>“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” he said.
>“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” he said.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shoot first, ask questions later
That's fine with me
This is fake news. Fuck off back to /r/politics.
Report spammed threads.
>Trumps own mouth
>It's fake news!!!!
The absolute state of nu pol.
>Trump says something controversial
>conservashits freak out
>Trump walks it back
>literally nothing happens
our guy amirite
i knew i voted for the right person
hillary wasnt gonna get anything done so i voted for trump and ate the criticism of my liberal friends til now
my genius 8d chess good job you fucking retards thanks for the help pushing our agenda forward
Looks like the next civil war is going to be three sided at the minimum. Constitutionalists vs. the left vs. Trump cultists
fuck off to t_d or PTG you fucking retards
>"The guns daddy! Think of the kids"
The left is so hyper-partisan right now that working with trump on ANYTHING is a betrayal, Trump knows it's unconstitutional and will get defeated by the courts and he knows that the Dems will have to betray their principles to maintain their base support.
It actually is genius when you think about it
b-b-but he doesn't mean what he says...
If Obama said this Republicans would be drawing up the articles of impeachment.
Fucking stand up for yourselves. MAKE NOISE. Trump listens to his base. Just make it known that this is unacceptable and he spoke before speaking. It happens. But he needs to correct this and reinforce our constitutional rights, not degrade them.
No you see it's okay because the red party said it instead of the blue party xD! That's all that matters isn't it???
she literally did the merchant meme hand rubbing as this was happening
This isn't true at all. Democrats will work with someone they dislike if it's for something they like. It is, however, true of conservatives, which is probably why you think it's the same for the left.
>being this much of a cuck
"The proliferation of guns in American society is not only profitable for gun manufacturers, it fools the disempowered into fetishizing weapons as a guarantor of political agency. Guns buttress the myth of a rugged individualism that atomizes Americans, disdains organization and obliterates community, compounding powerlessness. Gun ownership in the United States, largely criminalized for poor people of color, is a potent tool of oppression. It does not protect us from tyranny. It is an instrument of tyranny."
You faggot shill gtfo pol is a strict trump board you paid pussy reddit spacing using piece of shit
Can someone put this quote in full context?
What will happen if Trump switch to Democrats next election?
Fuckoff newfag
> Trusting a greasy fat fuck real estate developer that he’s only pretending to sell out your most important constitutional rights
Your back is against the wall. He fucks this up and the West is dead and gone
Glad they're bullying him away from gun control.
Sometimes Trump just says things. Thats all it is, folks, its just talk. He says lots of things. No big deal.
Damn, Trumps approval rating is probably going to shit now. Half of the people who supported him are jumping ship.
I Am. What a cuck. To think I voted for this retard.
This is just like the amnesty bill.
Trump - "I'll be signing it, believe me"
you're a fucking retard
ok but that doesnt mean I dont get nervous whenever he does this, and they have extra time on DACA. It hasn't expired yet.
>He didn't really mean it
>We'll just wait and see if he actually follows through.
>He's just baiting the press and the democrats, you'll see! 637-G solitaire.
>"I want to strip you of your firearm rights"
"oh, you!. This is why I love you Trump."
>Half of the people who supported him are jumping ship.
You CANNOT abandon your core positions for political convenience, I'm going to have to look into this deeper because weasely shills come to Sup Forums and mischaracterize the most trivial shit an attempt to undermine Trumps support.
>You CANNOT abandon your core positions for political convenience,
But the children came to him crying about how if guns were banned their friends would still be alive.
Doesn't it just tug at your heartstrings?
*Trump shits on guns*
-leftists, probably.
>hes only acting retarded srsly guise
its cool
its a troll hes doing
cause if its not
he loses the mid terms and the dems will impeach his stupid ass
>he loses the mid terms and the dems will impeach his stupid ass
I can't even imagine what Sup Forums will look like on that day.
Hell, Sup Forums will probably crash from the shitposting.
Guy is old, give him a break. I'm sure he just mixed his words up accidentally.
This is what happens when refuse to even try to come up with a solution to a problem. Now you have one of the stupidest leaders in modern history tackling one of the most complex and convoluted issues in modern history, backed up by a party that has no idea how to use government to pass positive legislation.
This could be really bad. We could literally all lose our guns out of this.
Isn't it odd how everyone is talking about this being a bad idea, as if that was the actual intent of making such a statement.
>Shilling this hard
If you want a way out suicide is always an option faggot
They try confiscation, we use our guns.
Second fucking amendment.
Well, he is in the WWE hall of fame
>Trump taking our guns is so based xD
t. /PTG/
lel. Pretty sure gun owners are a more tightly knit community than having pretty much anything else in common.
He's securing dictatorship.
Funny thing is lefties will praise him for this, after screaming about the coming tyranny after his election.
Nice, quality mental gymnastics.
>He's securing dictatorship.
Trump doesn't need to be a dictator. The true rulers (the Jews) are already in firm control. A de facto dictatorship.
>self made billionaire civilian who took on the entire democratic and republican political establishment and won
you can only pick on you fucking soyboy
>trusting the same media polls that said trump will lose the election
>>self made billionaire civilian who took on the entire democratic and republican political establishment and won
Trump isn't stupid but he didn't outsmart them either.
They just severely underestimated him.
They won't make that mistake again.
>not letting blacks have guns is oppression
>letting other people have guns is also oppression
Nice contradiction. It only took you two sentences.
I'm old enough, I only tug one thing, and it's not heartstrings...
>I'm old enough, I only tug one thing, and it's not heartstrings...
I think Trump is having something tugged by Ivanka...might explain why he keeps doing dumb shit like this.
I think you forget or are too new to remember how this was started, it was a thread about making the most hated candidate the republican nominee and aftewr about five seconds, we knew who our man was, Donald J Trump, President of the United States of America, lol.
We did it for the luls.
Hedges is such a fucking retarded socialist that it makes me ashamed that I once respected him.
What do you expect from a zionist New York elitist, practically a pro-business Democrat
I would believe this.
That's the pretentious condescending bullshit driving people to the right in droves you dumb smugtard.
I feel the same way about executing politicians, so it's understandable I guess. Execute first, paperwork later
Me too user, me too, but in our defense he's really strong on journalistic ethics and the first amendment which is why I paid attention in the first place.
>reinforce our constitutional rights, not degrade them.
Except he's not curtailing your constitutional. He's merely pushing back the legal age to buy a rifle to 21.
I take it you were born after 1999 like the naive eighteen year old that you are?
>trump's own mouth
>no video link posted
Here is the meeting where he allegedly said it.
I have not watched it all, so I do not have an opinion on it just yet, but here it is in case you wanted to sift through it.
I think I remember hearing it in my skim through it, but I am not sure.
honestly he said it in reference to someone like 'Cruz' who literally had like a small collection while also making threats during one of the 39 reports. That if the police showed up after you had made threats and saw you had guns...they could just take them because well..you blew you dumb fuck.
>second amendment talks about maintaining a well regulated (armed) militia
>court determines that all males age 18-70(?) are the militia
>ergo, 18 year olds need the right to buy arms if they are to be part of the militia
>Except he's not curtailing your constitutional. He's merely pushing back the legal age to buy a rifle to 21.
>Only SOME adults get to keep and bear arms
It's going to be really hard to justify the fact that 17 year olds can enlist in the armed forces and have rifles and be competent to use them then say they cannot own them when on leave at home. There should be a required training course for under 21 to buy a firearm just like drivers ed to get a drivers license.
>18 year olds can vote
>18 year olds can fuck
>18 years can be drafted into the military
>But they can't own a rifle
Fuck off
you're gonna feel real dumb soon
Not only did Cruz break the law by committing murder, but he also wasnt 21
They already can't own a handgun for some reason.
27 is when you become an adult now. didnt you hear?
If you are having a hard time understanding the second amendment, try adding the word "since" to the beginning. Should sort you right out.
>Except he's not curtailing your constitutional. He's merely pushing back the legal age to buy a rifle to 21.
Can I push back paying taxes until 21? if not fuck off. This is an infringement of a constitutional right, and no amount of mental gymnastics will change that.