though and is mostly girls who are at least borderline overweight but just hide it well or use waist trainers to make retarded proportions when they started out chubby.
It was more a "there were other noteworthy civilizations in mediterranean africa" kinda question.
Not all mediterraneans are white
As another side-note: when did civilizations stop needing to have cities to be considered civilized?
Lol yeah Indian women are ok, your point?
>I'm gay
You must be a LARPing Nigger.
Stfu and go back to picking cotton.
Thick women are disgusting. You're promoting obesity. KYS.
Slim and trim is the way to go. Anything else is disgusting and Nigger tier.
That ass is fucking gross. Look at all that cellulite
>I enjoy miscegenation
Good to know. No one cares
This guy gets it.
The rest of you are cucked niggers.
Anything that isnt at least triplets coming out of that breeding machine is a waste of efficiency.
I learned my lesson at a young age. I bet her ads looks fantastic in jeans. But once its bare, it always looks like that. Fooled many fucking times by the tight jeans. Never again.
she looks like she's wearing a diaper. look at her skinny legs with that fake ass. My girl is actually curvy due to great genetics with a big ass and tits and a tiny waist but legs that actually match her body. But you just go ahead and keep fapping to this fake fat brown bitch who got lipo and butt implants lol. You're clearly the real winner here.
look at all her pics, she hides her gut with flattering dresses and high waisted pants. That's another thing they do in these pictures to make it seem that they are retardedly curvy. She's just fat. These guys who worship these "thicc" bitches don't actually think past the picture though because that's their only actual contact with women who aren't their mom. They never take girls to the bedroom, they just fap to instagram thots.
big ole titties
Posts African we wuz website saying we wuz....
nice sources
Goddamn it...
>ywn smell her curry farts
>hides her gut
think again schlomo
I'd unironically let her shit in my mouth
obvious lipo and waist training. Does her stomach area and the weird fat around her bikini line look normal to you?
Oh spare me your whining about egyptian dna just stop.
Horse frocky german scientists are the best.
Translation of the conclusion
>One underestimate the unshakable determination of a child who wants to find his parents that have been hidden away from him. We will not bend our heads any more. We will carry no more complexes. We will not feel inferior again. We will no longer return to the state of shame and self-hate the occupant has taught us and in which we were painfully dwelling before we discovered our history. We are going to make these feelings history.
"We want this to have been the truth so we're calling it the truth"
>Black Africans are the civilizers of humanity and they will never come down from this historic pedestal anymore. They invented civilization, in Africa, and introduced it to Asia, America and Europe. Everyone will learn to get back to his place in history. It is with this new pride, this infinite confidence in our capacities, that we will rebuild Africa.
"Reverse the discrimination"
>That being said, considering the shock wave this study has created in the black communities, we believe that the maximum number of Africans must acquire solid scientific knowledge in order to be able to decipher the lies contained in the scientific literature. But above all it is also urgent that we control our media space in order to make our voice heard; it is the voice of truth.
"Educate Blacks about science so they can understand that whites are liars, block out everyone that disagrees with us"
This can't be real. This must be some sort of autistic prank.
She's Indian and half of pol is shilling for her.
It's pathetic what you lonely Virgins will do for a 3/10 whore.