How do you feel now Drumpftards?
That's right guys, he is coming for all your guns
WTF wish id voted for Hillary now
Hillary=100% gun control
>meme flag
Lol the left really has no amp but to try to fit in
Fuck of shill
We don’t care
Well armed and well trained. I've been waiting for someone to fuck up for a long time.
Ready to go to war and hang traitors in the streets. We will slaughter Jewish families in their homes and synagogues too.
>retards want to but chuck carry me in background check bill
How stupid are you
You can’t even fit in if you try
Liberal shill
Accelerationism is always the best. This drip drip tick tock is boring as fuck
feels good. now americans will hunger to vote further right, this helps european. EVERYTHING is going to plan.
(btw you need to realise many europeans on this board only shilled for trump because he was the chaos candidate)
we /accelerationist/ now
Isn't it obvious?
Molon Labe.
I may have voted Trump, and I may agree with him on a number of things, but my principles and my rights come first. Touch them and prepare to be wrecked.
The voting booths will be literal bloodbaths if this legislation passes. Anyone who continues to consent to a tyrannical government by voting will become a target.
>How do you feel now Drumpftards?
Well I'm always told that "hitler took the guns" and that "drumpf is literally hitler" so I don't understand why anyone is really surprised.
Trump playing 4D chess yet again. He knows what will happen if they actually try to take our guns. He'd be doing this country a favor by kicking off the genocide of every commie piece of shit in this country.
You think Hillary would've been any more effective than 8 years of Obama when it comes to gun control? Only the republicans backing off would've resulted in gun control, Trump's move today will be more damaging to the 2nd amendment anything the dems could've pulled off
He was too busy giving them to Mexican gangs.
>How do you feel now Drumpftards?
Pretty good. This will pan out just like the DACA bullshit. While you faggots are basing your opinions off emotions I’ll simply sit back and wait for actual action to take place before making a judgment. That’s the difference between men and women.
You’re acting like a fucking vagina; you are letting your emotions take control of your decision making processes and you are having difficulty extrapolating into the future.
Fuck off sharia blue. There's literally nothing wrong with some common sense gun reform. The God Emperor knows what he's doing.
I can see it now, Trump lets Feinstein and company write the new laws, come midterms Republicans win super majority and kill the bill on site.
Not only did that, the only two pieces of firearm legislation that Obama successfully passed both repealed restrictions that banned guns from national parks and on Amtrak. So if Trump passes any legislation, Obama will have done more for gun owners than Trump.
>Common sense
Meaningless weasel words.
>sharia blue
>The God Emperor
lol please try harder
Those were amendments forced into omnibus bills by Republicans as "poison pills".
Drumpf has realised that he can win over democrats with this kind of surprising talk, while republicans will interpret this as 2d chess
he wont win a single one
You realize he is baiting the gun grabbers, right? You know they want to jump all over this, and agree. But, it's Trump. And they have positioned themselves to be against everything Trump says or does.
So now they will be for the 2nd amendment. Trump literally just won the game, and you faggots don't even realize it yet.
Like everything any politician says, I will believe it when I see it.
Fuck off nigger. This isn’t even a game of “common sense gun control.” That shit is already in place and has been for a very long time. This also isn’t even “64 dimension underwater backgammon.” This is politics at its finest; conniving and deception. You have to lie to your opponents to get them to deliver your desired results to you. This is something that until recently only the left wing has utilized. Welcome to the future, faggot.
>give the democrats what they want and open the door for more gun control legislation
>Trump can win over Democrats
That boat sailed a looooong time ago. He has way too many character faults for Democrats to support him. And besides most Democrats don't want to strip guns without due process. Most actually want strengthened background checks and limits on access to dangerous people.
This. Trump is just /our idiot/, who will correct this statement after someone who knows what the hell he's talking about corrects him. He will not confiscate guns, and definitely not without due process.
>Spic posting this hard
That's exactly how it's played. Have you not been paying attention? For a year the MSM and the liberals have been ANTI-everything that is related to Trump.
They can't agree with him because of how they positioned themselves. So now they have to be pro 2nd amendment, and pro rule of law.
Check mate.
Not win over.
Change the narrative.
He also gets literally everyone's opinion broadcast loudly about this.
For better or worse, everyone has exposed who they really are.
Drumpf can't deport unless he disarms us first.
People used to be adults at 18. That's not true anymore. I say raise the age of anything that is 18 now to 21.
That trump is a retard with a big mouth but I'll wait for his actual attempt at making that law.
He's just saying shit that he knows will never happen. No control will come of this, not even trailer park meme stocks.
Screenshot this post.
He’s just trying to kick the race war off guys
This is the guy that threatened the state of california and the democrats with "we will take ICE away". He is very smart, he knows what he is doing. He handed Jerusalem to the Israelis. Master strategist.
Oh nooo, there goes the 2nd Amendment, just like how Trump gave blanket amnesty to 20 million illegals.
"I'll sign an executive order even if Congress doesn't do anything"
Fuck him and fuck you retards too.
>"Durr this billionaire New York Democrat is totally a conservative you gais"
I seriously have a hard time understanding how people can’t see this. This orange motherfucker has been doing this nearly monthly since he has been elected. Nothing will come of this “gun control” shit except making Dems look effete and stupid.
Obama managed no gun control while in office, and that was with a relatively charismatic president and less control of congress. Hillary would have fared the same. Only a (((Republican))) can reverse 2A policy, which is exactly what Trump is doing
This. Thx user. most people gonna bitch "le 4d chess ecks dee" but desu its not even that much of a complicated strategy.
>Say youre open to the idea of whatever the libtards want
>libbies shut the fuck up
>continue with your original plans
Anyone who thinks this is 4d chess is just shit at dealing with ppl
I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m going to wait and see what happens like always. Trump is constantly misrepresented by the media and his words do not always match his true intentions.
>welcome to the future faggot
>dis oj mofucka
No you edgy faggot, work on your common sense reality before giving input on high stakes political poker.
Laugh all you want. They’re still never touching our guns. Period.
>He's only just as bad as hillary
>I believe what politicians say
I wanna pinch those cheeks over the Internet.
This but unironically
It is extremely unlikely that will ever get to his desk.
I learned my lesson more than a decade ago about not buying into bullshit from politicians. Sup Forums meanwhile will keep going on to sucking his orange dick.
"God Emperor" my ass.
So what kind of 4d chess move is this?
Dude you know he should have never gave in inch either he is an idiot or he may be plant don’t you think it’s allittle possible that this could still be political theater the last big play the trump card
And just try to think about it as if I’m not a shill
>work on your common sense reality before giving input on high stakes political poker.
I am you dumb faggot. I’m not letting emotion take place of reason. I’m waiting it out until I see actual action and legislation that will determine the future. Trump has said a lot of stupid shit that he has inevitably backed out on. So I am treating this situation in the same manner.
It may be a giant fuck up, who knows.
You cannot trust politicians or north easterners.
Trump is both.
Just divided the Democrats.
I hope you stupid burgers don't sell your rights just so that you don't have to take your mouths out of that Trump cock. There already has been more concession to your 2nd Amendment than what is constitutionally admissible.
Trump was the lesser of two evils, we all knew this very well. But don't r/Teh_Doland this, for fucks sake. Stand on principle.
Exactly. It’s not even chess, in fact it isn’t even checkers. This is 100% pure modern politics; deceive and lie to your opponent to catch them off guard and enable them to deliver your desired results directly to you. This has only recently been employed by left leaning political entities since the right leaning ones tend to tout morals and ethics as the base of rules and gameplay. But Trump obviously understands that we need to play by their rules and not ours. That is the genius behind it.
You have to not care what the moral police (media) say about you.
> Now that the republicans have a majority in every level of government
> We can keep our constitution intact
> ....and reduce the size of government!
Sage and hide shill threads
Fuck off shareblue
Well, we'd be in WWIII right now and that would be tight af
Some democrats support guns.
this time is different, yep
>where's the full context
welp, you wonder why 70% of the public don't trust the media
>republicans: we won't grow the government as big as liberals
40s was the last time republicans stood for that
So what happens when he wakes up and learned that this deception and lying has made him look like a dumbass to people in his own party?
His own side is going to hate him because muh guns, and the other side is gonna hate him cause muh facism.
good point Juan.
Im bathing in your tears you soft ass pussy bitch. You wont do shit. Hand em over goy
>mental issues people can't get guns.
>liberals have mental issues.
>trans people have mental issues.
Should low-IQ people have guns?
You're not a skilled political analyst. You're a moron. Get out your head out of your ass, and realized that Trump doesn't give a fuck about conservatism or republicanism. He is a politician who is willing to do whatever he must do to survive. He doesn't fuck about your beliefs, you idiot. He's not an uneducated retard like yourself. He understands he needs to run again 2020. What better way save his ass by bending knee to the Democrats on an issue the majority of the American public supports - gun control?
I cant wait
Eh, giant lies about what you are "going to do" are easily forgiven if nothing gets done.
Politicians are literally always yapping.
Who should he hand them to?
Chicken shit cops?
>What better way save his ass by bending knee to the Democrats on an issue the majority of the American public supports - gun control?
So giving them a soundbite the Dems can play on repeat for the next 2 years that makes Trump look like a facist is somehow the better way to deal with this?
Nice KR-19 pictured there, shame the barrel is fucked.
>nothing happens
We have thousands of troops on the ground in Syria right now, bro. They're the ones who kept the Russian "mercenaries" from wiping out the Islamists recently.
And if Trump really does support removing Second Amendment rights from whoever the government says has "mental issues," he's a piece of shit.
What if he tightened regulations so that people on personality disorder medication and with low IQ's cannot get access to guns?
Do you see where I am going with this?
Just like he started ww3 in syria
Just like he gave sweeping amnesty on daca
Just like he wont ever start the wall
Just like his tax reform wont help
Just like if elected the economy will be destroyed
Was actually a decent idea. Too bad the equipment used was absolute shit. And they would have acquired the guns a different way so who gives a fuck.
Attacking the airfield was crossing the line, dipshit. And it's an obfuscation because the US and its' allies are already in Syria. Yeah, you may not be at war but the psyops worked so well that you've been desensitised to the bullshit that is going on.
Also, if he does anything to the 2nd Amendment, it doesn't fucking help to have a bunch of retards not challenging on it because of silly stupid fucking retarded reasons like "oh, it's just cute Donald doing his 4D chess". You can fuck right off.
so nothing that had anything to do with the air field and the troops that were already in there before
great job convening me brainlets
The Star is an English-language, tabloid-format newspaper in Malaysia. Based in Petaling Jaya, it was established in 1971 as a regional newspaper in Penang. It is the largest paid English newspaper in terms of circulation in Malaysia, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation
Lol credibility shot
>How do you feel now Drumpftards?
Sure, I see where you are going with that.
However, he is slipperier than your mother's twat when the marine corps is landing for a romp.
Who knows if he is totally full of shit or not?
I BELIEVE Trump said this ONLY to get the medias attention away from those faggot "survivor" kids
And it worked
This is what I think he is planning when I first heard about this. Fuck! It's what I would do, and part of me wishes Hillary did win so we can start the bloodbath of these no-gun-owning idiots that want to take them from people who do. EZ victory
>so nothing that had anything to do with the air field and the troops that were already in there before
>great job convening me brainlets
I wasn't arguing with you. I was agreeing and suggesting that maybe he had a cunning plan in the works.
He handled the Syria thing quite well and seems to have wiped out ISIS. He seems to know what he is doing.
So, on the issue of "tighter gun controls", imagine if people applied these to people with mental problems and people with lower cognitive performance?
This would practically ensure that only the patriotic democrats and Republicans would have access to guns, with the most far left and low IQ minority people not being able to get access to weaponry, thus, putting the power squarely in the hands of the state and patriotic higher IQ Americans.
Mental illness and IQ regulations wouldn't hit the White nationalists hard at all,.
Typically, from my experience, they are almost majority INTJ personality with consistently above average to high IQs.
That's what I was trying to get at.
ok thanks for the info Mustaffa. brb gotta drone some more hadjis.
He's a tricky fucker but, I'll say this, he was launched into power by the organised alt right which (I think) heavily grew out of the Ron Paul runs and the way the media handled that.
The rage people showed when he attacked Syria (I felt it too) was very real, and that was the same kind of rage that cleared a path for him.
If Trump bites the hand that feeds him, I think he will be in big fucking trouble. If he is smart, he will do his job and entertain no delusions of grandeur.
>"Umm we need to talk about Trump's racist gun control"
>t. CNN, Salon, Buzzfeed, et al.
Not that I disagree. That is a very stupid idea and it is unconstitutional. You may feel good about it now but when that doctor in the year 20XX certified you as a retard based on the new socialised directives and they then came for your guns, you started thinking that MAYBE that wasn't such a swell idea.
Cruz was right about Trump's New York values all along.
wtf I love gun grabbing as long as my party is doing it and anybody who disagrees is a shill.
Normies will just see it as "Drumpf did this" and vote for more gun grabbers.
This. They got a (((Republican))) to amnesty the spics and ban automatics because they know most people won't care if it's "their guy" doing it because they think politics is a sports game.
I want to believe, especially considering he had a CHL for most of his adult life...
But I'm stockpiling ammo in case he fucks up, also cause I want to and need an excuse
Don't you guys get it?
Democrats cannot support anything that trump does, by doing this he ensures democrats cannot support gun control lest they be seen as collaborators with him.
He knows this. The ruse will be revealed in time and they'll look all the dumber.