It's starting
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop spamming your LARP
Proof this ain't a LARP?
Suck a dick faggot
Go watch YouTube is actually striking down a fuck ton if "controversial" channels right now
I'm well aware of this. YouTube is run by leftist cucks and kikes. But the fact that they're collecting data AND selling it to leftist groups to target righties is new. We can actually sue if they're doing this.
They wouldn't share it with the SPLC because they can't secure it.
And yes, it all goes to a fusion center.
But a developer would only know the data was gathered because of the way the compartmentalize classified information. So, this is fake. He'd be tagged and they'd know he made this post if he was real.
Just a shit lib trying to scare people off Sup Forums
Good to know.
Sage this shit thread.
>The elite are Left Wing Communists
Oh boy, its this meme again. The elite are as much Commies as they are Nazis. Theyre neoliberal, crony Capitalists. They are not going to empower Left Wingers any more than they would empower Right Wingers.
If my livelihood was taken, I would resort to violence. Don't fuck with how I feed my family because my "views" aren't aligned with the status quo
>I'm well aware of this. YouTube is run by leftist cucks and kikes. But the fact that they're collecting data AND selling it to leftist groups to target righties is new. We can actually sue if they're doing this.
They are not doing this. This is nothing more than an attempt to silence you with fear of exposure. (((They))) tried this same tactic during the Great Meme War of 2015-2016 and failed then too. Said that jewgle was building a file on every post here by using data from the Captchas. This is weak fucking bait.
sounds like a based list to be on
How much public money goes to neo Marxist education? Billions?
Of course the elites are communists.
we should honestly meme for Google to do this.
I would LOVE a list of all anons and our locations, so that we can all finally hang out and start a real community and actually get things done.
Am I the only one here that never goes on youtube? Sounds like some jew on jew crime to me.
EVERYWHERE in California is becoming more spicd by the day. Every fucking neighborhood
>but the fact that they're collecting data and selling it is illegal
pro tip: it's not (in America)
Selling it for malicious purposes*
Jokes on them, my life was ruined long ago
>give armed alt right men nothing to lose
Are you sure you want to do that?
I fucking hate these people SO much. These people are destroying our country and I will do ANYTHING to stop it.
are you one of my sockpuppet proxies?
So-called 'right wingers' are a bigger threat to the system pigs than leftists are.
I can guarantee you that all damn day.
Not like France where a Marxshit will firebomb pigs, here they'll hang at the coffee shop and occasionally sperg in public. Really sad.
"right-wing"ers? They snap they'll start picking off pigs, dogs, and politicians alike.
Yeah I remember the fbianon larp saying to not come to this site around March or something because the spooks were coming for us
What fucking gives, I want my damn party van
Please come get me spook niggers, just don't break in loudly I don't want anyone to frighten my cats.
Glad I'm never having babies. I'm never going to reincarnate into this evil race ever again, if I have a choice.
Let the evil people take over for a time.
a developer at youtube wouldn't know what the higher ups are doing with the data they collect
i don't get it, what am i supposed to be so concerned about? everyone knows that they're probably on a list that the megacorps and the feds have access to. that's supposed to be the big shitty reveal, but it's so obvious. it's now all of a sudden a lot worse because they shared the list with some ((ngo)) and some dirty junkies in a warehouse?
how fucked would i be if made my own content and came out in public for white advocacy?
Good luck with that. My browsing history is so sporadic and my choice of content and searched items are so random that they'd never be able to make a comprehensive profile of me about anything other than the fact that I used to be a spideyposter.
Why would a developer be meeting with the higher ups of youtube? YouTube wouldn't be this careless. 7/10 LARP
>We can actually sue if they're doing this.
haha yeah those kike judges will surely be on our side
Almost as believable as the Area 51 employees who used to call Art Bell.
The southern poverty law center and YouTube censoring is being talked about on Fox News, right now
Just remember the entire purpose of the internet and modern tech to to track,mine, and store data on you. Everything you do online is 100% non anonymous, that racist conversation you had playing world of warcraft in private messages is sitting on a server somewhere waiting for the newly minted AI to find and sort and use in a future date. When the purges/genocide starts theyll use this database as irrefutable proof you need to go. This is why Sup Forums remains operational, as well as other sites like it, its a honey pot for this purpose. The op pic guy is probably larping but what he talks about isnt far fetched, all it will take is a semi-ai program and a motive to find out who is non PC and let it sift through the insane amount of data on everyone, rank and profile people, and send the offenders profiles to the right people. Im sure google is doing this but it can get much worse if they are able to use older stored data.
Just remember anonymous isnt real online or on any device that isn't thoroughly hacked and modified specifically to be not a data mining product....this is the stuff we need to worry about in the next 20 years as the deep state gets more brazen and the left's voter base gets more comfy with genocide all they need is a solid majority and things will move this direction much quicker than it currently is. First the need to disarm then they need the permanent majority.
I dont know what theyre expecting to do with this data, they cant take any sort of coersive measures against us. At best, they can blacklist us from some shitty jobs and shadow ban us from their outlets, which is fuck all in terms of power. They've backed themselve into a corner of having strictly non violent and non authoritarian measures, and no matter what side of the political spectrum someone is on, we all universally revile the elite class. So any hard action would immediately backfire.
This collection of our data is a pointless exercise. One would even argue that its an act of desperation.
I remember this too.
>how to bait Sup Forums (boomers) 101:
>1. Post with a trip
>2. Claim to be an insider
>3. Spit out some sp00py insider information about an upcoming 'event' le habbening xddd
>4. Make it at least 2 paragraphs
>5. Absolutely no proofs allowed, otherwise it would 'blow your cover :^)
Literally that easy, getting fucking sick of this site lately
Oh boy I guess I won't be visiting Sup Forums anymore. Thanks for the heads up jidf.
It was just a prank bro
It’ll be an all or nothing play though. Making it so we have nothing to lose or hide may backfire as we all would die for our cause. I just can’t wait till they release our internet history like in South Park, that way everyone can watch the same pain olympics and other fucked up shit I’ve seen. And if you say “prove that I searched that” to a normie, they aren’t smart enough to understand tech enough to call bluff on my lie.
>personality profile
It's so funny is that all they have to do is ask. "where is pol from? What does pol do for a living" I hope everyone was lying like I always fucking do.
Get cancer and die faggot
My dad works at google and he said this is fake.
>begin rounding us up and receive civil war
>throw us in prisons and we form political prison gangs
the leftist scum struggles in vain with nature's hierarchy
I dont think it will be all or nothing. If the deep state is driven back to working in the shadows the future will be people on this list getting laid off and not being able to get jobs, getting denied government benefits, not getting loans...things like that. The list is coming though. The only way to slow or stop it is to make laws protecting your data....and even then theyll have a good 25 years of available data to work off of. The all or nothing moment only happens after a disarm and perma-majority voter base....and even then it will start slowly....though it will all happen to thunderous applause from the left voter would now if it happened just imagine them as a 75% majority.
Oh also it will be very selective, those certified by the left will be excluded, so all those lefty politicians dropping n-bombs on the internet dont have to worry about it. Just the conservative voters, conservative politicians are just working the other side and those who are not will be the first to go.
what's your pc setup mydude? linux 64bit and firefox? vpn?
currently on windows and chrome -- botnet galore
>whats next?
Internet 4.0, built around the blockchain. Check out ShiftNRG if you wanna get a handle on how much the internet is gonna evolve in the next couple of years. (also get the fuck off chrome) Coupled with the crypto currency aspect I think theres gonna be a serious delamination of governmental power over us as this tech starts to directly foster individualism.
half of the shitposters are from other countries are they really going full liberal?
fuck man that feels comfy
never heard of it.
I have heard of skycoin but never looked into that.
Siacoin is interesting for cloud storage and that vpn crypto that you pay with it's own coin or host a node and earn crypto. Haven't heard much from that though
Enough of this larp dickface
We need to find this list and recruit an Army of the most radicalized among us. These men will have the dirtiest and most dangerous job in all of warfare.
Winter Soldier was a prophecy not a movie.
Bugging out here in within the next 2 weeks.
Shit is going to go down soon. Head for the woods until shit dies down, it's still winter so go with appropriate gear.
Nha, the reason Sup Forums remain operational is that they realized how fucking impossible it is to truly contain us after Sup Forumsharbor.
They tried to use upon us the trick they used countless times against others forums, except they didn't expect us to go full autism galore and come back with memetic defenses faster than they could spam cuck porn with bots. Fuck I'll remember those days for ages, it was truly glorious and chaotic. An entire month where (((they))) tried to divide us to the very core, even inviting the entire website to spam us while at the same time removing all captcha and look at the current result: fucking pepes being reported about like it was the epitome of right wing nationalism. We mindfucked them so hard they reverted to ''Sup Forums hacker on steroid'' level of stupid.
naw probabbly russian bot
>google posts profiles of Sup Forumses to try and silence the right
>anons build a community and organize
>suddenly it's actually possible to create an actual white ethnostate in North America
Mfw we outfox (((them))) with the help of their own manipulating
Theres a couple other cloud storage services that pay you for running storage nodes. Its a part of DADI's structure, although they dont specifically focus on it, Im fairly sure theres another one too. Theres also Youtube competitors springing up like Tron and Props, loan systems, banking networks, social media and p2p file systems. Blockchain is fucking stacked.
The lack of censorship on the likes of Lauren Southern and other channels is becoming increasingly suspicious after you see how hard they hit Murdoch Murdoch and others. Fuck man, PEWDIEPIE is getting more censored than some "leaders" on the right.
shiftnrg runs on ifps.
Haven't looked into it but does it work yet?
I remember watching a video and there was a female speaker talking about ifps and muh equality etc,
It's real.
That subsystem is operational but as a whole its not ready for release yet. I think they released the file hosting system just a few weeks ago, but the browser is quite a ways off.
Q predicted this.