Why does Noam Chomsky have such a cock sucking fan base...

Why does Noam Chomsky have such a cock sucking fan base? I mean everywhere I go it's just non stop dick sucking cult behavior as if he is a God and is right about everything.

Becuase rhetoric = propaganda. He's a propaganda professor and has brainwashed the weak

It's like he doesn't even watch Infowars, sometimes. I wonder where he gets his news. Youtube? Sourceless infographics?

The cock sucker used to code languages for the feds.

Why does Donald Trump have such a cock sucking fan base? I mean everywhere I go it's just non stop dick sucking cult behavior as if he is a God and is right about everything.

Noam Chomsky is a Jewish Supremacist with a following of brainlets. Far Left idiots are the easiest to manipulate. For them it is all about the "tone" of voice that you speak in. A sloooow speaking pace will also trigger Far Left hypnotic cult members.

They are literally the mental midgets of all society.

Inferior people love anybody who tells them they arent inferior

Maybe because you go cave diving inside your fathers asshole?

Far right adherents are just as retarded and malleable. Anyone who strictly follows one side of any political spectrum is. Difference between sheep, wolves, and watch dogs.

he makes you feel smart, even if you aren't.... people love jacking off their egos, nothing new here

>typical jew

cause he's a smart dude with some wise things to say?


not true

he's a gatekeeper when it comes to 9/11. he refuses to question 9/11 when it was obviously an inside job and he rationalizes the federal reserve when it's a privately run organization that does not answer to congress

you're absolutely retarded

Yeah it's weird. Lefties adore him even though he always seemed extremely pretentious yet dense to me.

Then again most lefties are like that so, eh...

No, everyone's just a retard. Including both you and me. It's a wonder that we even have occasional rational thoughts at all.

Doesn’t he have roots in the Milton Erickson school of hypnosis?

I know a few people who are into Chomsky. Seems to me that he was saying stuff when no one else was, calling the US and Israel terrorists and breaking down how the media works in "Manufacturing Consent." But he thinks the official 9/11 story and the official JFK story are true and you're an idiot to question it, so ...

Chomsky is correct about the use of language in propaganda the manufacture of consent - but he doesn't practice what he preaches as evidenced in his vocal defence of the official 9/11 narrative. He's a classic example of someone who leads people in with parts of the truth so they buy the greater lie.

Get this hothead out of here

Don't you dare accuse me of having occasional rational thought!

Noam Chomsky is GOAT intellectual philosopher currently alive. I’ll never forget how he Bitched slapped and humiliated fascist bitch Sam Harris on that email exchange

dumb lefties probably read books

Chomsky is one of the more devious kikes. He focuses entirely on the "atrocities" that America has committed and disregards the evils of any other nation. He's quick to point out the evils perpetuated by corporations and the media while disappearing the jews from the equation. He believes the official version of 9/11 and the jfk assassination because if he did otherwise, then he'd have to discuss who did it any why they did so. He knows about the satanic pedophilia of the elite, and he knows ther Jews are behind it all and he stays silent.

He claims to be an anarchist, but he does that without ever describing the term or proposing any sort of "anarchist" system, so it's a label without a meaning where he's concerned.

The guy is a turd with a heartbeat.

if you want to call him a greasy kike scumbag- [email protected].

soy boys love him for his ideas that have no facts and dont exist in reality since he is an inbred.

which is a worse case of this pop psy bullshit babble chomsky or chopra?

>goat philosopher
Remind me again how he was right about so many communist societies, like Venezuela for instance? He should be disqualified from everything just for his predictions on those societies lol

>he refuses to question 9/11 when it was obviously an inside job
You conspiracy theorists need to give it a rest already


Such a stale meme lmao

A vapid, empty argument, really activates my almonds there.

People have been calling out Israel's shit since the USS liberty, Jeff Gates was one of the original figures to talk about the organize crime that runs through the government.

>Why does Noam Chomsky have such a cock sucking fan base?
I used to be guilty of this. For many he is babby's first 'intellectual' and as the 6th most quoted scholar of all time people assume he's super credible.