How is gun control a bad thing?
How is gun control a bad thing?
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Hitler didn’t conquer. He was elected into power.
Wow you kike's are getting lazy
Because it takes away a population's last line of defense against a tyrant
>Pol Pot
The list goes on
Leaving a government in checked means they can run wild, and they will
Its a pic for normal fags
How is it a good thing?
He conquered countries with disarmed citizens.
Hitler relaxed the gun laws of the Weimar Republic.
They only restricted them further for kikes and other non-germans because when you're an ethnic nationalist... why would you allow a fifth column to arm themselves in your home?
>He was elected into power
No he wasn't. He came into power when Hindenburg died and then called a state of emergency when the Reichstag burned down, giving himself dictatorial powers. Hitler never got enough votes to be elected.
I mean he kinda was, He had so much power and support in the parliament that the president and his lackeys thought it would be smart to appoint him chancellor because they thought they could control him. They were obviously wrong.
Still wasn't elected into power. He had a lot of votes, but not enough to actually be elected.
But enough to have a substantial sway and support system which in turn made him chancellor. It wasn't an insurrection, much more close to being elected than actually seizing power.
Still doesn't justify saying he was elected. He wasn't.
But he didn't seize power either, wouldn't it be easier to say he was elected because the process was much closer and relied on a democratic series of actions? I know some of you are actually autistic but come on
Except he did seize power.
Okay, step by step explain how he seized power
The death of Hindenburg, and the recent Communist terror attack on the Reichstag, gave him the opportunity for him to use a legal loophole to grant himself dictatorial powers without any sort of democratic involvement. He wasn't granted power by the people, which is what you imply when you say he was "elected".
Right but the people got him to the position where he could take advantage of the reichstag burning down and hidenburgs death
The KPD was about as large as the NSDAP at the time. Would you say that they were elected into power had a communist done the same as Hitler?
Yes the people that elected them would have greatly helped them get to a position where they could be appointed chancellor and have actual power
The NSDAP said it them selves that an actual insurrection and violent overthrow of a government wouldn't work after their first attempt which landed Hitler in jail, so after that they specifically focused on getting seats and power in parliament which elevated their leader Adolf Hitler to the point where he could make drastic strides in taking over the nation
88% people voted for hitler
Our government harbors criminals and traitors who need to be cleaned out, it may not have our guns, in fact that is the very reason we are supposed to have them.
Hitler never disarmed German citizens.
>Hitler was BASED he took the guns from the deplorable jews!!!!
Today you are the jews, retards.