Red Pilling via Waco

Any one watching Waco?
This shows the messed up side of the FBI and the Clinton Administration.

This should be shown to anyone who won't accept the red pill.
But of course, because it was a religion, the left and the shills think that it's okay to kill anyone who they disagree with.

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>because it was a religion, the left and the shills think that it's okay to kill anyone who they disagree with.
And the right wing who belongs to a different more main stream religion also think it's okay, Op.
I'm pretty far right, but it stunned me how many right wing people supported mass murder of women and children because they didn't like their particular "cult".

But they didn't get held accountable.
It's fucked up.

First part sort of implies that Koresh was a literal Christ, which pisses me off, but the rest is ok to watch.

Check em, bitches

Never forget Ruby Ridge.

RIP Sammy, slaughtered by your own government. And God Bless Gerry Spence.


Why is it that I can't find any of the FBI or ATF agents in charge of the assault?
Makes me wonder if they are high up in the system now.


because they did nothing wrong.

I watched it live on CNN with my grandfather.
Really fucking weird.
It was one of those days that shaped my perspective.

Everytime I talk to normies in my life about Waco they say one of the two:

1. They were stockpiling weapons
2. He was raping the women and kids he had brain washed

Followed by "the government just couldn't let him do that"

I've traveled the world and the seven seals


Well, they kinda did thanks to mcveigh

My problem with this I I don't believe the government would actually do anything if that's what was going on.

Regardless of what they were suspected of, they were literally murdered by militarized Feds live on television.

The gubbment needed a reason to fund ATF, according to the mini-series

here. enjoy a redpill on me.

bump bc i have a meme otw

find the dave's