This is honestly scary

I mean I'm happy he explained it so well, but the rise of neo-fascist far-right conservative populist nationalists exploiting people's unfounded fears of immigration and diversity in 2018 is fucking scary.
Don't europeans realize right-wingism is pathological and leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Welcome to a world where intelligent people prefer Hitler over liberalism because liberalism is so shitty and hypocritical that young people unironically turn to Nazism as an escape method. My family fought in WWII against Nazis and now they see that liberals are worst than Nazis, so the purge will happen soon.

>niggers rape childs
>oh wow i didn't expect some europeans to reject that

Fuck off with tour totalitarian marxist communist bullshit you fucking jew pet

>have fears about immigration and multiculturalism
>told that I'm a Nazi and my fears are stupid
>I have some good points though and would like to talk this out
>told again that's just Nazi talk
>repeat a few times for a few years
>well I guess I'm a Nazi

How this surprises anyone surprises me.

cry moar

Not an argument


>nationalism rising is scary
You should be scared. We're taking scalps this time. Fascism and Nazism wont have shit on whats coming your way.

>implying the nazis were ever bad
I had family who fought them too. They were the good guys not us and definitely not Britain. Fuck Churchill.

This. They could only kick whitey for so long before they simply reignited their Amygdalas.


>Churchill was me bad guy meme

>unfounded fears of immigration and diversity in 2018 is fucking scary


>exploiting people's unfounded fears of immigration and diversity in 2018 is fucking scary.
How are these fears "unfounded"? Talk to a college professor about why they're doing this, it's because whiteness harms others when whites have power, and so whites in power have to be opposed because they are potential oppressors, and minorities can't do harm to other groups, and if they do, they're justified in doing so.
>Don't europeans realize right-wingism is pathological
In-group/out-group distinctions occur with virtually every group, barring universalists, who always get taken advantage of and subsumed by tribalists
>leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society?
leftist politics are revolutionary, aiming for radical changes in the power structure; the status quo is usually right-wing

The distinction between right-wing and left-wing is idiotic anyway, and if you're still viewing the world that way then you won't be able to see the solutions that supercede both sides.
I'm a folkish nationalist, if someone who lives near me recognizes that because we share the same land, we necessarily share the same fate, and thus working together is in our best interest, then I will work with them. I can't work with people who demonize whiteness and promote nonwhiteness; a universalist society cannot withstand tribalist distinctions

Even honest Rabbis will tell you leftists are the worst scum of the earth.

Obvious pol

Oh you leafs are truly one of a kind.


What is the name of that country that was a historical multicultural success story and didn't descend into racial/ethnic violence again?

Please, give me just one example.

Media cry about the rise of the right wing for as long as i can remember. The only difference is that now it's actually happening.

Singapore, India, USA, the UK, China,

Poe's law m8

>I mean I'm happy he explained it so well, but the rise of neo-fascist far-right conservative populist nationalists exploiting people's unfounded fears of immigration and diversity in 2018 is fucking scary.
>Don't europeans realize right-wingism is pathological and leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society?

lolwut? SAGE

So countries with systemic racism that need radical reforms

>Singapore has massive history of conflict with China over sovereignty
>India has one of the highest number of actual slaves currently in the world and a caste system
>USA created the concept of eugenics and had racial segregation
>ask the people of Tibet how much they like Chinese genocide and rule?

>leftist politics is the natural state of civilized society
Societies that fail time and again.

They had race riots in the 60s. They do seem to be relatively peaceful right now, given that they have such a high percentage of immigrants. But they are doing well economically at present and I'd be amazed if they didn't backslide if the economy worsened.

Had to partition off Pakistan, which is arguably more of a religious than ethnic issue. There doesn't seem to be much violent tension between Aryans and Dravidians, but can any poos confirm?

Are you kidding? The land of the 56% free of racial tensions and violence? Kek.

Instead of the odd Irish bombing we now get the odd Islamic bombing. Again you could argue this is more religious and racial, but the religion in each case also seems to be integral to ethnic identity.

When you ban Winnie the Pooh and the letter N from the internet you're probably authoritarian enough to clamp down on racial and ethnic tensions. Unless Uyghurs are involved.

None of your examples are historically free of racial/ethnic violence, some are dealing with ongoing incidents of violence. Singapore does seem cool after reading up on it a bit. But there's way more messes like Yugoslavia/Bosnia/Here whatever else splintered there. What would really curb the ethnic violence is if people stopped caring about their ethnicity, and I suppose by extension themselves, their families, communities, culture. But I'm sure you'll find a way to make them stop caring, EU souled user.

Ignore shill threads.

Don't enabe shilling by bumping shill threads