Am I the only one who finds this guy totally unbearable? I feel like he just hates on and criticizes political commentators that are bigger and more competent than him in order to grow his own brand, without actually having any substance or depth to his criticisms. I don't necessarily think he's a fake, just a cheap opportunist.
Am I the only one who finds this guy totally unbearable...
Other urls found in this thread:
just what i have come to expect.
>in order to grow his own brand
the only reason he's successful is because his ideas are right.
>I feel like he just hates on and criticizes political commentators that are bigger and more competent than him in order to grow his own brand, without actually having any substance or depth to his criticisms.
>israel is based
>his ideas are right
the only thing i really hate about enoch is his embarrassing infatuation with richard spencer.
Literally who?
Who who
Robert Paulson
He doesn’t think Israel is right. He points out the glaring irony that the nosebergs who rail against any kind of white solidarity also are supportive of the America funded jewish Ethnostate. I hope you really are a kike troll and not just this retarded.
I've noticed that a lot of white americans like Enoch have slanted eyes.
Is this a common trait or just coincidence? Genuinely curious .
Why pay attention to him then?
Just turn off the god damn video.
Stop your fucking whining.
All political commentators are shit.
He’s a Slav. They have fucked up faces.
lol who cares about irony? Israel is genociding white people. Let Sup Forums know when mikey exposes Israel for real crimes.
He's 3/4 Norwegian an 1/4 Serbian.
dude doesnt even look human
>Am I the only one who finds this guy totally unbearable?
You're not alone. I listened to TDS for most of 2017 and had to stop because of repetitive bants and monotonous redpills. There are better ways of spending my time like getting exercise and reading.
>i listened to a guy talk for more than 300 hours and it got repetitive after a while and now i talk shit about him on the internet.
neat post, guy.
Their low point was definitely sometime in 2017. Some of those episodes were fucking unlistenable. They seemed to take a lot of the criticism on board though and I genuinely enjoy it now.
It's an entertainment podcast so if you aren't doing other things whilst listening you're doing it wrong.
>hates on and criticizes political commentators that are bigger and more competent than him
It all depends on ideology and rhetoric. Most major political commentators have an innately anti-white narrative, and they make it known. I might agree with you if he didn't support figures like Tucker Carlson.
If you don't understand the point of that then you're not thinking critically enough. The point is to reveal the level of hypocrisy and mental gymnastics people go to in order to maintain their doublethink.
TDS was really good when he didn't hear all the quips that Sven had. Mike would rant for hours and analyze rhetoric like a machine. Now he stops every 5 seconds to address verbal shitposts. Their formula really worked when they were able to both do their bits at the same time.
Just started listening to him actually...calls people on their bs....makes good arguments...advocates for whites and ethnostate...noones perfect...i give him a b++
Kek tru
>in order to grow his own brand
The low IQs required not to notice what 6 month old babies can notice, ie, that all these fucks are desperately saying anything to grow their brand, is fucking amazing. They're all:
>race-mixers (Kike Peinovich and Anglin)
>drug addicts and degenerates (pill poppers and alcoholics, like most of TRS higher ups)
>lolbergs or fake natsocs/fascists (Anglin)
>shill for civic nationalism while insisting on white nationalism (Anglin shilling for Nick Fuentes, TRS and DS promoting gook fucking)
>they all promote fags and fag enablers (there is no fucking difference between alt-right and alt-lite on this, there are more fags in the alt-right actually)
>they are ALL zionists, and their excuse is "well, if we want an ethnostate, then we HAVE to support Israel's right to an ethnostate..." (you don't support the enemy trying to genocide you, period, end of sentence, you fucking idiots)
>they ALL counter-signal NS/Fascism while "ironically" pretending to be 1488 (this is so bad, most alt-right kiddos have no actual clue what 1488 even means, and never even read Mein Kampf, pathetic).
The list goes on, but if you don't see how fucked faggots like Peinovich are, lying about and hiding his Ane Frank wife inside of a 1488 movement for so long, then pretending he dindu nuffin when he was forced to admit his treason, yeah, you're fucked beyond repair.
I love Mike. He's awesome. I think kikes make these threads to try and sew discord among us. Because if we're fighting eachother, we're not fighting them. Why would you focus your efforts fighting against a guy who's fighting FOR YOU? That's fucking gay, quit it.
Kikes post these threads.
>I love Mike.
That's because you're literally gay.
>I think kikes make these threads to try and sew discord among us.
If you aren't 1488, we're already enemies you stupid fuck.
Mike Enoch is jewish.
I thought it was just some rando that op was talking about his phenotype
on the contrary, i think he puts way too much effort into having cohesive points.
Anti-white shills, like OP, attack the Alt-Right and leading people in the Alt-Right. Many shills are Jewish.
Shills spread disinformation and their goal is to make you question the guys who fight against the Jewish-run establishment. Don't fall for the shills' poor attempts are character assassinations.
If you enable shills by bumping their threads, then you're effectively helping Jews and other anti-whites. These shills want you dead and white women raped to death.
Mike lost his edge. All he does now is hang out in the e-celeb circle jerk
>responding to a seemingly innocuous comment with unusual censure and irritability
hey, Mike.
And here's the backup shill
He really gets you kikes worked up.
Thanks for reminded to renew my paywall sub
*the reminder to
fucking phonefag
He’s a fucking weirdo
He should not be representing anyone. He’s fucking spergy, twitches around while talking and loses his temper immediately and just starts yelling over people about WHITE IDENTITY
He sounds like an embarrassing sperg, also had a Jewish wife and allegedly knew Eli Mosley didn’t tour Iraq.
The entire Alt-right are made up of total fucking weirdos. I just heard today that Paul nehlen has a homosexual Jew running his campaign and he just appeared on the David duke show
Yeah I’m completely done with this fucking clown show. We need a new right-wing movement
You are not alone.
He's literally jewish, by the way. He's an opportunistic and egotistic faggot kike, also married to a jewess.
>He really gets you kikes worked up.
lol, you're the ones crying "REEEE KIKES" n every thread. But you know what, you can't complaina bout kikes while defending a RACE TRAITOR you dumb fucks, it doesn't make any god damn SENSE. Are you a fucking POTATO? lol
>Let Sup Forums know when
He has in a ton of episodes. You have to either be a drooling retard to believe he hasn't.
Or a drooling retard to believe this kind of shilling is effective.
KYS Kike
you're the same gay fanboy in every thread, and you'll always be gay
He is Turkish rapebaby who "faked" a DNA test to continue LARPing as white after JewGate. How anyone can look at Mike and think he is white is beyond me.
But then again, these are the same people who are telling me James 'Hapa' Allsup, Nick 'Castizo' Fuentes and Stefan 'The Jew' Molyneux are white.
>I was born with the redpill
...Has this type of subversion ever worked for you boys?
That pic is pure autism m8
>Being this obvious
Let me guess you came out the womb with a swastika tat Schlomo?
I agree with him on pretty much everything, but there's something about him that really irks me. He has no charm and is extremely rude. He's pretty much an asshole who happens to share similar views to mine. Definitely prefer someone like Richard Spencer or David Taylor. Also doesn't help that he was married to a very jewish jew.
>Everyone fucking hates you, Sargon!
>All you have to do is just tell the truth!
Does shilling against Enoch/Spencer/Anglin even work? I mean anyone ITT who is curious could either go listen to the daily shoah or go to the right stuff forums or go read the daily stormer or listen to one of Richard speeches and realize that everything shills told them about the TRS/the broader Alt-Right is a lie.
Nope but they keep trying. The shills are shilling against them 24/7 not realizing the masses are redpilled on YouTube
I like Mike, he seems super relatable and likeable. He's the voice of the common man, pretty much everything he says is something a man with functioning testes thinks as well.
So what? He makes fun of Jews.
This is my only criticism of TRS these days. I think the "everyone who opposes jews is actually a jew" shilling from the IT department at MOSSAD is bullshit, but TRS is 100% going downhill. It seems like more of a social club than a movement or coherent ideology these days.
Im ok with occassional banter and in-jokes, but listening to the show these days, I just feel like the "quiet friend who never talks" sitting in a room with a group of friends talking. They don't really run it like a radio show. Maybe some people are into that, but im listening to be entertained and informed -- not because im a faggot e-celeb worshipping fanboy who wants to be part of their drinking crew or whatever the fuck.
It makes much more sense when you comsider the possibility of people being fbi informants. In fact, the only sensible explanation for the wtf-ness of the altright eceleb scene is that half of them are plants and the other half were arm twisted into becoming informants.
Yeah this is a good critique. They used to actually research topics and have 'educational' segments. Their best one was on the history of blood libel and was especially triggering.
I think Mike is great and should have a high rank in the ethnostate. Say what you will faggot OP, at least he's getting the word out. This is the most important thing. What good is trying to have an ethnostate or defeating ZOG without getting the word out about white racial consciousness or the JQ?
Unfortunately for me I met a great woman with some jewish heritage before my awakening that i am still with now. That doesn't discredit my ideas.
Mike is intelligent and articulate. He’s fantastic at explaining our ideas clearly and concisely to normies. I’m not surprised there’s such a push to marginalize him.
Mike Enoch is the only reason TRS is good
Exactly. I can just tell they are tired and and overworked half the time, the other half they are clearly 2-3 drinks into the booze and just shitposting like it's just a hangout of friends.
They've been missing a lot of stuff they could be talking about because they just talk about the biggest news story for hours and hours and hours and rehash the same narratives several times a week.
Mike was 100% right on the most recent shoah when he told sven to stop doing the thing where he derails the conversation as a "funny le meme joke". Mike's rants are the closest thing to informative content they have. Sven is good too though sometimes, when he gets serious. Jokes are fine too but like its just too much like friends hanging out and not enough like a podcast meant to entertain and inform me.
They need to stop only listening to what their fanboys on the forums say, and start acting like professionals in how they run things. They need to realize that their "inner circle" of forum people are not representative of 90% of their listeners. Stop marketing the show just to the online-circle-jerk. Im just a regular dude with 0 interest in being part of the online-circle-jerk. I just want to hear good content like any other radio show, except one thats aware of the JQ.
If you are reading this TRS guys, please realize that 90% of your audience is not on the forums, 90% of the audience are not anti-social losers who need the validation of an online-social-group.
I like you guys but you're not my friends, and I'm not yours, and we never will be. AND THATS OK.
Start being professional and living up to the mantle that's been thrust upon you, stop making the show for forumfags. Step it up. Its time to make the show better or you'll never grow.
Strike/Mike is doing ok, they usually stay on point and stick to substance.
The call in shows need to change, its like the same handfull of assholes on air every week. And you need hang up on people faster.
everything is garbage these days, all I can really listen to myth of the 20th century and alt right politics, sometimes strike and Mike and even these can be hit or miss