So, Sup Forums, how do we save the United States?

So, Sup Forums, how do we save the United States?

Obvious is obvious


>So, Sup Forums, how do we save the United States?
Why should we save an anti-White Jew-infested country?

>inb4 you're a federal agent data-mining from Sup Forums

By opening up citizenship to everyone in the world. ;o

>By opening up citizenship to everyone in the world. ;o
And by doing everything the ADL and SPLC tells us to do.

>Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants
You know what has to be done. Trump I legitimately thought might be half way decent after the tax cuts. But with DACA and now guns, the time may be drawing closer and its too bad

Revolution seems like the only way at this point imo. However, what happens when we win and (((they))) still control us? At this point I’d believe (((they))) could engineer a revolution and still come out on top.

Take it apart and rebuild it.
Or buy a new one.

Your choise Sup Forums.

Violent revolution NEVER creates a better system. It only allows the rise of the Robespierres or other Jacobin/Bolshevik types. Going back to the roots of the country through slow reform is the only way to at least try fixing it. The ethnostate shit is especially retarded, but America seems to be at a point if no return. I would recommend that any truly European Americans return to the safer countries in Europe if they truly want a safe environment to raise their children. I am of course not speaking of France or Germany, but Italy, the V4 countries and the Balkans I would definitely consider to be quite a bit safer.

With pro-white propaganda.

The USA was born from violent revolution.

travel back in time 400 years and start over.

Mass deportations. Martial law. State Christianity. Eugenics.

Keep the pressure on the anti-whites here, eventually having them pay reparations for the White Genocide they've been pushing.

You don't.
There simply isn't majority support for anything that can turn the tide.
Anything short of outright racist laws and mass deportations that even include legal residents will lead to a demographic change that will put the Democrats into power.
Think about it, what realistic scenario could prevent this? Even if you stop immigration and deport all illegals, the majority of the children born as US citizens now will be Democrat voters in the future.

Buy a gun. Tomorrow. You reading this message. If you are not a felon go buy a gun. It is your right as a law abiding citizen to protect yourself against any criminal. It is illegal to infringe upon the rights given to us through the constitution. Criminals are attacking us.

This strategy isn't really working out for South Africans. It will take much longer, but eventually it won't for you either.

industrial revolution

we're fucked.
stock up.

Work out. Eat right. Don't fap. Stay literate. Win the culture war.


If it's darker than brown gun it down

Is richard Spencer going to be old enough in 2020 to run?

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing is patience. Bide your fucking time. Don't strike until it is obviously time to do so. Throw your copy of Siege in the garbage. We don't need another Dylan Roof. I'm surprised we're not all in gulags already after that shit.

Uh, at this point the slippery slop is accelerating faster than it would have if we'd had a Neocon or Democrat in office. Trump just suggested the worst violation of our second amendment rights in history. This shit is accerlating faster than I ever thought it would. In the past decade most countries encourage boys to become girls and cut their balls off before they've hit puberty. Degeneracy is at an all time high. Trump wants to disarm us. I seriously don't know where to go from here.

>accelerating faster than it would have if we'd had a Neocon or Democrat in office
>Trump wants to disarm us
No, Trump is just being a pragmatic political opputunist here. He doesn't want to disarm you, but he won't really stand against it either. It would probably be way worse were Clinton elected.
Trump is making the slope just a little bit less steep, but you'll fall into the abyss in 7 years anyway.

Don't worry about Trump. He's mostly bullshitting the deep state with his rhetoric most the time. When was the last time he said something that sounded catastrophic that actually resulted in irreversible doom? The dude is a master bullshitter. Let him do his thing and focus on doing your thing.


You sure that would work?

The lib states need to be cut off like cancerous growths.

Don't worry about Trump. He's mostly bullshitting the deep state with his rhetoric most the time. When was the last time he said something that sounded catastrophic that actually resulted in irreversible doom? The dude is a master bullshitter. Let him do his thing and focus on doing your thing.

Why do people wait until elections to choose a candidate? We could have stopped this at the primaries. Rand Paul would have prevented this

Rand Paul is not his father. He is a cuck on the level of Ted Cruz, if not worse. If he wasn't the (((msm))) would have attacked him as viciously as they did Trump. Don't fool yourself. Rand is deep state.

The lib states need to be cut up into new states. For example, northern California, where i live, is one of the most conservative states in the Union and needs to be given the right to secede as the State of Jefferson. The majority of land in Oregon and Washington is also inhabited by Republican voters. Make the West Coast Red Again!

i agree to an extent. Vermont is very liberal but has virtually no gun laws other than already existing federal laws. NH is the same i think.

get rid of CNN

It's the big cities like Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Fransisco and LA that subjugate the majority of their states because of their large urban populations. They're the cancers that need to be cut out. Not the entirety of these three otherwise beautiful states filled with mostly beautiful good natured white folk outside those five shitholes.

The point of the Electoral College is so we don't get dominated by the big city scum, but many of the states on the west and east coast need to be redrawn to escape tyranny and fulfill this goal. I don't know how'd we go about doing this, but it needs to be done.

true. best way i can think of is if every white moved out of the cities and moved into rural areas regarding voting (if we're to take the non-violent route)

> how do we save the beacon of degeneracy who continiously destroys white countries over and over for a century now to please their jewish masters
we don't

I've moved enough. The answer is to tell our urban tyrants to gtfo!

1. Gas the Kikes
2. Race war now

understandable. I live in a semi-rural semi-urban area. Hopefully moving out of this shit hole into the woods soon. Once DOTR and RWD happens, anyone living in the cities will be dead within 2 months time

At least he seems to care

I don't think he cares about anything, but his career. Regardless it's pointless shittalking about. All we can do is move on with where we're at. We have a Trump so let's make him work for us somehow.

We gotta kill the batman.

True. We need a Bane tho.

Kim Jong Un should nuke the coastal cities, and 90% of your problems would be gone.

Just nuke Israel and 100% of the problems would be gone.

Give us visas and get niggers out of the USA. Poles actually work hard for less money and we aren't criminals like mexicans.


Have you considered sending all the niggers back to Wakanda?

Good idea. Give this man a visa.

I lived in a Polish neigborhood in the USA.
It seemed like all of them were on food stamps and they would always try to buy alcohol with them.

it's too late

I personally think Asians are the hardest, and most diligent people out there. Im not asian but i know a hard worker when i see one.

why the fug does poland still need a visa to come here? theres a few other lesser EU countries that need visas to come here too

I know Ukraine needs one, I have a slavic friend, fun times.

Hard reset. 1476.

One star at a time

>it's simple
>we gas the kikes
>and race war now


>Trump I legitimately thought might be half way decent after the tax cuts. But with DACA and now guns, the time may be drawing closer and its too bad

Maybe he wants a civil war. Or maybe he's an idiot. Or maybe he's let the out of touch establishment people around him whisper in his ear.

I have a feeling he's trying to cobble together a new base for 2020. He thinks amnesty will net him a greater % of the Hispanic vote, which will save FL and AZ for him, and he thinks the tax cuts and talking tough of China (which he has been for the past few days) will be enough to keep much of his White base in the Midwest.

I think the establishment underestimates what the reaction would be to this type of gun control. They are going after all semi auto with no grandfather clause. That means confiscation. That's the red line for millions of people. I know most people talk tough but say 98% of gun owners give in and stay home that leaves 2 million people that would fight. What if it's more like 10% of gun owners? That's 10 million people. Plus something like a 1/4 of the US would back these insurgents ideologically and monetarily.

That would be the largest insurgency in history. It would be a fucking blood bath as federal, state and local politicians, mayors, sheriffs, city councils all started getting ambushed. It's not like most people are going to line up and go toe to toe with the government. They are going to fight like insurgents. Government employees and elected officials will just get got while they are sitting in traffic, when they leaving for work, when they are going for a jog. It would be pure chaos.


guerrilla warfare.
>take out supply lines (trains, highways, airports)
>poisoning of food supply
>nighttime attacks to cause a feeling of "i might die when i sleep, so i better not sleep"
>assassination of prime targets (weapon importers, military and government leaders, traitors)
>gun and run tactics
>long range combat to pick off small groups of combatants
>capturing of military equipment to be used against traitorous military and government
basically a war of attrition

about 200,000 republicans have registered in Nancy Peposi's district for the upcoming election.
Once she is voted out of office, they will move on to Fucky Schumer's district.


It's probably over. You have enemies on all fronts who want to destroy your country. Empires last for 250 years then they start deteriorating.

America will be remembered in history as the first nation that gave humans liberty.

>America will be remembered in history as the first nation that gave humans liberty.

It wasn't, though. America was almost always an aristocracy. If you weren't a straight white male owner of property, then you had very little liberty.

America will be remembered as a country founded because a bunch of rich anglo slave owners wanted to live a life where slaves provided everything for them. This nation quickly got hijacked by Jews who used the nation as a weapon to control the world. Until the Jew enevitably started destroying the country from within, like a parasite.

Why on EARTH does the US have to come to the "old world" when GOD gave them a natural water boarder? Take a hint Americans

its a lost cause desu
once you go black...

Jesus does bbc really taste that nice?

Why would you want to?
Sooner it's over the sooner we can rebuild.

One day this will probably be needed.
American terrain is perfect for hiding and sniping. Stick and move.

>If you weren't a straight white male owner of property, then you had very little liberty.
That's as it should be fuckwit. Once you move away from that your country is done.

American here
Truth is we won't lads
Think about the dystopian future we'll have
We'll pretty much be South Africa/Brazil tier
>2050. Federal agents are in constant shootouts with Mexican gangs in the southwest and with blacks rioting in the urban areas 24/7. Any nonwhite/urban area is a quasi-war zone

>That would be the largest insurgency in history. It would be a fucking blood bath as federal, state and local politicians, mayors, sheriffs, city councils all started getting ambushed. It's not like most people are going to line up and go toe to toe with the government. They are going to fight like insurgents. Government employees and elected officials will just get got while they are sitting in traffic, when they leaving for work, when they are going for a jog. It would be pure chaos.
fucking beautiful man