I was politically ignorant in 2012 -- how the fuck did this guy lose to Obama?
I was politically ignorant in 2012 -- how the fuck did this guy lose to Obama?
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It was by far the most milquetoast candidate the GOP could have put forward
Also he was a mormon which kind of killed the religious vote a bit
He was never meant to win, Obama was the Hillary of the time.
I was a teen during the election but I knew all about Obama, couldn't tell you shit about Mitt.
>politically ignorant
more like under 12 years old
>binders full of women
>muh 47% dont pay taxes
It was: Obama vs Mormon Obama
Bush's jew wars
Binders full of bitches.
I hate that snake but mormons are brain washed enough to put him in the senate
He lost for the same reason the Washington Generals lose to the Harlem Globetrotters, he didn't try and he was just there to help Obama set up an easy win.
Fell for all the same shit every conservative usually does. He accepted the premise of the charge the liberals always make... that we are racist, sexist bigot homophobes. Had no idea WHO we are dealing with. These people are not our friends, you can't make peace with them. You can't negotiate with them. They hate us and we need to act accordingly. They are the enemy.
He was a pushover and made the assumtion Americans all think like politicians or busniness men when in reality theyre dumber than a bag of bricks.
Also a lot of niggers voted
He was a HORRIBLE politician. Plainest blandest republican ever.
Also did Obamacare before Obama did..
He was mean to a dog once
Also he's a fucking Mexican immigrant anchor baby
Obama is black.
>Corporations are people, my friend.
MUH Binders of Women.
Romney is what happens when the Repubs tried playing down to the Dems level.
We wuz chill with R-Money.
He tried to play it too safe thinking it would counter Obama's controversial admin, and was murdered when the leaked video came out shattering the squeaky clean image he tried to make.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
He got hamfisted into being labelled as Bush 2.0, and the media sucked Obamas dick, and Romney didnt fight hard enough in the closing weeks.
too competent for office
we gotta draw the line somewhere
he was a flawless as far as traditional republican candidates go
Uninspiring boring neocon
First farm tool in chief was a very hard offer for normies to turn down, amazing how the first hole in chief didn't make it so I bet they will try using a Chink or something similar for 2020. Romney was also a shitty candidate.
And all that nigger had to do was carpetbag his way to Utah.
Good guy. Ran at the wrong time. He's the only one that could have wrested away the RNC vote from Trump in 2016.
Because he was an inept, extremely wealthy socially disconnected, and largely unlikable stiff.
Obama sang some R&B. Look it up, he as just kind of cool about it. Then look up what Mitt did. He didn't really want the job, he was just they least awful the right could pull out of its ass.
Also, the tea party was antifa 1.0
nobody likes antifa, whether they're pissed off rednecks, or liberal hippie douces.
He was un-charismatic to the average american voter in comparison to Obama
Figure this, Trump succeeded where this guy failed.
He was too clean, too robotic, much like Hillary was.
Obama and Trump were succeeded because they had characters.
Low energy heretic
he has stuff leak that Trump would say in a debate and own it
>he wasn't tough enough
M*rmons aren't people
No one wants mean boss daddy romney.
fun boss daddy trump is fine tho.
not conservative enough to motivate conservatives to vote
meanwhile obama had adopted the stance of independents who wanted someone like ron paul
of course he completely lied about all of that shit and thats why we now hate niggers
>Sup Forums supported a mormon
Never not funny
>republicans wail against obamacare
>primary elects mittens that did obamacare aka romney care in mass.
>says it was different, but it wasnt
Rmoney wasn't exactly inspiring after a decade of bullshit war and terror.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan handed Obama his second term. Not only is Romney a weak and ineffective candidate but Romney could not handle 2012 media. Post 2016 election media would rip Romney a new asshole.
"Decoding Mitt Romney’s ‘1 percent’ rhetoric"
"Why Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comment was so bad"
"Romney’s 47% comment named quote of the year"
Based Romney
The trees are just the right height!
Quit Sup Forums neocon boomer scum, Trump would have stream rolled him like the rest.
You forgot one user.
Obama had the memes.
Vote tampering mostly. And Romney threw it just like Kerry threw it to bush. Theater.
turn out, particularly the hispanic vote
Don't forget every kid and parent in the nation watched Obongo shoot hoops with kids and be funny on the late night comedy shows, dur de fucking hur.
Now every president is required to do this stupid shit.
It's hard to vote for a guy when you pretty much know for a fact that he secretly believes he's under a spiritual mandate to try to rule Earth.
"Yes we can" was a lie. It would have been far more accurate to say "no we're not".
Obama won because white people finally got their chance to prove (mostly to themselves) that they weren't racist like they had been being accused of and socially engineered to believe the previous 30 years. Many of them desperately needed to feel that. We all paid the price. Hope it was worth it, you dumbfucks.
"True believer: How Mitt Romney shows the strength of his religious passion... by wearing special Mormon underwear"
he was ahead of his time in regards to blaming everything on the Russians
Don't forget the nigger baby.
Considering the Democrats insane blame Russia hysteria it is strange to watch Obama in 2012 call out Romney on blaming Russia.
M*rmons aren't CHRISTian you fagget
All I remember back then was that he was a Mormon. I thought they were the people who believed the thing about the tablets being revealed to some guy and shitting all over what Christ said in the Bible so I wasn't excited about him. I was 18 or so, sorry for being so uninformed, but I probably wasn't the only one, Mormonism was looked at as too far outside of the palatable mainstream.
I had never lived around blacks at that point so I only disliked obama for being a dem. I didn't have white guilt but I knew a lot of people that did, they thought that showing that we really do care about blacks and elevating them to a high position would satisfy them and quench their shame/make blacks finally go to school and stop committing crimes if only they felt truly welcome. So it's more that people wanted obama than they didn't want Romney.
I didn't really understand why his 47% of the country doesn't work comment drew outrage. It was true. Didn't he want to help those struggling people get jobs and resources to live comfortable lives? Does anyone remember how it was spun in the media to be a bad thing?
What the fuck is wrong with the dues in the back? Blondie on the left looks like he's got that Eric Trump hapsburg lip. Everyone else looks like they got hit with a shovel.
Do you mean that the members of the inside part of the Politcally Correct tyranny would actually lie? Oh, no. What if they're actually lying constantly and not telling the truth about anything?!
*inside party
Obama was black, also nobody likes a Mormon.
>takes your burger off your plate and starts eating it
>"What are you gonna do, soyboy?"
Well, what do you do?
>Well, what do you do?
Pull that fucker out of his seat and rip his magic Mormon underwear off and kick his ass all the way out into the parking lot for handing Obama a second term.
Destroyed Obama in the first debate then he just didn't give a shit in the second and third debate.
Obama had a script, not character
timid cuck. Too afraid of being racist.
#metoo'd by "binders full of women."
I hate how the left has cucked white men, white conservatives in politics to fight with both hands tied behind their back.
They bitch and complain about Trump, Trump only won because GOP is full of white cucks without balls.
he strapped the family dog on the top of his car and drove through a car wash. that’s pretty commie tier shit.
The young
The minorities
Manufactured White guilt
And a mellow candidate who rolled over to the media.
The majority of people i knew, regardless of ethnicity voted for obama both times because "first black president? Neat."
That, and all the obama era economic fucking was designed to become active in 2013, so the 4 years of media dick riding, and general feeling that "i dont feel like i've been fucked yet", handed kikongo the election.
His approval ratings tanked accordingly, but when 60% of the country is retarded, It was not at all surprising.
Here we are in 2018 with the repub congress and senate blowing everything all over again.
>Also, the tea party was antifa 1.0
Such a lie. Show me some people that got bike locked by tea party folk. Show me some dumpsters set on fire or freeways blocked by the tea party. Tea party are mostly grown ups that are tired of seeing their tax money support welfare queens and gender reassignment surgery. Some of them are goofy as fuck with their get ups but stop lying you massive faggot. If s ever actually htf, they are the ones that will be shooting looters with short, controlled bursts.
the tea party was the libertarian-ish "alt right" or resistance to Obama.
And yet if trump
Said this we would find it hilarious in a positive way, and spam the memes
A lot of retards/underages in this thread.
He got MSM'd. James O Keefe proved in 2016 the 47% of people don't pay taxes comment was leaked thanks to the DNC. The media was shilling hard for Obama like they did with Hillary and Romney received similar treatment like Trump (obviously Trump got it magnitudes worse).
Basically was a demonization of Romney like he was some kind of Ron Paul dude that wanted to destroy muh Obamacare, wanted to destroy food stamps, according to the media and Hollywood shills. The slandering machine of the MSM was on fukk force and even thought they couldn't dig as much as they did with Trump, the lies stayed. Nigggers for example didn't vote for him despiten him being Obama lite. He's still got a lot of votes in the end.
1. Romney was the absolute last choice during the primary. Nobody wanted him but no candidate had a large enough following to overthrow the establishment.
2. Obama used the IRS to kneecap Republican fundraising.
3. Romney is/was a pussy who never punched back at the media.
same reason McCuck failed. he was chosen to lose.
White women
Fuck off leaf
You're a fucking tard who's obviously too young to remember politics circa 2010. Calling the fucking Tea Party "antifa" proves it.
He was already losing ground and then someone got a recording of him calling the average American voter 'a retarded peasant who will vote for me because we tell them to'. Or something along those lines. I'm pretty sure he lost whole percentages that night.
>Republicans run Wall Street tycoon
>America recovering from recession where wall street tycoons went bankrupt and had to be bailed out
Mitt was a likeable figure but at the end of the day his only message was relevant towards business entrepreneurs and there weren't enough of those to carry him through an election.
by being mormon
Yeah, they're white.
he's a mormon not a jew
He would have started World War 3 over Iran
this guy looks like he enjoys calling shotguns boomsticks
That’s what did it in for me right there. Fucking, limp dicked, NEOCON, two faced, WISHY WASHY, cocksucker rat fucking bastard. Fuck you Mitt!
I love Utah, I love the nature, the people (m*rmons included) are great, the economy is strong, there’s a low cost of living. It’s great. I don’t know what Mormon Republicans problem is. They’re like retarded hangers-on
I wouldn't say Obama was the Hillary of the time
Romney was still establishment af and Obama was nowhere near as far left as he is today
To this day I still don't get the liberal meltdown over his 47% comment. I was in college in 2012 and had several libfag acquaintances who took part in the mass hysteria yet were completely unable to articulate why it was warranted
>Wow user, can you believe Mitt Romney said that 47% of Americans don't pay tax?
He's factually correct though
>But you shouldn't say that sort of thing if you're running for president!
But 47% of Americans literally don't pay a net federal income tax
>Yeah but he basically said those people don't matter. He wants to be President but only cares about half the country.
No, he simply meant that people who don't pay tax aren't going to care about his ideas for tax reform
>Well he should be reaching out to those people instead of pushing them away
Saving the white race. Good.
Well fuck
he can speak french, this was his downfall
he lost because people like me who vote in every election knew he was a pos