asians when compared to whites
>have higher IQs
>commit less crime
>earn more money
>are better educated
>start more businesses
this is why countries with asian immigrants like australia, canada and new zealand are the best countries in the world.
asians when compared to whites
>have higher IQs
>commit less crime
>earn more money
>are better educated
>start more businesses
this is why countries with asian immigrants like australia, canada and new zealand are the best countries in the world.
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And once they're exposed to western culture, they become just as degenerate as white women.
This thread is shit.
This, leafs are credible when it comes to Asians
>thread about asians
>pic is white girl
Think of the roasties please
Asian Invasion is real in Canada.
Toronto and Vancouver are run by chinks.
And our piece of shit liberal government keeps selling Canadian infrastructure to gooks in commie China. Fuck that bastard, Justin Castro.
Current western culture is the destruction of dominant women
unless theyre north japanese or northern chinese youre just wasting your time.
Superior Asian high IQ.
Ever been to China? It’s is a shithole
Western culture is the destruction of traditions that have worked for centuries.
you idiot they already tried and decided the west are just racist niggers. american companies outsource jobs but nobody blames the ceos no its the chinks stealing jobs
america deported japs multiple times illegally after they had obtained citizenship. same for koreans and chinese. at this point they are more than willing to let the housing market in america collapse. same for europe
all the west got more recently was either the last wave from taiwan who were race traitors . they couldnt handle the truth of WW2 in china when the truth came out and they could prove it with old newspapers kept from WW2 and who was raping chinks (spoiler alert it was the brits)
now your stuck with poos who will come and people from SE asia who are beginning to think the west is just a lost cause . the poos are race traitors too. none of the real asians or even real poos will bother with america
poo immigrants are statistically better than us guys, so why don't we just let them immigrate everywhere and give them all the land on earth?
Because immigration as a whole is bringing too many people to our lands, the value of our workers go down an d you bring a naturally submissive culture into a very different society, we got pussy, thank you
Asians are honorary tier but they lack the Faustian spirit of huwhites that leads us to all of our myriad creations.
I would never want to wipe them out but I think we should work together with them, not blend with them.
That chick has had plastic surgery to make her eyes not gooky. She's got the genes of a 6/10 at best and you know it.
because they have their own countries so they can stay the fuck there
asians are inferior
muh iq is a meme
what did they ever do with muh iq, never even reached industrial era without the white man
your kids will be inferior, go white or kys desu I view race traitors equally. A coalburning roaste and a wmaf will both hang
Japanese and Koreans aren't exactly emigrating in huge numbers
>have higher IQs
bullshit propaganda
Whites invented 90%+ of modern technology/medicine, NOT fucking gooks. They supposedly have an average IQ of 5 points higher. That is MEANINGLESS, and within the margin of ERROR. Whites have a massively larger percentage of individuals in the genius IQ range(140+) than Asians. Fuck chinks. Fuck yellow fever faggots. White countries for whites only. Kill all race traitors. Sieg Heil.
Look closer, she's Asian, she's just had a lot of plastic surgery, but there's still enough there to tell. That or she's half white.
north china has some of the finest women.
literal black african countries were better off financially than taiwan, china, and south korea were as recently as 1950.
there is a reason we call them the yellow jew
Why are you offering up new and better ways to replace yourself?
dumb ass
I give you the first.
Asia shitstomps the west in microprocessors and electronics
Moon land was a hoax, the Russians beat America in every single thing related to the space career.
>Consume more soy
You forgot that part, op, you cockmuncher
Nice try. The only asian women who aren't ruined by westernization are usually Japanese and that's only if they stick to their communities which they do. Koreans just turn into stupid whores and Viets come over as stupid whores. Chinese are alright, but there's so many of them it doesn't matter. SE asians not even worth including since that's like calling a pajeet asian.
If you think housing market is bad now wait until the chinks flood your cities. You wouldn't be able to afford a cardboard box next to a dog house.
How are South East Asians not Asian?
She's half white
their basically poos but even dumber and a tad bit more hygenic
They're rats. Calling Viets asian is pushing it.
>Asia shitstomps the west in microprocessors and electronics
Yeah, no. Everything leading up to the modern microprocessor was developed by white men. Russian space scientists were white too brah.
They're not Mongoloid. The parallel between north asians (IQ 105) and southeast asians (IQ 90) is like that between European caucasians (IQ 100) and Near Eastern caucasians (IQ 80-85).
Honestly, you're looking at this too shortsightedly. There were time periods in history where whites were not the most technologically advanced. You have to play the long game.
A better comparison for race will inevitably be genetics as they are more quantifiable and constant than "inventions," as most of the inventions that whites can claim are actually from jews.
Asians are a neutered people, only useful during the crest of civilization, but when a major reform hits, they better get the fuck out.
Actually they were jewish
unfortunately the leaf is right guys
demographic speaking this is suicide
no one is arguing for complacency, it's a matter of historical accuracy. it's simply a fact that whites invented the modern world. and I don't think anyone really thinks we should rest on our laurels.
>most of the inventions that whites can claim are actually from jews.
At least post a picture of an asian and not a spic OP
same for britain, btw
theyre also ugly as sin and have no morals
at least youre not a chewyfag
How do asians vote in Canada an Australia? Are they as leftist as they are in the US or are they more right-wing?
This is important to know.
A brief look throughout science history shows that your 79.6 % European total has a lot of overlap with jews, particularly your theoretical physicists and mathematicians, like schrodinger and feynman. you can look through past nobel laureates too if you want.
In any case, it isn't surprising that a group of wealthy high IQ (((people))) is at the forefront of scientific discovery. If you go to any ivy league schools and walk through their halls, the photos of the old professors had a large jewish representation.
They're Leftist shills and deserve to be gassed.
Asian immigration has done fuck all for this country.
The upper middle class of Asia has looted their shithole countries and then sent their idiot kids here to fuck our country up.
Once the housing bubble pops and we have a million fucking insects with useless university degrees and permanent residence trying to extract rents from the white working class there will be civil war in this country.
Pauline was right about everything. Gooks bring nothing but crime, disease and low wages.
about 22.5% of pic related was jews, yes. does that sound like "most of the inventions" to you? a lot of them were proven plagiarists too.
and your point about photos in schools is kind of meaningless. jews only became highly overrepresented in our schools pretty recently, and it's way out of line with what you would expect from a population with their IQ. in other words, nepotism.
Did they vote for the cuck in chief?
Asians should be eradicated like all other shitskins.
well, extremely overrepresented is a better way to put it
She is half. Dutch-Candian and Korean
link related is a good quick rundown on jewish overrepresentation that takes population size into account and not just IQ
Interesting. Do you have a link to Genius in World Civilization Charles Murray (2014). I'd like to give it a read if I can.
I guess I fell for the Sup Forums jew meme.
If jews are really one-sigma above whites in average IQ (which I question), then you should expect 5-6x as many genius level IQs, not 10x.
Fuck off chink.
Because Chinese are spies and CCP agents who will out-compete/out-cheat the native population and subvert the nation from within for the CCP.
Asians are not our friends.
so she's a white piggu
one drop rule