Just a reminder that 80% of the DNA of Brazil as a country is of European (60%) and Native (20%) heritage.
Only 20% of Brazil's DNA is black.
The DNA tests:
Just a reminder that 80% of the DNA of Brazil as a country is of European (60%) and Native (20%) heritage.
Only 20% of Brazil's DNA is black.
The DNA tests:
Are white Brazilian women good women?
Most are
a lot of time in Sup Forums will do this to you
snap out of it faggot
Last time I said something simillar about Chile (i.e. 52% of DNA of the average chilean is european, ~40% indigenous and the rest a mix of whatever is left said by the University of Chile) I got banned to oblivion on FB, got fighting with my family and lost friends...
At this point I don't know if it is worth to keep fighting the leftist cancer and should just off myself to spare me the suffering of seeing the west go to shit
>gotta agree, I've been to brazil a lot and most girls I've seen are white, big ass, nice tits, pale skin, beautiful. Black men and women are horrible
Keep in mind that racial statistics in Brazil are done by SELF IDENTIFICATION, and based only on SKIN COLOUR. And that still only gives 47%.
Closer to 40% with another 40% mixed and 20% black. Argentina on the other hand is 99% white. Whiter than even Europe. Purest Aryan gene-seed.
Yeah, and 70% jungle indians
>40% of DNA is non-european
We whiteyyyyyy
Why would that get you banned? Either you're not telling the full story, or you did not provide the context. There's no reason to get banned for this
fucked a fat-assed brazilian scientist here on vacation to learn english.
she gave me herpes because we fucked raw.
worth it.
I too had raw sex with a Brazilian au paire
No herpes though
If by "good women" you're refering to them being wife material, then I would say they lose only to brazilian women of asiatic descendence.
However, In my experience, all white brazilian women who are wife materials are die hard christians, mainly from catholicism and traditional protestant denominations (such as presbyterian) so it is hard to get around them if you are not a religious person.
Jewbook bans you for almost anything remotely 'conservative', I provided a link to the results and said a quick summary of what it said, BAM, banned...
I don't know how long I can keep up with all of this shit, I've tried to be strong as other anons but after years of this shit and seeing no improvement I'm losing hope
Wojack has really evolved huh
You'll never fuck a lady like Malu Rodrigues.
Why did we import niggers.... Our ancestors biggest mistake.
Not going to click the link, but when you say 20% of the DNA is black, what is meant by that? That the average person has 20% black DNA?
What is the DNA makeup of Brazilians that self identify as white? Because the median self identified white in the US is like 99% European. Is Brazil similar or are there self identified whites more mixed (do Brazilians use white as a racial category?)
Btw if you're Brazilian and don't have 100% European DNA but still worship Whites, you're a cuck.
This is why I don't just blindly worship our ancestors because if they didn't fuck up we wouldn't have been in the situation to begin with that we're in.
Founding fathers can blow me.
> Yellow fever
You need a doctor Luis
You’re gonna fuck up your genes & life otherwise
> we
60% of the Atlantic slave trade was done by Jews and it was also started by Jews
Just make sure she goes to church, have a good relationship with her parents and hate Funk. All women that pass this are wife material here
The DNA of Brazil as a country is 80% of European heritage (60%) and Native heritage (20%).
Don't buy the shills and slide threads lying about Brazil.
Many Brazilians are white.
I guess that 40 million Brazilians are white.
Then you have other Brazilians that are the called "Latinos", i.e. a mix of European, Native and black.
But the niggers here are only 13% of the population and their disgusting DNA is only 20% of the DNA of the country.
how can wh*tes even compite when jews plan centuries ahead
Well your flag says you’re an idiot with no culture, worldview and suffering from Down syndrome so here I’ll explain to you
55% of Brazil identifies as white, of these ppl there are probably 30% that are Larpers (ie they have some white genes, usually like 65%, but they aren’t white and they look weird. it goes from like a “light skinned” American to whiteish but with clearly non-European features and facial angles)
The other 25% are actually white. But amongst these, probably 5% are borderline, because probably they have a little admixture, but Native American not black admixture, which makes it hard to tell.
But I’d consider them white as well
I’m not from Brazil but from similar country
Go away rape baby
Whites use jews the same way blacks use whites. To remove from themselves any blame, and blame those perceived to be above them for the result of their own actions. It's embarrassing actually.
They didn’t plan the country retard they just are unscrupulous and didn’t care about the social ramifications and consequences of bringing niggers to the new world
This is a fact of history, research before making yourself look like a subhuman
Away to google now nigger
>masonry literally jewish for the goys
>your country probably was planed for decades before your got your independence
hmmmmmmmmmmm makes me think
yea i know, i am just pretending to be a poltard
Yeah 2012 Mayan calendar part II
Why do Mexicans believe stupid shit without actually seeing real evidence?
It’s pretty universal
I am a religious person, but I don't consider catholics to be Christian so wouldn't work out anyway...
True, Brazil is still a lot Whiter than say the US. I mean even Mexico is Whiter
True but even the US, Mexico, and Brazil are whiter than motherfucking Sweden in 2018
Away to a gay pride parade now (((svven)))
No theories, just DNA tests
Portuguese were too lazy to enslave indios so they resorted to niggers supplied by jews.
Are you the same Brazilian Macao nigger that’s always here talking shit?
Away now nigger, this is a white webpage
If you didn’t act like such an obnoxious monkey trying to spread your fecal matter everywhere you touch maybe we’d treat you like a human
But no you choose to be a cancer cell
Protocols of Zion confirms they planned everything since 1000 A.D.
I was agreeing with you. I was just explaining that there’s people in Brazil that aren’t fully white but larp, which is true
Still 100% mutt, and that's why you are a fucking crime ridden shithole with suicide showers.
>but I don't consider catholics to be Christian
I agree. I'm protestant too. However, I can't deny that there are some really good wife materials among the brazilian catholics.
If you are calvinist it is easy to convert these girls once you get to know them, so they are a viable option for breeding.
Sorry I don’t exchange with cancer cells
Dont you have a helicopter tour of the Andes in 30 mins? You should start heading
Lol a Fingolian talkin about mutts
Go away now, there’s other threads for you to be
If we weren't Whiter than you we would not be having those parades
Anyway I never go near Stockholm for any reason, so would not find me in anything that goes on over there
Big brown bundas are better anyways
why would anyone want to be white?
>Lol a Fingolian talkin about mutts
The thing is with us the meme is just a meme, wich is why we can laugh about it and get in on the fun. In your case the meme isn't just a meme and that is why you make butthurt posts about it.
gg 56% no re
Brazil will be more white than you in 20 years.
I suppose catholics can be okay if they are of the type that don't practice all those catholic voodoo-rituals
Yeah there’s the non whites
And then there’s the retard libshits who’s kids won’t be white
And then there’s legend of some true Swedes hidden in the Mountains somewhere, but I’ve never seen one, only heard of them in songs and folktales
Niggers aren’t allowed on this website sorry
Probably, but the US will be -50% White
then why are you here?
It's normal to think like this until you see how most "brown qt3.14" look after 30
Not by any margin, Argentina is literally flooded by "indios" that came from the North (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador). We are talking about millions. Argentina WAS, for real, a white nation, like 99% white with a lot of Germanic stock (many settlers from Germany and Denmark, many also from Poland) but nowadays is just another mestizo country like Mexico. 20 years ago you could still have made the case for a white Argentina, not today.
The only christians were the waldensians, today we do not have much christians
I'll grant you that pure Europeans are the largest pure group, followed by Africans and then by Indians. But the vast majority of "whites" in Brazil are heavily mixed according to that study.
Thanks for posting the study, it's interesting.
OP has obviously never been on BestGore.
Overcompensating. Now wait a few weeks and he will probably shoot up some school in the name of ''''white nationalism''''.
I don't mind him though. Blacks are allowed. This is no stormfag safes pace
It wasn’t me that started with the butthurt mutt posts . Lol according to yourself you’re a mutt
Also you actually have 50% F gene which is Uralic, which is why some Finns have Asian-ISH eyes.
I still consider Urals to be white though, and I actually like Finland (and think girls that look like that are attractive), up until the point they start talking shit about other people in a more precarious geo-political situation
Your not human communist go away
“Big Brown Bundas are Better”
And you’re calling me a nigger
Oh it's true, but they are savage and bad tempered creatures, I would not advice you go looking for them
No Argentina is 75% white being generous
>a low test African American
Now I've seen it all.
Then why are you posting some native mystery meat?
Good example of Italian-Brazilian.
80% atrocidad...
I swear what keeps me away from Christians is how most of them seem to think they can fuck up and sin as much as they want, they say "sorry" and be all ok with every degeneracy they've done because they think they've been forgiven for their transgressions. Is there any christian denomination that isn't this retarded?
You are so full of shit. I work with brazilians.
> A nigger-loving German with 50% chance of being a Larping Turk
I’ve seen this before actually
>mfw brazilians still think they're white
>mfw i thought this was just a joke
>Only 20% of Brazil's DNA is black.
That's like being proud of being "only 20% mentally retarded"
Those girls are nowhere close to being white.
Not any major one. If you make a religion difficult you lose that mass appeal. Which is also the real problem. When people started to drift away the Church followed them to keep their members instead of maintaining the moral high ground. This just meant they have weakened themselves in the long run.
God doesn't change. It didn't suddenly become okay for fags to marry or women to be priests. Humans can't redefine the laws of God. If they do it is like saying that God would have been wrong. Anyway the point is that saying sorry is not to repent, to repent is to truly regret and make changes to one's life
Thanks for the two cents Mohammed.
Away now Ahmed
Western Europe is the best but Southern Europe > Northern Europe
Also Sweden, your larping Utopia, has 20% F genes which are chunks from the aural
So stop larping as a pure European, even if you are an actual Swede, and go away to your own fucking thread
Isn’t it suspicious how it angers you that there are a white Argentinians or White Brazilians? Are you scared of something? Lol
Never seen a nigger glow in the dark so much
i don't think so Pelé.
“Russians in northern European Russia share moderate genetic similarities with Uralic peoples, who lived in modern north-central European Russia and were partly assimilated by the Slavs as the Slavs migrated northeastwards.”Chinks from the Urals*
Our niggers are 25% white.
Away now larper
The minimum to be white is 90% European DNA
You're welcome Tyrone
I am chill as fuck. You were the one who chimped out when I called her mystery meat. Probably because you are even less White. I reckon your percentage is somewhere at 32%? Am I right? Native American, Nigerian and Gypsy probably constitute the rest, maybe 4% Ashke-nazi thrown in as well?
Also West Europe minus North and South just leaves France. So why not just say you like France?
Anyway, roll your Mutt
> You
> White
Away now nigger, nobody wants you here, and you close in the dark
If you have a tank of crystal clear, pure mountain spring water, and then you take a huge shit in that tank, do you still think the water is clean? Do you want to drink that water?
That analogy is Brazil. They are 90 IQ mongrels. Useless like a tank of shit water. America will be the same way soon...But hey, at least white men have cheap brown/black labor for another decade or so.
That’s as a general in the whole country, not in specific people, it’s le 56% meme for Brazil
Gdammit how hard is it to read
You can't compare. It is not like in the US where everyone is mixed into mystery meat. Brazil has more distinct races
I was reading your response thinking of how to roast you then I came across the geography of Western Europe according to you,
Lol you glow in the the dark nigger
Don't deny the fact that the average Amerimutt is of mixed race, we have all seen your 23-and-me tests you post here
>True, Brazil is still a lot Whiter than say the US. I mean even Mexico is Whiter
You gotta stop believing Sup Forums memes. Anyone who has stepped foot in America knows that there is no comparison between white Americans, who historically mixed very little, and Brazil and Mexico which are the descendants of Hispanic rape babies.
North Europe includes UK. South Europe includes Spain. So what is left in West Europe? France and Benelux at most. Germany is central Europe. You fail at geography because you are from Africa
Lol are you trolling me?
You act like a shill and then you act like you’re pro-white
Then why does everyone on Sup Forums post results like these?
The picture is a typical American test I saved
He's either trolling or completely delusional. Anyone who says Mexico or Brazil is more white than America is just clueless.
It doesn't matter when the vast majority is a mutt you fool. Out of the 27 states there are 4 with SOME semblance of hope, and they are being heavily targeted by the government. They send the most immigrants to the whitest cities, even if they're small. That's the only concern a person worried about saving this country should have, avoiding that they destroy the demographics of the south and São Paulo, because after that's done there's no way back. But it won't be posting on Sup Forums that will solve it. And I sure as fuck don't want to bring up building families here and encourage shitskins to marry white women. That's it really, just my 2 cents.
I'm tired of sticking around in BR threads, it's always a waste of time. Even so called redpilled macacos are dumb as fuck, the power of the mutt is truly amazing. Waiting for my turn for some mutt to say "you be licking them European and american boots, why u not help Braziu? Defeatist!" You can have your shithole, I won't fight for le 36%. I care about where there are still whites, I couldn't care less about the rest, much less delusional BRs with muh ame-o ou deixe-o. Everyone who gets a chance leaves, macaco. I won't lie though, most don't deserve it. Especially the kind that goes to Florida