Was the alt-right real or just a fabrication by the media?

Was the alt-right real or just a fabrication by the media?

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russian pies

I read news constantly.

Hillary Clinton used it first, in her "deplorables" speech, and the New York Times ran multiple stories the following week using the term "Alt-Right" which no other website had carried. If you google search the hillary deplorables speech, find that date, and then look for NYT stories, you'll find the first uses of "alt right", which is a made-up Leftist term.

>Hillary Clinton used it first
what did you mean by this

>Hey NPI what ya doin'?
>Hey Identity Evropa, what ya doin'?
Alt Right
>Hey TWP, what ya doin'?
>Hey League of the South, what ya doin'?
>Hey Identity Dixie, what ya doin'?
>Hey Generation Identitarie, what ya doin'?
>Hey Cascadia commune, what ya doin'?
>Hey TRS Pool Parties, what ya doin'?
>Hey Houston Goylers, what ya doin'?
>Hey Stormer Book Clubs, what ya doin'?
>Hey Atomwaffen, what ya doin'?

Whats with you retards...its a minority white nationalist group...the left coined the term for anyone who is against them. But a group took the title for themselves

>Hillary Clinton used it first
This literally and verifiably isn't true though.

Look into it ...its basiclly white nationalism for milenials


There is no "movement"

Don't you retards get it? The media created the meaningless label "alt-right" to attach to anyone that doesn't conform to their leftist narrative. Literally anyone. They do this so they can lump everyone they don't like into one easy to target group. Natsocs, libertarians, conservatives of all types. The media will call you "alt-right nazi" because their definition of "alt-right" includes literally everyone who isn't a leftist.

Stop buying into mainstream media lies. This "movement" as you describe it is successful because it isn't centralized and the media can't attack "it". It is made up of the millions of enemies leftists have made all fighting against them for their own individual reasons.

The media desperately needs a centralized opposition in order to destroy them. They need to find a way to turn the chaotic hoard that is their enemy into a centralized target in order for their attacks to stick and have any affect. They can not smear us. They can not demonize us. They can not intimidate us. They can not silence us because we exist not as an organised group, but millions of disconnected individuals all fighting to destroy them.

That is what the "alt-right" is. The media establishment has been frantically searching for a clear target so their attacks will stick. In reality it's quite impossible. Watch them desperately try to will our "movement" into existence with poorly executed false flag events and payed off figureheads that identify as "alt-right".

The left is being attacked on all fronts. They desperately need a clear target to land their hits and give their base a clear view of their enemy. Let's not give it to them. Being against leftism is not a "movement". All organized movements can be corrupted and destroyed. The leadership can be infiltrated, bribed, attacked, blackmailed and much more. Millions of disconnected people fighting a common enemy can not.

fabrication to divide and conquer that unfortunately for (((them))) people just said fuck it "im alt-right" ala Spartacus.

We created it because we need a bad guy.
And then we will flip the script and be the goid guys.
Yay us.

It was real. The alt-right was supposed to be a way to say you’re right wing, but that you don’t support republican cucks like Paul Ryan (D-WI). This scared the established order so they used the (((media))) to basically equate being alt-right to being some sort of nazi. They can’t afford to lose their cheap labor and their soon-to-be voters so they had to (((shut it down)))

At this point it's a fabrication but as far as I know the Alternative Right was coined by Richard Spencer. He's pretty good overall but a downlow socialist.
That being said a lot of figures in the Alt Right are shills or at least are suspect.
Richard Spencer reeks of glow in the dark CIA nigger despite naming the Jew and pushing for a white ethnostate.
Mike Enoch is Jewish. Nuff said.

>They do this so they can lump everyone they don't like into one easy to target group. Natsocs, libertarians, conservatives of all types
This is a GOOD thing you strategic ignoramus. White Lolberts, White NatSpergs, even White Blue Dogs are looking around and find themselves sharing the same enemy.

But he reads news constantly!

When a jew gives you a name, don't embrace it. Remember that next time you have a chance in life, since you wasted this one. Retards.

They were the ones who fell far from the tree.

Maybe if you're a normie. If you learned of the alt-right from Hillary's dumb fucking mouth, you're a Johnny come extremely lately.

I've been apart of the alt-right since 2013. It's been a hell of a ride, to say the least.

Is Richard Spencer a Jew? Mike Enoch? Henrik Palmgren? Andrew Anglin? Patrick Casey? Matt Heimbach?
>Posts long-debunked video from Prager-Jew
Alt-Hype among others made an excellent response to this
There are X-ers and Z-ers within our ranks as well
>Mike Enoch is Jewish.
Nice evidence


>Whats with you retards...its a minority white nationalist group
Lying kike. Don't use Pierce for your Bolshivism

i hate these threads that try to pose as questions but are snarky statements.

Look at him. He looks like the merchant meme.
Plus he's said twice on TDS he's Jewish.
it's too bad, he's my favorite alt righter but he's probably not legit.

I agree, but I was kind of getting the impression that this tactic had backfired as the alt right was becoming a respectable counter culture.

it's a meme you dip

>The alt-right is a real group
>this group has no association with Sup Forums
>this group also has no association with Lauren Southern, Cernovich, Molymeme or any other E-Celeb cancer
>this group also has no association with the humble water filter salesman
>during the presidential election, people like the name "alt-right", not knowing that there is already a group calling themselves that
>they use the term to describe a loose collection of right leaning people that reject establishment conservatism
>this is mostly spread on Twitter via E-Celeb cancer and boosted by Infowars
>the media picks up on this new term
>media finds out about Spencer's group, and says, well this is all of you guys and Spencer is your leader
>Sup Forums gets roped into it
>E-Celeb cancer back peddles and says that they are not associated with this Alt-Right group now
>Retarded rightwing civil war erupts on Twitter between the Alt-Right and the now called Alt-Light which are Infowars and E-Celebs
>this stupid shit spills onto Sup Forums
>media doesn't give a shit, just calls anyone Alt-Right anyway

>Look at him. He looks like the merchant meme.
Pic related corroborates him stating he is ethnically Norwegian and Serbian which in turn corroborates his 23andme
>Plus he's said twice on TDS he's Jewish.
Most likely he slipped up since he was thinking in regards to his (((ex-wife)))

For marching in the streets chanting "Jews will not replace us!" I'd say they're a pretty good fabrication.

OP is dumb.

It's real. Pic related. It's me.

I've been on Sup Forums 24/7 for the past 7 years. I watched The Alt Right be fabricated by the media in real time.


This. There is no “Alt Right” The term was made up by the media and adopted because the left wants us to be one enemy, one central power they can attack and degrade and smear but they can’t. The Alt Right as a concept is rediculous anyway, anyone who is right but not a republican would technically be alternative right, but that lumps in everyone from libertarians to commited Nazis to Traditional Catholics to Monarchists so the label makes very little sense. It is not an organized movement because it never could be.

OP doesn't remember when we started the alt-right

that's cute af

this 100%

Only good post itt

>getting pigeon holed into a label that literally has no established meaning that the media cooked up as a catch all term for "stop liking things i don't like"

The Alt-Right is a LARP group based around a circle of podcasters. They are pretty much an incoherent blob of idiocy and obvious abandonment of ideals in favor of normie pandering.

Yea With out their Leader they lost there way. Do every thing in your power to protect your constitutional rights. youtube.com/watch?v=CfjmwOmpqCs

But he does not know what it means.

100% "manufactured Opposition" best part is, they made it up so "it": cant defend itself the only face of the movement is Spencer and hes a faggot.

Agents decided to make an infiltrating group. They decided tgat Alt-Right would be its code.
Then a public sleeper group was created, waiting for the time to act like The Movement.
During the 2015 onwards, The group proceed to wake up as a mean to infiltrate the whole "Right" side of things.

This guy saw behind the Curtin of the media show.

It's real