Come on, Canadians. You fags need to wake the fuck up and bump this thread.

>What's going on?
CRTC is banning torrents and VPNs in Canada.

Bell and a coalition of (((businesses))) are being cunts.

>What can I do to stop them?
Go to their intervention form and submit an intervention. The link is:

>What do I write?
Here is a Copy/Paste Response to the CRTC application that I made. It's a good one to use because it asks for a unique and specific rebuttal from each company involved in the anti-VPN/torrent application. It'll cause a buttload of hassle for them.

>What can I do if I'm too lazy to submit an application?
Wallow in the guilt of knowing you fucked up and they're going to take our online anonymity. Also bump this fucking thread you shitlord.





bump n roll


Canadian business are on their last legs guys we gotta hit the where it hurts so we can finally get the civil war.

Thanks guys. We need to keep spreading this message. If they can ban VPNs in one country, the others will definitely use it as an example to follow suit. This is now a problem that involves us all.

sneaky, i will probably die tonight.

roller skate

Gas the CRTC Storage Wars NOW


bmup and roll

>i have to dl all the anime and vns before this shit goes worldwide
The race is on. Fuck everything, as long as electricity is a thing i will have my animus.

I'll bump.

BUMP. Fuck it. I really don't care about anonymity... I'll still say whatever the fuck I want. Also, not a Leaf


Dude don’t ban my torrents.

Don't forget to submit either my copy/paste intervention or angry comments of your own. Make sure we have as many voices pushing back against them as possible or we're going to get fucked hard by Bell. They're already throttling our internet. Don't let them take our vpns and torrents! (they're also talking about directly blocking streaming sites and any site that copyright infringes, but most people care about the torrent / vpn part)

If the CRTC does it, the American gov't will likely look to us as a precedent.

i spent too much time on Sup Forums. perhaps its good thing. i focus on work, school, and being productive instead of angry white man on internet.

really i am peathetic ... i want to leave but i cant. maybe this is for the best?

>While I have in fact pirated the following argument in fashion of my point of support

Weak start, sounds like it's trying to be clever. Don't do that. They're not idiots and they might trash your letter for that kind of shit. Take it seriously.

This can't be happening...

Canadians are such fucken little cowardly cunts they'll never fight for anything--they'll let government walk all over them.

This pisses me off.

basic gestalt on your intervention?


I hope Bell gets its way and (((government))) takes control of the internet in KEKNADA just like Saudi arabia/China.

Then they can ban hatespeech against faggots and injuns. It will be a glorious utopia.


I’m Canadian at my condo in Florida

how can they actually enforce this?

Been working a lot in customer service of all kinds and I know from being commissioned by Bell to do surveys through the phone for them that they are a bunch of cunts. They will subvertly harass ex-customers through 3rd party poll companies to invite them to do a "short" 20 minutes+ survey about what did you find elsewhere, for who did you go for instead and why and what you think of Bell. I worked with other people who did work for them and he said working for them is fucking miserable and wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy.

Bell are a bunch of fucking kikes. Don't ever fund them.

how will this affect coming here silly leaf?

I did the thing, feels good man. Probably will be arrested for hate speech and dragged through a field of rainbow dildos as punishment though. At least there will be clapping children.

They will legislate it and put in on the big backbone providers to install some kind of block. It will never be perfect, but don't believe for a moment that they can't enforce their decision.

I'd really recommend people try to rephrase the arguments in the boilerplate a bit. Like I said, they're not idiots. If I were them I'd start my reply with "since 1,257 queries were identical copies of a common source text, we reply here in point form to these specious arguments" or something like that to brush it all aside.

Take it seriously. Ask hard and specific questions (not criticizing the bulk of the text though, it's mostly fine).

When I can make mad money off friends by bypassing these “blocks”

Torrenting is stealing no amount of mental gymnastics will change that. And why should VPNs be allowed?

>why should VPNs be allowed?

It's on them to demonstrate why they should be restricted, not on us to demonstrate why they should not.

And we'll find a way around it in a few days. The providers can fuck off and so can that self proclaimed government full of human trash

Can someone post proof that torrents and VPNs are going to be banned? From what I read they want to ban sites that host pirated content via torrents or streaming, but I haven't learned about anything more extreme than that yet.

found the rice nigger


Torrenting is stealing. You can twist it all you want but its stealing.

Well they are about to be banned so it sounds like its on you to demonstrate why they should not.

You do know you can use torrents to download things legally, right?

Torrents are literally the fastest download method and more companies should use this service

>Well they are about to be banned so it sounds like its on you to demonstrate why they should not.

Still backwards, but regardless it's on us to demonstrate why their specific points as to why they *should* be blocked are misleading, incorrect, or incomplete. Just for a start VPNs have multiple legal uses including SJW-friendly shit like letting poor sad immigrants talk to their family in dangerous countries where it's illegal and stuff like that.

Frame it in a way that they will like and agree with.


>chinks ban VPN's
>chinuks ban VPN's

really makes you boil live puppies...

>From what I read they want to ban sites that host pirated content via torrents or streaming, but I haven't learned about anything more extreme than that yet.

>be canada
>want to control your citizenry and install leftist totalitarianism and degeneracy
>ban torrents
>ban free streaming shows and movies
>ban streaming copyrighted porn

>cheap and poor leafs quit wasting time streaming videos (who the fuck pays for netflix - especially shitty canadian netflix?)
>leafs actually start going outside and bettering themselves
>start reading
>start seeing how shitty their gov is now that they have free time
>quit being addicted to porn

Well we all knew princess Trudeau and the sexually confused freaks and savages in his gov were stupid af, but they're actually digging their own grave here

bump roll

Uhm, VPNs are not used just for illegal purposes you absolute mong

lmao the true north strong and """"""""""free"""""""""""


What happens to Fagdeau's support if this gets forced through?

Thanks for posting this

this goddamn faggot country is a mess

>tfw this is 10x worse actual reduction in internet rights than MUHH NET NEUTRALITY

How much longer is he in charge?

lol. its muh fringe uses. To bad more people use it to steal than just "file share" they ruin it for everyone. sucks but thats life

I could not care less about this reason. Unconvinced.

Never even said they were. Shouldn't call people mongs when you cant comprehend words.

Many companies rely on VPNs. Universities make heavy use of VPNs.

You idiots are unconvincing. What a sad place I thought people were smart here

Banning VPNs is China / North Korea tier bullshit and anyone defending it is a moron.

People aren't unconvincing, you are just a retard.

>implying this isnt there endgame
I remain unconvinced.

Fortunately we have to convince the CRTC, not him.

What kind of work do you do?

>implying you can even "ban" VPNs

Well put leaf bro. You tell 'um.

>implying this matters

if you cant convince me you're definitely not gunna convince people who are actually against you fuckwits

I was reading up on it.. VPN bans are not considered "right now". I see the argument is that it might lead there but I really really doubt it it will be successful.

Chinese guys I've talked to smirk when you mention the great firewall of China. The internet is made out of holes. There's always a route around, but it could affect the normies and make life more inconvenient.


That is not really an argument. Why would we hamstring Canadian companies and Universities because some ISP is butthurt over movies? Is it really worth it?

I know your type. Aspie contrarians don't get anywhere near the places where real decisions are made.


>and VPNs
This is FUD.

Even China hasn't banned VPNs because they know that many companies will immediately pull the fuck out of their economy. Anyone who thinks about banning VPNs has no idea how the world works.

VPNs offer encryption - there is lots of confidential data that is shared over the network where a company's location might be located all over Canada. Why would any foreign entity consider Canada a safe place for investment if it can't reasonably guarantee security for its property? Ironically - it hinders the IP property of these businesses as it opens it to theft and surveillance - the very thing people are crying about with torrent sharing.

>Canada wants to poz itself some more
Sorry, but I'm neither surprised or concerned, syrup nigger.

>Banning VPNs is China / North Korea tier bullshit
Even China has not banned VPNs because it makes absolutely no sense.

>The coalition, called FairPlay Canada, is proposing that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) establish an independent agency called the Independent Piracy Review Agency (IPRA), which would identify websites “blatantly engaged” in content theft. According to FairPlay Canada’s suggestion, the CRTC would then require telecoms to “take measures to prevent such sites from reaching Canadians” — in other words, blocking those sites from the public.

>FairPlay Canada says the aim of this new tool is to save “the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who work in the creative sector,” who are at risk as a result of increasing online piracy. Critics are already denouncing the initiative on the basis of its potential harm to Canadian net neutrality.
sounds like these (((business interests))) are just trying to make a new shitty bureaucracy that will tell ISPs to block certain cites to protect Canadian "content creators" aka dogshit CBC shows literally no one watches

I'm 99.99999% sure they will use the mechanism to ban hate speech and wrongthink websites at the drop of a hat with no oversight

as long as these retards don't take down Nyaa and cut off my anime I don't give one fuck if normies can't pirate ZOG hollywood shit content

People still use torrents? I haven't been able to get shit off a torrent in months so I just uninstalled it and went back to download sites.

It's not possible to ban VPNs - it would be futile. People would just keep iterating new protocols

>why should VPNs be allowed
june 4th Tienanmen Square massacre 六四事件

Day of the rake at last

Did you submit an intervention on the CRTC's site?

>ban tor and vpn


Guess I cant update a good majority of videogames at a reasonable speed anymore. Most videogames update via-torrenting to make updating faster and lower stress on servers.

Read above. Also pirating (outside of specific instances/software/movies) has been investigated and found to have no real impact on the sales of digital content. This was investigated by the EU mind you in an attempt to look over everyone's shoulder on the internet at all times. It backfired in their faces and they swept it under the rug, never mentioning it again.

Meanwhile in reality it provides people with access to software that they will statistically buy at some point.
>"If you like it support the devs!"

Mid 2019 I believe. Pretty convenient the liberals are pushing minimum wage increases and immigration before the next elections in the biggest and most important provinces in Canada... isn't it?

>"FairPlay Canada says the aim of this new tool is to save “the jobs of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who work in the creative sector,”
>Statistically proven wrong in EU studies
>Still uses it as an excuse, like the fabled immigration argument "Muh immigrant workforce", despite being woefully inaccurate
It literally is just them opening a gate to upend Canadian Net-Neutrality under the guise of something else. Hell, it's already an afront to net-neutrality by blocking access to websites.



STOP being cucks Cannada
The day of the Rake is upon you faggot

TPB is offline?

>Le Falun Gong Propaganda Department Channel

application submitted and shared relevant info on kikebook. thanks for sharing user




this will never happen. Book yourself a visit to the CRTC intervention and give those faggots one fer

Nobody's forcing you to stay. Faggot.

found the kike

People have the right to not be tracked by marketing companies and have their data, lifestyle, current health, financial situation, etc., sold to the highest bidder. VPNs are a major obstacle in preventing corporation from exploiting people's information.


exactly, another case of regulatory bodies attempting to overreach their understanding of the usage of a particular technology. this will not happen.

Don't Chinks in Canada just watch their own chinese shows over CBC stuff?

fuck you kike


Does that really work?