Why haven't you taken the Arab pill yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you taken the Arab pill yet, Sup Forums?
Arab women are everything you want from white women, except that they actually hold these qualities unlike white women who think that boiling a pot of water is patriarchy

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Podesta rabbi magazine for Thelma

Ashton Kutcher was the perfect actor for him.

why would i want a woman anyway?

To continue your line

>breeding with the sons of ishmael

no thanks, even one drop of canaanite blood in your children means they're going straight to hell after they die... only a sociopath would bestow that horrible fate upon their kin

because most likely I'll have to raise my child in the religion of a child fucker

i don't want any kids, i'm too lazy for that

>muh IQ 85 children...
Yeah... women aren't fuck toys... unless the average IQ 85 Arab is gene pool improvement for Op.

Gigi Hadid has a Muslim father
She's not a Muslim
Steve Jobs had a Muslim father
He wasn't a Muslim
Zlatan Ibrahimovic has a Muslim father
He's not a Muslim
Literally all it takes is for you to lead the child religiously.
Raise them a Christian and your children will be Christians.
An Arab woman willing to marry a non-Muslim is either not a Muslim or will not object you raising your children Christian.

hadid girls are uglier than homemade sin. they are models becau$e of who their father i$.

>light eyes
>natural blonde hair (the dark hair sister's hair is dyed to stand out from her sister)
>light skin
>great bodies
>great lips
>Sup Forums hates them because they're half Arab


belle hadid in person looks like adam driver in drag. she's a dog without her usual 10 kilos of makeup. gigi has better bone structure, but not a great beauty. you have face blindness if you judge facial attractiveness by coloration.
>t. non-oteest

“Arabs” (normally mixed semites) are a lesser form of caucasoid desu, if we dont finish the Jews, the best we can hope for is our descendants to look like this.

fuck off

>Steve Jobs is Arab

she is blonde because she's half swede

his biological father was an arab. but he was adopted so he got raised properly

are you lost?

>His biological father, Abdulfattah "John" Jandali (Arabic: عبد الفتاح الجندلي) (b. 1931), grew up in Homs, Syria