What does Sup Forums think of modern art? "It's shit". Yes of course it is but expand pls

Discussion of art is political, and is therefore appropriate on this board. If some idiot hot pocket woman deletes this thread, they will therefore have been wrong for doing so.

That said, I want Sup Forums's detailed opinions on modern art. Of course Sup Forums hates modern art in general (money laundering, New York jews, gays, etc), but I'm interested for more specific hatreds, if you have them. For example, one of the most consistenly hated artists I've noticed over the whole history of this website is Andy Warhol. So tell me who that one guy is that you hate the most.

Pic related is Mark Rothko, (((whose paintings I actually like))), and who is commonly held up as an example of the very worst that modern art has to offer, in every way.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're objects used for money laundering. Same with performance "art".


It's all shit!

Rothko gets a pass. His shit is aesthetic as fuck.

Contemporary art is bad because it aims to demoralize the population by undermining all the old foundations of moral, metaphysical, social, and aesthetic value. It is 'art' aimed at debasing civilization and the human soul. It is not even art meant to be lasting instead it revels in it temporary-ness for the very reason that any art that is able to hold some aesthetic value from one generation to the next infers that there is something valuable in historical continuity and tradition.

It's lazy low-effort autismo passed off as avant-garde

This. He really put his heart and soul into those weird evil rectangles. I think it's what killed him, honestly.

Do you think people would be better off enjoying classical art that promotes the ideals of the Catholic Church and its various evil popes?

Art that needs a fucking short novel in order to justify itself as art is not real art.

Also money laundering.

I also highly recommend the Tom Wolfe's book/essay "The Painted Word"


Since the turn of last century we have been deconstructing every facet of our life to the point of the mundane becoming art (Tracey Emin - My Bed). It went from classical structures being deconstructed: Impressionism>cubism>abstraction> etc... down to the very point of “art” being about the idea or meaning. You can literally see the progression or regression back to infantile ideas being the basis of art (human waste in art etc). Naturally a large portion of society is in lock step with all this as social, architectural, and entertainment literally degenerate to base forms.

how do you like this modern art?

Modern art was a CIA psyop against the Soviets.

>muh art
>pic related

Squares are prisons, golden ratio spirals are life. If you half a length to reach the distance you’ll never get to 0, just like an extended post script image that can be expanded forever. All things organic in nature have subtle nuances and the mind is astute in always picking up on patterns, but synthetic things end up like a grid, a matrix, a prison which traps you and repeats the same forever. I remember in the Gate thread how someone was talking about how there was this box that all the kids were all afraid of and I vaguely remember it too from first grade, it was like a dark blue metallic-looking plastic cube. The best pattern to look at and determine the era it came from is floral patterns.

>muh money laundering !
>muh degeneracy !
>muh jooooooooooooos !
Fucking hell you thinko cunts are depressingly predictable in your idiocy.

Low effort

decadence is our western tradition.

people who hate modern art are retards who don't have the ability to understand that modern art was about the chaos of the subconscious.

>you need to think about the colours he isn’t using
i could do that from home

It's for fruity azzwholes.
It's garbage.Jews use it to fund cultural degradation.It;s dumbed down art.Art is artifice ...made mens hands.Imperfect.Only nature is perfect.One jew will pay another jew a million dollars for shit that could be painted by a monkey.The jew painter sells more of his shit to goy for exorbitant prices because the 1st jew paid a millon for it.Arts are shit.
You can use it to get kids to suk yer dik
by telling them they are talented.
When they are not.Modern art is and always has been a tool for ppl like Rothschilds to pump up retarded fags ...MOMA is the elite shithouse from Rockefeller the bastard.
It's for faggity poseurs who thikn they know something that make shit and call it art
Dada sux. You suck
GTFO leftyfag

Thats just blather. Modern art was about conceptual ideas.

It's (literal) garbage created mainly to launder money and spread degeneracy

It's the exact opposite of what Art was originally supposed to be and inspire

It's bullshit.

Modern =/= contemporary

Performance art is for BRAINWASHING






It's how the stinkin leftists turned the millenials into the commie retards they are.They think they are "cultured".

the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.

Sorry you're an imbecile who bought into the bullshit.It's for morons

Any higher artistic possibilities for the west ended over a century ago. Now we can only have repeats of the same or degeneration

I love Sup Forums !
This is the greatest place on the entire interwebs!
I'd love to hug you all.Not the leftyfags.
I feel so at home here!
God Bless the Anons!

modern art is even understandable if the artist has already reached maximum technical peak before (such as picasso)

most modern artists don't even bother to learn the basics so you can't tell if their shit is bad because of their lack of skill or because they're doing it on purpose

relates to that one picasso quote, "it took four years to learn to paint like the masters and a lifetime to learn how to draw like a child"

Art is subjective

One might find the non realistic and colorful van Gogh more captivating and exciting then a boring ultra realistic Rembrandt. but I think we can all agree that 2 black rectangles on a red background isn't good art.

I think in every piece of art there must be a level of skill involved, and please more realistic doesn't mean its better

Also Art doesn't have to be a perfect representation of reality just as video games and movies aren't realistic, it's a way for humans to go beyond reality and realism

This. Also modern art is much less about the skill and much more about the meta. It's an older form of meme that isn't intended to be funny