Is atheism degenerate...

Is atheism degenerate? At least one negative effect of atheism is that it fosters anomie in society by destroying or abandoning the socio-cultural norms which are instituted by religion--particularly Christianity. Perhaps another negative effect of atheism is its tendency towards nihilism, since atheists are unable to consistently or plausibly posit a transcendental source of value, truth, and beauty. Furthermore, it seems that atheism is degenerate because it relies on incredulity, and an ignorance of rational argumentation, since the arguments for theism are incomparably stronger than those of atheism.

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Atheism is promoted by (((Marxists))) as a means to destroy Western culture, so what do you think?

The degeneracy of Atheism depends on the IQ of the Atheist.

115> : Degenerate as fuck. Usually a dumb liberal marxist SJW who is only following Atheism out of memes

116~130: Neutral. May or may not be capable of comprehending post conventional morality.

130+: Ubersmench master race.

>one negative effect of atheism is that it fosters anomie in society by destroying or abandoning the socio-cultural norms which are instituted by religion
Atheism doesn't destroy anything, calm down.


Widespread atheism is concurrent with an abandonment of religiously determined norms and standards of right conduct. That is the very definition of cultural destruction.

>The Athiesm correlates with nothing meme
Whether you believe Athiesm is the truth, a delusion, or simply the predetermined result of neurological chemical reactions, fact remains Athiesm* as a identification for other cluster factors, is great enough to bet on its stereotypes.

Purely from a pragmatic standpoint, it's dumb to brush aside your culture's attempts to find meaning in the world. It's quite arrogant. Religion is a really good bulwark against the slip into nihilism that comes with the suffering inherent in being.

Personally wrestling with God has helped me encourage more conscientious behaviours and stop doing degenerate shit.

You can't spell Atheist without Theist.

Think about that you faggots.

If there weren't Theists you would literally have no purpose in life. The whole point of an Atheist is to try to counter Theists and act smug. You fucks remind me of "Centrists".

That meme is fucking awful. Cringey AF.

Atheists are fools, at least agnostics can be reasonable. I normally abhor fence sitting but I can understand at least being skeptical of the existence of God; but outright denying it is foolish.

Yes. Atheism is a religion unto itself, worship of self and pride; Worship of the created, not the creator. Look into the case for Christ by former atheist Lee Strobel

Widespread atheism is concurrent with a ban on religion because it was forced on the people by totalitarian communist dictators.

From an evolutionary standpoint, one cannot describe atheism as being anything other than degenerate. They don't reproduce, they dull the minds of those around them, they damage culture, etc, etc. I could go on, but they really aren't worth the time.

I agree that it is rational to be skeptical in the absence of good reasons and evidence, but when presented with these things, if the agnostic fails to abandon their skepticism on the point at issue, then they were really just nominally agnostic, and were really atheists all the while.

Agnostic atheists are atheists.

Atheism can be widespread through voluntary adoption or through apathy and unjustified skepticism, not merely through external compulsion.

When you say concurrent, you're talking about history. Historically, atheism was widespread when it was enforced by the state.

I appreciate religion as cultural and social benefit, but I just can't get into the supernatural side and believe in magical aspect of it. It's not something you just decide, pretending to be religious would be just hypocritical larp for me. I have read the bible and had my share of church going in my youth, but I just feel no spiritual attachment to faith or emonational about it one way or the other. Spirituality isn't just my thing I suppose.

I agree that atheism becomes widespread when it is enforced by the state; however, since atheism can occur independently of the actions of a state, it is possible for it to be concurrent with declines in religious mores. Concurrence is not restricted to the domain of history.

Faith beliefs are required for revealed religion. However, it is possible to be a theist without a faith belief; there are many different demonstrations of the existence of God. Moreover, when one is a theist without a faith belief, one moves closer to being in a position to accept revealed knowledge which is generative of the faith belief.

Then you're talking theoretically. Widespread atheism independent of the state doesn't exist. The majority of people who support morals that violate christian religion are religious.

>is atheism degenerate
>pic related
typical inbred atheist

Some of them are a watered down or twisted version of christian, while others are jewish.

Reality isn't as it seems user. This can be proven through logic.
Reading between the lines is the closest people can get to a truth.

Trends in Europe are increasing, and in some places, such as France, the rates of atheism are as high as 40% according to some data. This demographic shift is fairly recent, and if trends continue, atheism will be widespread without the interference of the state. Furthermore, this concurs with the degradation of social mores in European countries: e.g. the denigration of Western heritage, low birth rates, and high rates of left-wing political beliefs.

>This demographic shift is fairly recent, and if trends continue, atheism will be widespread without the interference of the state.
Globalism and the anti-racist push against white christian culture led to that atheism. Both of those were imposed by jews who ruled those countries by proxy.

>Furthermore, this concurs with the degradation of social mores in European countries: e.g. the denigration of Western heritage, low birth rates, and high rates of left-wing political beliefs.
Those are all goals of globalism. Christian support for gay marriage and refugees shows that mainstream religions change to fit culture. They aren't static entities. When christians give birth to 3 black triplets because of their faith, is that atheism?

>Christian support for gay marriage and refugees shows that mainstream religions change to fit culture.
Not relative to the overtone window if politcal trends are looked at. See:
The center may move, but the tug of war continues.

How does this globalism and anti-racism cause atheism?

I don't deny that supposed Christians can act contrary to the dictates of their faith, but that is beside the point. The degeneracy of nominal Christians is another matter.

Globalism was pushed as the progressive or benevolent alternative to white christian culture. White christian culture, or at least the promotion of it, had a low key bad reputation because of its connection to Nazi Germany. People started to abandon Christianity because it lost that key cultural support, not the other way around.

You can tell that Christianity has a bad reputation if you look at how the mainstream treats religions. Other religions, especially Islam, are praised by the media even though they're more bigoted than Christianity.

Cute anime girl. That your waifu?

I guess the 1960s cultural revolution and the anti-anti violent video game activism in the 2000s played a role too. People embraced atheism as a reaction to Christian cultures that became too restrictive.

Roasting in a kike on a stick bread.

Degenerate is believing in fairy tales. Degenerate is Christniggers chimping their balls off over the Jewish Book of Lies and claiming it’s science. Degenerate is saying “Reals before feels except when it comes to Jesus.”

>fact remains Athiesm* as a identification for other cluster factors
Maybe that's because people who have those other cluster factors become atheist. If a leftist grows up having the choice between "bigoted" christianity and "progressive" atheism, what would they choose?

there's nothing wrong in atheism, but everything wrong with atheists.

atheism is intrinsically nihilistic
nihilism is degradation, denial is the ultimate source of degeneracy
a true atheist cannot answer the simplest of question, what is the point of life?

My biggest complaint is that atheists are boring. They say there’s no scientific basis for the belief in god and act like it takes an intellectual heavy weight to understand that. Then they demand proof with a look on their face like they have just won a Mensa debate. They tend to want to broadcast their lack of belief despite how completely boring these ‘don’t you even science’ conversations are

A good question for religious people to ask is, why are edgy young people increasingly supporting religion? Is it really the people resisting anti-christian subversion, or is it just another cultural rebellion?

Atheism is a word that should not exist.

Not practicing a religion is the normal and default position, we do not need a word to describe the non-practice of something.

I'm not an apianist for not playing piano, just the same as i'm not an abiologist.

Atheism is as intrinsically nihilistic as Christianity is intrinsically selfish. Christians' purpose in life is to follow the rules enough to get into heaven, sparing themselves from eternal hellfire.

Claiming to know god/s exists or don't exist = mental illness.

Being in doubt, regardless of belief is reasonable.

because the rule to not kill my fellow men is ultimately selfish
you delusional faggot
but if the artificial god, the state tells you the same it is no longer selfish

I'm an atheist but I'm working on LARPing out of it because I am fond of my genetic legacy.

Acting on atheism is for midwits and cowards. If someone legitimately loses faith, it is their duty to stay within the religious culture as a pragmatic actor that can curb the excesses of zealotry in their faith community and help design a better mousetrap so to speak. Smart atheists need to prevent anyone dumber than them in the faith for the good of all. Ideally only an elite few will be beyond this reenforcement, but at that point these individuals will be able to understand the necessity. Letting midwits lose faith was a mistake.

There is absolutely no claims attached to atheism, no denial. There is no point to life, everything you feel is a biological trick. Your self-importance is just that.

99.9% of all species that ever lived are extinct. Humans have been around for 0.0001% of Earth's existence, and we'll be gone fast enough. We are but irrelevant critters with a false sense of importance.

>what is the point of life?

Why own happiness and rational self interest.

If I didn't kill people soley because of the state, I would be incredibly selfish. I don't kill people because empathy makes me understand how others would feel in the same position.

The golden rule is inherently self serving. We're social creatures after all... well some of us.

Atheists are really anti-Christian.
They only criticize Christianity and leave other religions alone.
I would respect atheism if they would apply their skepticism equally.

That's nonsense. First of all atheism is anti nothing. It's simply the base position of not being part of a religion.

Being anti-christian is just that, being anti-christian.

I respect Christians more than Muslims.


yeah, good one. they're perfidious entirely self-absorbed slimy little serpents that need to be taken out. why else do you think they're rather on the left than not?