Why is googly so shamelessly alt-left?

I feel like they are out of control. Like the faggots hand over users search history to the government all the time. But then they act like hHillary deleting all her emails is fine. They talk about free speech, but then they censor results and block pages from appearing. What a bunch of dishonest cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Every major tech company
Every major news organization
Every major city

They are all EXTREMELY left wing. People on the right are fucked

You know (((why))).

Because being right wing is just plain stupid. Once you realize that the world is just infinite levels of abstraction, systems built upon system upon systems, you start to shed the bullshit beliefs in racial superiority, tribalism, etc etc.

It's time to focus on technocracy. I know it doesn't feel good because it means you need to earn your place above other people, but it's true.

They're Jews.

Fuck Google. This is a long article, but worth reading:


It's called Goolag for a reason.

Google sold classified technology to Israel.

Eric Schmidt will be executed by firing squad. Fucking traitor. I hope all those jews get shot/

It's owned by a jew in the middle of Commiefornia, I wonder why.

don't use it
don't use their search
don't use youtube
don't use gmail
don't use android
you are the product
stop being it

They're evil. I learned this when they began to sort applicants by sex(sexism!) and race(racism!). affirmative action is soft genocide. humans should be taken at face value only.

>means you need to earn your place above other people,
sure all those lefty handouts are well earned, right, user?
you glow in the dark, faggot
off my board

That is why I only use Yandex to support Russian bots.

they are far-left marxist jews, there is nothing as "alt-left"



this is a jew

you'll be lost in the fire with the rest of them

The kid whose destiny it will be to lead artillery strikes on the google, twitter, etc HQs is growing up in america right this instant. How old is he, what are his goals, what are his dreams?

Because youre a retarded capitalism slave with a shitty dogma that companies should be morally decent and politically neutral.

Companies can do whatever they want and shill agenda that they want.

Any organization which isn't explicitly right-wing will gradually become increasing left wing

It's "control left" you fucking nigger faggot lefty.

>Because being right wing is just plain stupid.

how many dudes have you met off craigslist?

Technocracy? You mean like capitalism?
Crawl back into your mothers ass you disgusting pervert