Face it Americans, this is the end of the second amendment and this is the alpha man leading the charge. Don't stick to your old outdated ways, take the Hogg pill and come into civilized society.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Hogg man
>meme flag
Most punchable face of 2018
Do you enjoy polarizing people until they snap?
thos kid is gonna go down in history
like the little drummer boy
what have you done with your life? exactly
this kid is lit af
Alpha boys don't hide in closests.
is it true that this kid already caved and went back to school?
based hogg
What no PTSD? Or any other psychological trauma?
>I had an axe, though...
Looks like OP wants the Hogg treatment.....
DELIVERANCE Squeal like a Pig
fuck I almost broke my monitor.
Lake, inlet, swamp or bog
All are good places to drown a hogg
FPBP sage all fields
Quick gestalt on Pablo?
Curved, serated, stiletto or sog
All are useful when stabbing a hogg
Piss off, Piglet.
Semi-auto, pump or sog
Don't use this to kill a hogg
Do not give him death by gun
Instead butcher him like a hog
He seems like a genuinely good guy, I get a fake tough guy persona from him , generally slightly unhappy like most young men these days I guess
Sounds like you have anger problems. A representative of the Trump White House will be by soon to confiscate any and all weapons that you own.
Also he doesn't seem to have any friends , the other students have clearly distanced themselves from him, but I believe he can hold his own
Aussies lose the Emu War
Canadians fuck dogs
Muslims rape the French some more
Amerimutts have hoggs
The hero that changed Trump's mind on guns.
Thank you Mr. Hogg.
>end of the second amendment
>also end of all the other shit
“take the guns first, go through due process second,”
He looks like a young Christian Bale with AIDS.
everytown caught posting a article about the Florida shooting two hours before it happened
When cnn gets sick of him he will change sides I guarantee it, he will be on infowars eventually
I can see it ten years from now. Say it with me Sup Forums
this is what you look like
stop talking black soy boy.
>>Anarchist meme flag
>>Want gov monopoly on arms.
Neck your self commie larper.
Why stop at punching?
One of the biggest mysteries if this whole false flag is which CNN anchor pozzed him. But it was probably Anderson.
Go back to twitter to use your ebonics self hating white.
The true Hogg Pill
Goddamn that kid needs a good punch to face. What an ugly smug dumb little attention whore faggot.
There is a new anti-gun campaign.
All people with gun free homes are putting a red bulb in their front porch light. This is to show the world how many anti-gunners are in America. Show your support by putting a red bulb in your front porch light.
If you don't, you don't really mean what you say.
He shot his wad, Got his 15 minutes of fame. Off to some Ivy school with a free trip. He will flash out fast.
David Hogg is a sociopath and is probably one of the kids that bullied Cruz every day and got him expelled.
And this is assuming that he's not a crisis actor.
high energy
Come and take it nigger
Rule 34 on Hoggy Style.
I would love to see CNN cover that.
>rule 34
do tell
Hogg man goes in for an acting gig at Weinstein studios.
Jerks off Harvey on a potted plant while El Goblina bangs Hogg with a strap on.
Heil Hoggler!
I'm with him!
Make America's Schools Safe Again!
Not even, this little filthy kike will have his ass handed to him by Wolfgang Halbig who wrote the Florida protocol for the Code Red, merely a matter of time. Where's the pictures of Swastika shells allegedly used? Nonexistent, just like any crime scene photos, surveillance or bulletholes in the walls.
if you saw him irl you'd freeze up like the awkward manlet you are
Do not reply to shitty threads.
Report them.
>the end of the 2nd amendment
Pic related is the end of the 2nd ammendment
he’s attractive
Trumpers have to usher in the thermonuclear war and a post-apocalyptic scenario first.
the road was not as good as blood meridian, since mccarthy became sentimental in his work because of his son.
>thermonuclear war
>ancom flag
Why are you always so routinely pleb tier? Thermonuclear war as a cause of civilizational collapse is no longer possible. Intercontinental ballistic missile tech is outdated. This isn't 1980 yo.
>the road was not as good as blood meridian
shit the fuck up hipster
t. Hogg
Did Kennedy turn into Hogg or...?
Does that mean Hogg is 25 years old?
wow i saw this posted around the same time yesterday morning. really makes my thinker tinker
Are there any videos of the shooting taken from phones of the students? I haven't been looking for any, but I haven't come across of any either. I'd assume there'd be several hundred of them since mass shootings have been all over the news for years now.
>self hating white.
um, perhaps you didnt see his flag
he is definitely not white