Why are young men these days checking out of society?
The End of Men
There's a thread on this.
and now you've been btfo
>men are to blame for having children late in life
>not women pursuing pointless graduate degrees and meme "careers"
What could it be?
why is this thread posted again immediately, every time, for over a year now
a fucking leaf
bait or shareblue jews
Kikes are indeed childish am kike married at 37
Because women stopped caring about what men wanted or needed.
So men stopped caring about everything else.
Men only ever did anything to impress women and create a haven for families.
If we don't have that? And it's not reliable anymore? What the hell is the point?
If women still looked and acted like pic related men would be out there busting their asses off in order to earn being with one.
>Why are young men these days checking out of society?
Because if they don't they become this.
Keep shitting on men and blaming them for all your menstrual problems. This is why we're making robots whores.
>Libtard flag
If your lot didn't treat men like trash, maybe they'd stay around.
Reap what you sow.
Well you've built a gynocentric, maneating society. The fact that any men still participate in it is a testament to man's resiliency.
Unjustly left czech'd.
Women being unmarriable trash these days is the real reason.
Stop making this fucking thread every god damn day
Because its their right to walk away from a shitty deal. They are still free.
>Working for 40 years just to land a used up 35 year old roastie. Then have her divorce rape you for one of her ex-chads who gets your money and kids.
>Never work at all; fish & play vidya all day.
Is this posted every day?
Women only want chads.
2d is better than real women in everyway
They can't admit this. Personal responsibility; they don't want that. They want it to be mens fault.
Think tank or university research group. It's been going on for over a year.
The same reason as the last 7893225597 million times you posted this.
>Women only want chads.
Explain this.
This, tbqhwyf. Not to mention
> rampant anti-white hatred
> gynocentrism
> unfair laws and court system
> zero appreciation for men or masculinity
> cuckservatives
> anti-male liberals
> education system is fucked up
> food, water and soil is fucked up
> automation driving down demand for labor
Tradcons have lost the argument. Once things collapse we can talk.
Why are you making so many of these? What are you trying to slide?
I wonder if they will correlate all the data at the end of their research project?
>54% blame divorce laws
>36% blame housing prices
>14% blame divorced parents
>90% blame the culture
>ect.. ect...
In conclusion after 3 years of gathering data on image boards our group has decided video games are the cause of men dropping out of society.
chad's an attitude, boy
shut up irrelevant hat of USA
Because of diversity laws and feminism making corporate America sterile and unfun
>men are to blame for women problems
can't make this shit up, just shows how childish women really are.
No one is listening. I've been here like 8 years, all this stuff has been known for nearly a decade now. Is there any change?
I used to post this kind of stuff all the time; arguing our side. Whats the point? Years of wasted energy.
Fine the socitey dosen't care about us. I get the message. Now excuse me while I fuck off and laugh as it burns to the ground.
My conciounce will be so, so clear when the collapse comes. Everyone here should feel the same. We tried, but no one would listen.
to spite women
Tell me what the conservatives 'conserved'?
I would like to know.
They stopped caring because they did t have to care. Humans are lazy. Why self improve if you don't have to.
L>ex fucked 8 other guys and frequently hooked up with tinder guys to get fingered in their cars and shit
>hooked up with a teacher at an elementary school in his classroom
>meanwhile threatened to break up with me one time for trying to kiss her in public
Women don't want commitment or marriage or families, they want a front to hide behind so people don't find out they're whores right away. Not to be some /r9k/" all wymen r ebil " pepe poster but most girls I know lost their virginity at 14 to some fucking 25~40 year old guy, usually their teacher, and then they hardly even try to hide that they cheat on people. It's actually fucking disgusting how twisted they've become as it to now be a societal norm for women to go around whoring themselves out because it's "liberating and empowering". How many sausages do you have to choke down your lasagna wallet before you sit there and realize that 15 dozen franks left you with a sad mess of sauce and noodles.
Go ahead and blame men for being childish, but give women some acxountability for going out of their way to diversify their cock portfolio
Artificial wombs will soon be a more efficient way of saving the white race than marrying a biocunt
Conserve modesty: FAIL
Conserve instatution of marriage: FAIL
Conserve christian faith: FAIL
Conserve demographics: FAIL
Conserve afforadable housing: FAIL
Conserve wage growth: FAIL
Conserve middle class: FAIL
What do they do? Just yesterdays leftist.
Hard to trust anyone these days. So the closest thing I have to a wife are actresses and porn stars.
I think I might be married to Sup Forums.
I know Bruce.. I know.
Funnily enough, I actually went to a political meeting for a conservative candidate recently.. got to talking with one of the guys afterwards, and was sharing a bit about what young guys were thinking. The conversation went something like this.
> Me: I don't think people quite realize how many young guys are falling through the cracks right now
> Him: They are just entitled
> Me: W...what? That does not conform to my experience at all. If anything, these are people who have been deeply disappointed, and have pretty much given up
> Him: Well what do they want? Money?
> Me: Surely you're kidding
> Him: Fame? Status?
> Me: How about purpose, or meaning, or feeling connected to something larger than themselves
> Him: No, I'm pretty sure they are just ungrateful. I wouldn't hire any of you young bastards if I had the choice. Given the choice between an older guy and a younger one, I choose the older guy everytime.
Let it all burn, Bruce. Let it all burn.
Because there have been like 18 threads just like this one today and they just can't fucking take it anymore.
men are getting pic related instead.
Kind of a chicken or egg thing in my opinion. My guess is most men are just asking, "what's the fucking point?" While women are just shit testing us to dominate them, but we refuse out of fear of extreme social alienation/imprisonment/reeducation. And Jews exacerbate everything. It's a fucking death spiral after that.
Just so. I'm waiting for this to be adapted for film. Of course, it has a semi-libertarian take on the subject, so it might be a while.
Most men do not have a place or purpose in today's World. They sit around either waiting for that place and purpose, or waiting to die. I can't blame them, we were born in a World where nothing means anything anymore. Everything has been explored, everything is explained to us, God is constantly disproved everywhere we turn. Our faith is tested like never before and most men have understandably have lost it and fill that void in with entertainment. Why bother with a World that has been tamed already by someone else?
why is society checking out of young men
not worth the effort
That does not mean we should not aspire to be more. Why else did we do anything the last 10k years? The goddamn shopping cart and easy life has ruined us.
Because there is nothing in it for them, more so for white males.
You've (with that shit memel flag) have made the following;
One when it comes to work 95% of the people barely get by as is, never mind saying up for a family, it is impossible to start a family young, As to "lul get better job." Yeah I'm sure the world need 35 million programmers, mostly as you want to hire pedro to do your work for pennies on the dollar.
2 Divorce laws and Social Justice, bitch gets uppity or starts shit or says she's scared and you hit her REEE MEANAGE TO SOCIETY TAKE THE GUNS! Also even if shes a cheating whore the courts then take half of your stuff give it to her, god help you if you have kids, will be paying the next 50 years.
Then lets go 3, being a white male, you are hated, pay stupid taxes but you get none of it, want section 8? Need Food Stamps? Want a public library or a grant? Lul White boi need not apply, but here I have a very good Jewish mad interest plan so you can pay me for your far the next 60 years.
This world is a soulless shit whole that adopted Barbarism against what little culture we had and gave us untrustworthy whores and no means to survive, never mind make a living. The only way we would be able to change this is by being the BBC, just go pure nigger tier, hang every jew, rape the wife, skull fuck the dog, shit all of his stuff, take , then beat the hell out of your women. Cops show up, beat them too, basically a full bloody revolution.
More important is why shills are spamming this. This is the third one at least in the catalog.
Why are they shilling this so hard?
>1 post by this ID
Move along people, nothing to see here
because women wanted to work
Trips have confirmed, OP is a shill
it's true tbqh, the modern man is a complete JUST case who is not even mature enough to look after himself never mind kids
t. 27 year old female virgin who needs some respectable sperm soon
the earth is already too populated who gives a fuck
Men have withdrawn from society because you women have ruined it.
Let men be in charge again, as it should be.
>tfw I'm Sup Forums
love you too user
Because they're low T