This is a still from a movie. White and blacks getting together for a good time. Hollywood has a financial incentive to shoehorn blacks into a picture but do people actually do this? Not in my experience. But maybe in the cities. I think the races are much more separated than Hollywood lets on. Do you hang out with the blacks, Sup Forums?
How much interracial "hanging out" actually goes on?
I don't see it really. I have one black friend and we go atbit woth contradicting views and it escalates sometimes, he's very liberal and emotionally charged, but other than that I think races usually stick to themselves. Especially in today's society.
The only time I see the "black friend" thing is when (1) an isolated black has to choose between either behaving white to fit in/serving as the token black or living as a recluse; or (2) white cucks desperate for progressive cred of having a black friend coupled with nigger that takes advantage of that.
The blacks who hang out with whites are utterly unlike other blacks. It is a sampling error to think otherwise.
>Especially in today's society.
As opposed to what? 1950 when blacks and whites were best buds?
I live in one of the most progressive cities in America, and I still almost never see it. Occasionally you'll see an Asian with a group of whites or vice versa, but little else than that. It doesn't hurt that the only blacks in my city live in the southern neighborhoods that everybody knows not to go to. Even leftists really only seem to hang out with people who look like them.
nothing like that image but I hang out with a few maoris every now and then but they're outlier maoris
I have an Israeli friend.
I have a Philippino friend.
I have a Chinese friend.
I have a Greek friend (prolly would be best man at my wedding).
Everyone else I know or associate with are white.
I feel like liberals do this all the time.
Everyone drops the act immediately after college.
A group of liberals will have like one token they keep around.
When I was an exchange student that is exactly what happened.
After that everyone slowly drifts to their own.
$10 says your from Melbourne.
Whites, Mexican and Asians tend to hang out just fine. It's niggers that nobody seems to want to hang out with.
Please, jews overblew it with their media. It was a very civilized time and whites intermingled with blacks via jazz, blues, and rock. All this hate about the 50s comes from the jews.
no. i live in burgerville. mexicans, whites, asians sure but nobody wants blacks around.
whites and punjabis group up the most.
niggers, asians, and south indian subhumans mostly stick to themselves.
I take it your Norwegian flag is hiding a New Zealand flag?
I live three miles from Downtown Los Angeles, CA . My personal experience is I don't hang out with any of my black co-workers, but have with Armenians, Mexicans/El Salvadorans, and Asians. I've 'unfriended' all the blacks from FB.
You tried.
whites hate blacks for obvious reason
blacks REALLY hate white people, media neglects that.
Not as couples, no.
It's not rare to see young black and white dudes hanging out. Men usually get along fine with each other if women are not in the picture. Throw in a couple white and black chicks and you fuck up the whole dynamic with jealousy.
>$10 says your from Melbourne.
and I'll give you 2 to 1 he's sucked all of them off for $10.
they would like you to think that way. I lived in Portland for a few years and whites are with whites and blacks with blacks. I even ended up at an antifa party in like 2011 and it could have been mistaken for an identitaian meet up.
I have a black friend and a Filipino friends from high school that I still see frequently. No way we would've became friends if we weren't weeb losers who got bullied though.
I have friends from all around the world. Most are at least Hoppeans, if not full-on fash. Got a real fucking rainbow coalition going on. For all our peoples.
I hang out with a lightbrown-colored fellow from time to time but thats about it
In the Miltary? LOTS, you make friends with people that share your viewpoints, regardless of class, race, or religion, it's a perfect example of a common enemy.
I have a couple black friends and on their own they are all good guys. The issue is when one of their cousins, or siblings, or whatever wants to tag along and has expectations that don't involve go kart racing and paintball.
Other than that, I have professional friends from around the US and the world. Like most professional relationships, we all break off into esoteric cliques and talk shit about each other. Abdullah's or Raj's religion suddenly matters less than their thoughts on precision grout.
Most races stick to themselves in my neck of the woods. My 4 closest friends are black, Mexican, native, and chinese respectively tho. It wasn't a race charged thing and they know I have quite different views from them. I just consider myself lucky to have friends like them desu
Yes black and white people hang out all of the time. I would say it’s more common to see homogenous groups of friends though. Really it depends on where you grow up, go to school, and or work. If those areas are racially diverse, you’re likely to have a diverse social circle.
I don't really see it, but it seems less common here than it is in the US
This doesn't happen in real life. Even in the most "progressive" areas of society.
I'm a minority and I work in academia, which as you can imagine can be nauseatingly liberal at times. To the point, my white co-workers rant about diversity all the time while not realizing they interact about 80% of the time with only other whites at work, have completely white friend groups, and live in almost completely white communities. We have a single black person in our department, whom none of the whites in our department barely interact with.
I was talking to a gay guy about this(I suppose it doesn't matter that he was guy, but he was - so there) and he was talking about all these phony liberals saying they have black friends. And he said to them, "Oh really? When was the last time you had them over for dinner?" It was an interesting point. White people might know a couple of black people, but they're not "friends." My response was : "I don't have any black friends. I don't think that's racist either - it just hasn't happened. What's worse : not having any black friends or befriending someone simply because they're black?" I'm very quick to admit I don't have any black friends. There's nothing wrong with that. I also feel like I'm very comfortable around black people though. I get along. I'm conservative and my liberal friends get incredibly uncomfortable around black people, which is funny. They have this "I DON'T KNOW HOW I'M SUPPOSED TO ACT" thing going on. Um - how about be yourselves? It's weird.
Whites and white hispanics? A ton. Whites and non-white hispanics? Some. Whites and blacks? LOL. Maybe sometimes.
more common with the upper-middle class. poorfags self-segregate more in the US, this is fact. I’ve lived in rural new england and am now in a massive city on the east coast and this observation holds true for both.
also the 56% meme is kind of true, and knowing a shitload of multiracial people makes you used to not looking like the people you hang out with
They're black. They're the "good blacks." As opposed to "niggers." But you can't say "niggers." I've started saying "black trash." Just like there's "white people" and "white trash."
i had a similar encounter at a uni bar in the city not long ago. was listening to some common lefist espouse the same tired anti white bullshit. i grew up in a ghetto suburb about 20mins away and offered them a ride down to the pub there where i'd pay for drinks. i told them we could hang out there and they could meet the people they admire so much. no takers. they wouldn't accept free beer for a reality check. kek.
Is he an asshole?
Thats because poor blacks are total garbage beings, so who wouldnt segregate from them? The upperclase whites are only hanging out with at least middle class blacks.
Haha. That's such a perfect example. Also, I love your gif. I tell you what man - people are tired of the inconsistencies, they're tired of the double-standards and a lot of people are starting to see that their worldviews don't match what they see around them. Reality check, redpill, whatever you want to call it, but I believe that people like you(and a lot of Sup Forums) are the silent majority. Most people see right through the lefty bullshit.
Where I grew up there were no middle class blacks.
What's the 56% meme?
It's been proven that diversity in the workplace doesn't actually improve business. Isn't that interesting? All ranting about diversity and the only purpose it serves is liberal back-patting. Kinda funny.
"garbage beings" - haha
That's supposed to say... what?
Maoris, mutts, mystery blacks and the various Euros all hung together back in my high school about 20 years ago.
My group of friends went to an elite highschool and elite uni so there were basically no blacks because blacks are too stupid to get in to my school and university.
There are only 2 blacks in my extended social circle :
A Nigerian Christian doctor from my uni who is very nice and a another Nigerian working as an actuary from my highschool .
In addition there were two mixed race blacks. A half white hakf carribean abd a hakf Irish half Kenyan or Ethiopian, can’t remember .
This is out of like 200 people in my highschool year and another 200 people in my “halls” at uni.
So no among elite uk people there is very little interaction with blacks . This goes for the Indians and East Asians and Jews who are elite too: they associate with blacks very little.
I don’t know. I have one turkish friend. He’s a great guy tho, voted for AFD because he hates Arabs and refugees
I live in the Bay Area (God, do I hate it), but I almost never see whites and blacks in groups together. Friend groups at my school are almost always divided into whites, some asians and maybe a mexican thrown in there, the loud black kid groups that sometimes mingle with the Mexican groups. Although when It comes to blacks, I literally mean all black. Never a single white in the group. I'm okay with this, as long as it remains like this and they keep to themselves.
American goblins turning to white pride makes no sense
My friend is Chinese and I'm a mutt so it does happen, but not to as great a degree as (((Hollywood))) portrays.
>hakf carribean abd a hakf Irish
elite uni alright xD
I did in (((college))). My friend circle looked like a fucking rainbow.
Predictably, after college my life went completely to shit, because I was fully bluepilled on women, racism, and economics.
Now I understand why it all went to shit, and I am slowly digging a path that will take me forward through the social/demographic/political SHTF scenario we're living through the beginning of right now...
>Greek friend
>listed with non-whites
audible kek. Fuck the Greek.
Who's turning to white pride?
Care to be more specific?
If you were a true blue-pilled normie things should have gone normal for you
Read Jordan Peterson's book. It's really good man.
>the social/demographic/political SHTF scenario we're living through the beginning of right now...
What do you mean by this?
My black friend introduced me to Sup Forums back in the day. I returned the favor with psychedelics
>American goblins turning to white pride makes no sense
Why, does it anger you because you're not actually white, orrr?
This is evidence that conservatives are the greater enemy of the white race. You WANT black and white people to get along so they race-mix.
True democrat-voting white nationalist t.
>anti-racial profiling in order to punish white people who live around blacks
>pro-abortion so only the dumbest and poorest black people reproduce
Another race-traitor conservative. Fuck all of you nigger loving republicans! You WANT to be around blacks, it's the reason why you let slaves in your own house! You're addicted to NIGGERS!
My best friend in middle school was black. But I haven't talked to him in a long time (high school I think).
Hi Daniel! (On the off chance you browse Sup Forums)
Used to have a black guy in our friend circle of like 5 of us, but then he started selling weed (kek) and got busted a time or two
At the time though, I would never really think about the fact that he was black. He was super chill and still one of the nicest dudes I’ve befriended. Kinda sad that he chose that lifestyle desu
A couple nights ago a nazi, jew, kang and me hung out. Nazi got pissy because I talked the jew too much.
Most nights out are like that...and if there isn't a nazi present I'll be one myself.
i have a russian friend but that's more interspecies hanging out
not true i just want the polish espargus niggers pcik my espargus and cuk of not to mix mit us they are untermenschen
Conservatives want black and white people to race-mix? Fuck are you talkin' about?
I've only seen 4 interracial couples in my life, 2 gypos, an Indian, and a nog, all of them had orca fat women and I've noticed a trend as soon as they group up the creatura is usually on the way.
It's actually funny, the two black kids I'm good friends with were both raised by white people. Both are outstanding individuals; pretty much why I believe that black "culture" is what is ultimately keeping blacks down. When you get raised being told to work against the system and to screw education you end up a piece of shit.
Except "nigger" is black trash. A nigger was the perception that blacks were lazy, violent, and stupid. Is a black who embodies all of these negative qualities anything other than a nigger? Of course don't say it in public, backlash and all, but that's what they are.
Was friends with a white guy I met through steam for two and a half years. Things were pretty chill between him and I until he found out I was black. Had to unfriend him after he started spouting the typical Sup Forums spiel.
In California it's common for whites and Mexicans to hang out. Rarely there might be a black or asian but those two groups usually stick to their own kind.
The point is they are statistical outliers. As are almost all blacks at good colleges. Liberals love holding up good examples of black men, and there are good black men, while ignoring that they are rare as fuck.
from my experience all of the races can play nice with each other ..except for blacks.
blacks are just too utterly emotional and racist to get along with any other race, especially whites. though that said blacks also struggle to get along with themselves.
people tend to keep to themselves.
and by people i mean men.
women are just whores who hang around everyone
He said he WAS bluepilled user. Self-help books are the ultimate blue pill.
I was at school with a lot of people of that ilk who mock blue collar workers and decry everything as racism, even when they don't really give a shit.
Everyone has since grown into an equally retarded adult, basing their political opinions on whether their Turkish barber or the Asian in the supermarket smile as they give them their change.
Nigel Farage is a bigot, Trump is, like, Hitler and Brexit was just the uneducated lashing out at the people doing the jobs they just don't want to do
Hardly any of these people have more than one token friend 'of colour'
They want black and white people to get along so they race mix.
I have a Greek and a Persian best friend.
It's weird looking back but I never had many white German friends. They were all Italians, Greek, Albanian or serbs. And I live in the south where the shit skins are low in number. I guess I can relate more to them. Idk. Greeks are pretty cool people tho.
Why the fuck would i hang out with other couples to begin with? Retarded. This is the kind of shit swingers do and probably also Hollywood faggots who have new sex partners every year.
I've been working with a black colleague at the office for a year and a half now, honestly my view on blacks have been worsened since.
I see it a lot at schools lately (I'm a distributor of school material and maitenance), specially with girls. Boys tend to stick to their race a bit more although they get pushed together in activities like sports.
In regards of adults I don't see it often but it's ten times more common than 18 years ago and the pattern repeats: it's more common among females to have interracial friends or even partners.
It varies depending on the region though. In Barcelona a lot of women are converting to Islam while Pamplona is far more segregated and people stick to their race even if there's some immigration there too.