What's the deal with him? Has anyone kept track of him or Wikileaks? Were there happenings we've missed. (Haven't heard of him since Trumps election)
Julian Assange and Wikileaks
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I'm pretty sure hes dead
It could be he realized how much of his life he wasted on the internet and came to his senses.
Couple weeks back, he took a train to Davos and hooked up with POTUS and his badass crew.
They all flew back to America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, drinking bottled water, and eating sushi, chortling heartily.
Julian Assange is dead. There was a huge uproar on Sup Forums about it like a year ago when they offed him for ruining Hillary's chances at getting elected.
6 months later he comes back on the scene but is really a double with plastic surgery who will never do anything substantial again.
i think hes a fucking scam artist and that he realy "raped" these dumb sluts. Hope they take him out just for the lolz
Except that's not him. He was replaced.
he ded. amen. i killed him, bitch.
unironically this
assange kill oct21 2016.
>podesta in london that day
>wl tweets about increasing armoured presence that day around embassy
>biggest ddos in history (dead mans switch went off perhaps, deepstate spooks caught it)
>heathrow airport has "chemical incident" and shuts down
>assange is "ill" from pam anderson vegan sandwich
great timeline of assange in oct 2016
>What's the deal with him?
>entire arsenal of CIA/NSA hacking tools leaked and released
Nah, nothing important.
Hero. Checkit.
How about the fact that edward snowden has been missing for over a week now.
Snowden is literally a progressive liberal, repeating common leftist lines.
snowden is a cia faggot. god damn nupol
I hope this fucking paid shill die soon
checked watching. already didn't know half the shit
He's been releasing documents about deepstate hacking tools, advocating for Catalonia and defending himself (with lawyers who get their offices broken into) in a running court battle in the UK.Sweden dropped its investigation. In the US, the Justice dept is still seeking his extradition, but has also bizarrely argued he's a media outlet. Was given citizenship in Ecuador. With rumours Ecuador would make him a diplomat to give him some kind of diplomatic immunity. 7/10 in fun since the election.
Bump. Where can I read/learn more?
i'll break it down as briefly as possible
>assange is about to leak damaging podesta emails (pizza level damaging)
>podesta and deepstate stop him
>days later nypd seizes weiner laptop
>deepstate kikes in full panic
>reopen hillary investigation, collect all nypd's evidence, issue gags
>quickly shut down investigation again
>media starts "fake news epidemic"
>even tweets from top dems saying "look it for a whopper of a wikileaks. it isn't true!!"
>clapper and brennan say russians "may plant cp on gov computers"
assange was about to release his october suprise pedo revelations. look at the video here
right here also look in archives for a series of threads "where is assange?" there were like 10 parts
bu mp
wow this is getting slid hard another bump
It's become apparent Assange was part of the long game by the Russians to get Trump elected, and once that occurred his persona was no longer required.
nice bump
I support wikileaks but here's a pasta i wrote about Assange himself awhile ago that i think rings true still:
the only thing Assange "cares" about is creating chaos under the guise of "the good fight" because "muh ebil empires" despite the pax romana, brittania, and any other era of peace ushered in by an empire that was oh-so-evil, despite never going after the ideas themselves and institutions which espouse them that have killed uncountable scores of humans through starvation or genocide. But no, America bad bad bad! China, North Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Iran, Egypt, South Africa, Congo, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico? Never heard of em. They're perfectly fine, they're the oppressed ones that never had any dictators or political turmoil that have put innocent lives in danger, and China never had or will never have empires!
He's indoctrinated by the bullshit postmarxian power narrative he pretends to be unaware of.
If America fell, he'd immediately turn his sights on England, because all he gives a shit about is making the "big guy" suffer because he's an exiled saint from a higher realm that knows what the cure is: just more fucking chaos. Because chaos and empire collapse never killed millions upon millions, right Julian?
Not really faggot, it’s because oh so close and yet so far- also the places you listed are very well aware what’s going on where they live. The west is the way into the future, and we need to bank on that.
He's not dead faggots, get a fucking clue plebs!
>muh Russians!
How does it feel to be dumb nigger?
From leaked chatlogs
> yo soy concur
who's the he
He is cia
The psyop has been put in energy saving mode.
Ever since they killed him during the election, they simply cart him out as a nice distraction from other real events as it suits them.
Everybody that questions Russian influence is a dumb nigger, got it.
Dumb nigger detected
You know he's in Twitter, right? He recently stepped outside the embassy to experience the snow before he quickly went inside, saying keep fighting.
>You know he's in Twitter, right?
>twitter is proof of life
>He recently stepped outside
>not knowing about real-time CGI
Here's a recent twitter picture from him. It looks so uncanny I don't know what to think anymore.
WL released info on CIA spying and hacking capabilities. Assange has been giving speeches and interviews here and there about their CIA publications, Catalonia, and other topics he's associated with.
Next publication is likely to deal with CIA media-ops.