The memes have taken control we are all just along for the ride. Cheers lads it’s time to take a white waifu, have children and watch the normies suffer everyday with distraction why we anons have happy and full filling lives.
It’s Time Sup Forums
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If the left cant meme does that mean the right has taken over?
is this the same girl?
I would nut firecrackers on that thot
property of mexican americans bro fuck off
wanna be nigger
I envy them so much
this thread's about to make me...NUT
thanks for the pic rad bro
t socal
unironically, shut the fuck up jerome. i'm quite sure that you did not have to tell us anything. we know your type's proclivity for raping white women.
god i wish that were me
my dick is full stand
great wholesomeposting user. hopefully the kike mods don't treat this as porn and ban you though
milk truck just arrive
pajeet wants his 2 incher in a white girl, dream on brownie
how big are your nipples user?
We shall see. I used to have more, non breast feeding wholesome white woman photos... I can't seem to find them though.
There are 3 things wrong with these photos
1) She is breastfeeding in public (or so it seems)
2) She is having a breastfeeding photo shoot
3) The girl on the left is too old for breastfeeding
The fact that any of these women are taking pictures of themselves breast feeding can be seen as problematic. But that is not the point. It is about getting the idea out there that white women, with white babies, "naturally" breastfeeding.
Impressive Akimbo Milker suckers on the left
anyone got the rest of this?
fuck off to a degenerate board.
>tfw gf has b cups
Am I going to have malnourished children? Is that how it works?
hate to break this to you user but we're already on one
you niggers ruin everything good
>tfw me too
I love her body so much though, but her vagina is actually too tight
a *more* ((((degenerate)))) board
Stop being racist user.
>she let you see her breasts before you are married
God damn!
Wrong, it's literally time for war and killing tyrants and kikes, You can marry after we win.
Fuck yeah man
>tfw gf has pear shaped body with nice ass
>tfw pussy feels so good I will bust in her within minutes
Good and bad feels
they will at least be a c cup once she starts lactating.
Make me
No matter how much you tradcucks whine and demand I marry some white whore, I'm not going to do it, fuck you.
4) Breastfeeding is unnatural
>we anons have happy and full filling lives
>those teeth
dude seriously what the fuck
Just be nice user.
Why does this board always post trash women, my wife is really dark brown hair ( basically black ), blue eyed, perfect face, slim waist, huge tits and ass, perfect innie tight pussy. Great personality, The girls that get posted have nothing it’s hilarious.
Because they are chicks being spread around on the internet...
Are you willing to add her to the corpus?
wouldnt put my dick in anything from california if you paid me.
nice leaf pic though, checks out.
Is your wife Asian?
Goddamn, when is she going to do Blacked?
you got alot of those on stand by brah. kinda weird, but also hawt
t. father of 3 yo
She's super hot, but word on the grapevine is she fucks niggers.
>Walking around half naked looking like a slut in heat
No shit she is fucking niggers.
>hand marks on the right cheek
At least upgrade the non-photoshopped version
Hope they save up money for the bigger one's dental issue.
Asians have 0 of anything I listed tf?
You make mexico the only white one motherfucker?
gotta be ready for anything bro. Congrats on the kid and (I am assuming) the wife.
this is a flase staement. you childless fagit
Damn. These pussies belong to the black man.
Tell her you can make it bigger through massage and nipple stimulation.
Burn the coal.
___ ___ ____
Ano can you fill in the blanks?
coal burning is a turn off you may be shocked to hear
It's a photo, don't put this on me
Anyway the whole Mexican cartel murder thing is a fraud anyway, I found a real photo of how it works
If you're old enough to laugh and giggle because your mom took her titty out for you to suck on, you're too old to be sucking titties for milk
I'll take a nigfu thanks
Its this easy spotting subversive kikes.
Remember back in the day they'd at least try to be sneaky. What happened? It seems like these days they just do it for the pay check and go home. Where is the passion and love?
i had formulated a response before reading your disclaimer. nonetheless, the 56er pulling teeth out should be tyrone or the {merchant}. in my humble opinion.
Yes, having a wife that wants to have children and breast feeds them is a kike tactic?
muh dik
though the ones with the niggers in them are someone else
lol are u jewish
Why didn't you upload whole video? Here I do it for you