How do you get from this?

How do you get from this?

to this?

what is this?

That isn't COORU.

never mind. It's drifters isn't it...

>artist's impression
Very funny.

How do you get from this?



to that

why are you talking about drifters all of a sudden. Did something happen in the manga?

no, i just starting watching it


How much bubblegum does she need to glue that M to her forehead?

That's actually reasonably close to the original. It's still not the original though.


It's a coronet, you uneducated britbong. It's not glued to her forehead. The rest of it encircles her head, it's just under her hair.

Alter is better.

it's chinese cartoons, bro
don't question it

>How do you get from this?

Gilled de Rais, 1405-1440.

Here shown in armour that's an unholy mishmash of stuff from the first half of the 16th century, and a few bits the artist just made up on his own. That latter bit including all of the face, since no contemporary depiction of the man survived in 1835 when the painting was made.

Sure, the anime depiction would be further from whatever reality was, but at the same time at least there's no doubt about that one being fantasy. FĂ©ron's painting tries to pass itself off as authentic, whereas in reality it's as accurate as claiming this painting shows Abraham Lincoln.

>come in expecting another shitty Fate thread
Great taste, but I wish this show had more Greeks. Someone like Pericles or Alcibiades would give Nobunaga a run for his money at being a scheming son of a bitch.
That said, Drifters is on point when it comes to choosing interesting historical figures, and the Japwank is set at just right.

You shave.

>the Japwank is set at just right
So true

so Black King is Jesus right?

S2 fucking when.

How do you get from this

To this

Nyalathotep was originally a girl. Lovecraft completely misrepresented her in his novels because she had rejected him.

Propably not anytime soon.

Mad shapeshifter god.

Wasn't he like a real fucked up pedophile?

The same way you go from a member of the Order of the Dragon and a kebab remover to a literal vampire. Gilles de Rais was, despite having worked with Jeanne once or twice, deemed a very controversial man who was accused of child abuse and general misconduct on a spectacular scale. Whether true or false, he was seen as a monster and it's not unusual that this would translate to him becoming a literal monster.

Speaking of Gilles and Dracula, wasn't the real identity of Dracula in Castlevania 64 Gilles de Rais rather than Vlad Tepes?

No, it was all a set up by the corrupt Church, don't listen to their lies.

Crazy Gilles is just character assassination done by the papists and monarchy to destroy the reputation of one of JEANNU's best friends who likely never let burning her at the stake rest so they had to brand him a heretic, pedophile and serial killer. Would our guy Gilles be glad he wasn't forgotten and is instead always in his waifu's limelight?

Oh shit, these guys have just become ends!
What are their powers?

How do you get from this?

>one of JEANNU's best friends
Historically not really.

Also, claiming that this is a plot by the Church to make sure everyone remained silent about Jeanne's burning is pretty retarded when that same Church later on not only declared Jeanne innocent in her retrail but excommunicated everyone involved in the trial.

Furthermore, why would the French monarchy want to remain silent about it? The English and Burgundians maybe, but the French?

Fate =/= history.

Oh wait, you don't actually get anywhere, because japs are afraid of depicting the apex knight.

That's a nice knight you've got there. It would be terrible if somebody were to put a cannonball through that.

Literally this season.

When more of the manga gets written. So, never.

Some sort of robot spirit centaur is not a knight.

I'm greek

pay denbts

Nobody likes an ingrate.

Classic Hirano.

>you will never cuddle this
why live?

To this

>literally stoner Walter Dolneaz

How come when I posted a topic about Skeet from Jimmy Neutron (the best anime) I get a temp ban. But you can post a topic about some historical figure and it is all fine. Fucking mods suck on this site

Traps are trash

Needs more belts.

because your shitposting is unoriginal, and he's referencing the Fate series

How do you get from this... to this?

Edgy belts

everything right happened

See you in 20xx